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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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as a response for you ape (sorry the quote got lost somewhere along the way)

The gambit I was referring to was partly a referral to the kivam thing but most just a mildly - to highly elaborate plan scum could come up with



Thank you for answering without answering.


Solimind asked "doesn't all scum claim town?" and you replied "unless they are playing a gambit we haven't thought of".


Scum is never going to claim anything other than town. The fact you implied otherwise is stupid, no offense. Now scum won't always claim vanilla town, but they are always going to claim town... and its got nothing to do with any sort of gambit. Its the most basic premise of mafia. The bad guys claim to be good guys. Period.


I took how you responded to Solimind as a nudge on the Wombat train... and the other posts you had around his train were excuses for you not to be voting him.

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Final Vote Count


Wombat (7): CTM, Turin, Heart, Ape, Ithi, Kae, Talya

CTM (2): Wombat, Des

Locke (1): Tina




Not voting: Smiley, Locke, Solimind


With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.


Y'all have to wait just a bit for a scene. Busy at work right now.

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I already made my smallish case on CTM. He pushed a scummy reveal plan and seems to think that just because someone claims a character, that makes them clear. Furthermore he seems to be bitching about the fact that character reveals are allowed, which seems like a scum move to me. Go back and read. I would also be willing to vote Turin.


Yes, I think people are clear if they have a character from movie that was clearly town alIgned + I wasn't bitching about charcuterie reveals , quite the opposite in fact.. I was trying to use the fact that they are allowed to towns advantage

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as a response for you ape (sorry the quote got lost somewhere along the way)

The gambit I was referring to was partly a referral to the kivam thing but most just a mildly - to highly elaborate plan scum could come up with



Thank you for answering without answering.


Solimind asked "doesn't all scum claim town?" and you replied "unless they are playing a gambit we haven't thought of".


Scum is never going to claim anything other than town. The fact you implied otherwise is stupid, no offense. Now scum won't always claim vanilla town, but they are always going to claim town... and its got nothing to do with any sort of gambit. Its the most basic premise of mafia. The bad guys claim to be good guys. Period.


I took how you responded to Solimind as a nudge on the Wombat train... and the other posts you had around his train were excuses for you not to be voting him.


maybe I befuddled everything what I meant to say was it may not always be as clear as: mafiaman out into a spot --> mafiaman claims townie. The maneuvering for mafia to look like town could have taken root much earlier in the game

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as a response for you ape (sorry the quote got lost somewhere along the way)

The gambit I was referring to was partly a referral to the kivam thing but most just a mildly - to highly elaborate plan scum could come up with



Thank you for answering without answering.


Solimind asked "doesn't all scum claim town?" and you replied "unless they are playing a gambit we haven't thought of".


Scum is never going to claim anything other than town. The fact you implied otherwise is stupid, no offense. Now scum won't always claim vanilla town, but they are always going to claim town... and its got nothing to do with any sort of gambit. Its the most basic premise of mafia. The bad guys claim to be good guys. Period.


I took how you responded to Solimind as a nudge on the Wombat train... and the other posts you had around his train were excuses for you not to be voting him.


maybe I befuddled everything what I meant to say was it may not always be as clear as: mafiaman out into a spot --> mafiaman claims townie. The maneuvering for mafia to look like town could have taken root much earlier in the game



You still really aren't saying anything of value. Scum team plays the whole game trying to look like town. That's not a gambit, its the most basic premise of the game... and your back-pedaling and inability to actually explain why you invoked the threat of a possible gambit when you did, is very telling...


After your dead... I plan to cut off your ears and wear them on a chain around my neck, as a trophy.

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as a response for you ape (sorry the quote got lost somewhere along the way)

The gambit I was referring to was partly a referral to the kivam thing but most just a mildly - to highly elaborate plan scum could come up with



Thank you for answering without answering.


Solimind asked "doesn't all scum claim town?" and you replied "unless they are playing a gambit we haven't thought of".


Scum is never going to claim anything other than town. The fact you implied otherwise is stupid, no offense. Now scum won't always claim vanilla town, but they are always going to claim town... and its got nothing to do with any sort of gambit. Its the most basic premise of mafia. The bad guys claim to be good guys. Period.


I took how you responded to Solimind as a nudge on the Wombat train... and the other posts you had around his train were excuses for you not to be voting him.


maybe I befuddled everything what I meant to say was it may not always be as clear as: mafiaman out into a spot --> mafiaman claims townie. The maneuvering for mafia to look like town could have taken root much earlier in the game



You still really aren't saying anything of value. Scum team plays the whole game trying to look like town. That's not a gambit, its the most basic premise of the game... and your back-pedaling and inability to actually explain why you invoked the threat of a possible gambit when you did, is very telling...


After your dead... I plan to cut off your ears and wear them on a chain around my neck, as a trophy.


ummmm.... looking forward to it? I don't have a response to this....


I look forward to ripping your still beating heart from your chest after I cut your chest open with my teeth and nails?


Does that work?

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ummmm.... looking forward to it? I don't have a response to this....


I look forward to ripping your still beating heart from your chest after I cut your chest open with my teeth and nails?


Does that work?



Not bad for a first effort... :)


I've made worse Something about fields of blood and churned mud, and entrails and viscera staining the ground, but that's another story, I think I may have even made that into a poem... well good night

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You spent your day getting lit on fire, battling the ROUS and kept a mindful eye out for the lightning quicksand. You argued all day as to who was behind this kidnapping. Finally, it came down to another ROUS - a Wwwwwwwwwwwombat. Wombat put up a good fight, but in the end you tossed him into a lightning quicksand pit.


Wombat, townsfolk of Florin (vanilla townie), is dead.


It is now night. Deadline is Wednesday, 8 PM EST.

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1. A. Heart (D1 - claimed Fezzik, town mason)

2. Smiley

3. Song (D1 killed - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

4. Ithi (D1 lynch - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

5. Turin (D1 - claimed BOO hag, roleless w/ PR)

6. Despo (D1 - claimed Inigo Montoya, town mason)

7. Rhea (D2 lynch - Queen Bella, vanilla town)(D1 - claimed vanilla town)

8. meesh (N1 killed - Yellin, mafia goon)

9. Paet/Ithi

10. BG (N3 killed - Westly, town guard of the Princess)

11. CTM (D2 - claimed King, no role)

12. Locke

13. Player (D3 lynch - townsolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

14. Talya (D1 - first to claim "townsfolk of Florin)

15. Nyn/Ape (D1 - second to claim "townsfolk of Florin" and vouch for Talya)

16. Sakae

17. John McApe (N2 killed - Clergyman, roleless w/ PR)

18. wombat (D4 lynch - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla)

19. Solimind (D1 - claims Miracle Max, town Doc)

20. Tina

21. Verbal (N2 killed - Vizzini, serial killer)




Final Day 1 Vote Count



Rhea (11): Song, CTM, wombat, Ape, Verbal, BG, meesh, Solimind, Player, Locke, Turin

No Lynch (5): Des, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Rhea

Solimind (2): Smiley, Heart

Talya (1): Tina

Turin (1): Paet


Not voting: Ithi




D1 Vote Count on Solimind at its longest point that I could find (Note: not long after this, I think it was BG that placed the first vote for No Lynch)



Solimind (9): Des, Locke, Rhea, Turin, Player, wombat, Nyn, Smiley, Heart

Turin (2): Paet, Meesh

Des (1): Verbal

Rhea (1): Song

Smiley (1): Solimind

Talya (5): Bg, Tina, CTM, Talya, Ape,


Not voting: Kae, Ithi




D2 - Final Vote Count



Rhea (10): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart, Talya, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

Player (5): Tina, Smiley, Rhea, Verbal


Not voting: Des, Paet, Locke, Solimind




People who voted Rhea both days: BG, Turin, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

People who only voted her on D1: Song, Meesh, Verbal, Solimind, Locke

People only voting Rhea on D2: Sakea, Nyn, Heart, Talya




D3 - Final Vote Count


Player (8): CTM, Turin, Des, Smiley, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Tina


Not voting: Heart, Paet/Ithi, BG, Locke, Player, wombat, Solimind




D4 - Final Vote Count



Wombat (7): CTM, Turin, Heart, Ape, Ithi, Kae, Talya

CTM (2): Wombat, Des

Locke (1): Tina


Not voting: Smiley, Locke, Kae, Solimind

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Day always ends before I can get my vote in...


And for goodness sakes, try and show a bit of independent thought and argument and that bloody kivam thing is always brought up. I think I'm gonna make a siggy and award it to the first person who mentions it in each game I play in. It's such a cop out argument to make. Proper lazy thinking lol.


But I'm begining to have serious suspicions as to who I think the Mafia team may be.


Talya's out of the blue defence, plus lazy 'kivam gambit' casing is enough for me.


vote Locke


I'm surprised, since I've only ever seen it mentioned a couple times. Anyway, I don't get this vote. You're basically voting me because of something Talya said and because I posted the words "Kivam Gambit" with an insult thrown in as well. Tal voted you. You clearly overreact in your response post. Some catfighting goes back and forth. I point it out. You vote me. Then you switch to Wombat suddenly with deadline still 22 hrs away. (and with nothing said by Wombat between your switches of votes)

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About my vote on Player - someone (I think CTM) questioned if Player could be scum since he voted a dead player. He would have gotten help from his team mates in the QT. I said that his vote didn´t change my mind about him. So it wasn´t something that made me think he was scummier but something he could have done either as scum or town. He was clearly confused.


About my votes on day 1. I voted that way on purpose. I thought Des and Talya was the scummiest players at the time I voted them but I left out why on purpose. I have been nk´d a lot on the first nights lately in mafia games and I have found it better to be a little bit suspicious just to stay alive. (Last game I kind of overdid it.) I don´t think I have been acting scummy after that but I have refrained from commenting people that has questioned my votes because I didn´t want to give this explanation. (I do that now because more people bring it up.)


Good explanations. You move down in my suspicions list. Ithi and Sakaea are my top 2 suspects right now.




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Day always ends before I can get my vote in...


And for goodness sakes, try and show a bit of independent thought and argument and that bloody kivam thing is always brought up. I think I'm gonna make a siggy and award it to the first person who mentions it in each game I play in. It's such a cop out argument to make. Proper lazy thinking lol.


But I'm begining to have serious suspicions as to who I think the Mafia team may be.


Talya's out of the blue defence, plus lazy 'kivam gambit' casing is enough for me.


vote Locke


I'm surprised, since I've only ever seen it mentioned a couple times. Anyway, I don't get this vote. You're basically voting me because of something Talya said and because I posted the words "Kivam Gambit" with an insult thrown in as well. Tal voted you. You clearly overreact in your response post. Some catfighting goes back and forth. I point it out. You vote me. Then you switch to Wombat suddenly with deadline still 22 hrs away. (and with nothing said by Wombat between your switches of votes)


Hi, I'm Ithi. You must be Locke. I don't think we've ever played Mafia together before. Notice how most people ignore what I'm saying because they are used to how I play. I'm a narky chatterbox who can't really be bothered to play, but always gets dragged into the game somehow. Also, I promised myself I would vote the first person who mentioned the Bloody Kivam Gambit this time - that was you. Also, you are on the list of unknowns/unrevealed so that makes you a valid target for a vote. As only me and Tina were voting for you, and no-one else seemed interested, I switched my vote to another unknown - the pool is getting smaller afterall. I did it with no explanation, cos that is a classic Wombat move and it made me smile. Also ... well other stuff too and all that


And now it is night ... Poor Wombat ... I have to hope that his ultimate plan is to always seem a bit murky, so that when he finally is Mafia everyone goes - nah, Wombat always plays like that. Can we get the peanuts out now?

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Dead Townie Dead Mafia Dead 3rd Party

Alive Claimed Role Alive No Claimed Role


1. Heart--Fezzik--town--Mason

2. Smiles

3. Song--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--killed N1

4. Ithi #1--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--random lynched D1

5. Turin--claims Anchient Booer--town--vanilla w/pr

6. Des--Inigo Montoya--town--Mason

7. Rhea--Queen Bella--town--Vanilla--Lynched D2

8. meesh--Yellin--mafia--goon--killed N1

9. PaetIthi #2

10. BG--Westley--town--Guard of the Princess--Killed N3

11. MattCTM--claims King Lotharon--town--?

12. Locke

13. Piano--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--Lynched D3

14. Talya--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

15. NynApe #2--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

16. Kae

17. Ape #1--Impressive Clergyman--town--Vanilla w/ PR--Killed N2

18. wombat--nameless townsperson--town--vanilla--lynched D4

19. Sol--Claims Miracle Max--town--doc

20. Tina

21. Verbal--Vizzini--Serial Killer--killed N2




Dead vanillas:


Ithi #1



Ape #1

Wombat ( O.o )


Other dead townies:

BG ( o.O )



Me and Des are masons

Tayla and Ape #2 claim townsfolk. This is seeming less and less likely considering we already have 6 dead townsfolk plus me and Des simply being vanillas who can talk to eachother.

Turin claims Ancient Booer, being a vanilla with a PR. The “vanilla” part is also seeming less and less likely here.

CTM claimed King Lotharon when he just had a bunch of FoSs pointed at him, but he was going to be gone. Still seems odd. He hinted at something of a power role by not wanting to reveal what his role was, though in some ways I’d expect that character to be a vanilla. *Shrug*

Sol claims being the Doc and Miracle Max. I still don’t trust him.


No claims:


Ithi #2




I know Tina’s pinged me a few times this game, and I’ve had mixed feelings on Locke. Ithi #2 hasn’t really done anything but spam thus far that I’ve noticed--there have been a few odd comments in there though. Kae and Smiles idk--need to look at them during a reread.


Dead Mafia

Meesh (goon)


Dead 3rd Party:

Verbal (serial killer)


We most likely have 4 mafia left.


Will do a reread once this night is over.

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Hi, I'm Ithi. You must be Locke. I don't think we've ever played Mafia together before. Notice how most people ignore what I'm saying because they are used to how I play. I'm a narky chatterbox who can't really be bothered to play, but always gets dragged into the game somehow. Also, I promised myself I would vote the first person who mentioned the Bloody Kivam Gambit this time - that was you. Also, you are on the list of unknowns/unrevealed so that makes you a valid target for a vote. As only me and Tina were voting for you, and no-one else seemed interested, I switched my vote to another unknown - the pool is getting smaller afterall. I did it with no explanation, cos that is a classic Wombat move and it made me smile. Also ... well other stuff too and all that


Fair enough.


Bolded: Pretty much everyone had me on their FoS list

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really really surprised at WWWombat alignment, would've bet a lot that he'd flip scum. The OMGUS and vote on me was weak, as was the king might not be in the game (when we know the Queen was, and it appears the ancient booer is)


I still think we should lynch from out of this pool:



Ithi #2





Nyn/Ape (Naughty Ape from here on out?)



There almost has to be 3 scum in that grouping, unless roles aren't going to fit characters (which is dubious, as Westley is confirmed princess gaurdian, Fezzik and Indigo (sp?)) are claimed masons, Vizzini confirmed serial killer,etc)



Also, I know everyone is going to think I'm scummy, but if the cop is in that pool w/3 or even 4 scum, mafia stands a very good chance of hitting the cop tonight which would leave us with nothing. If I was the cop and sitting on innocents from that pool, I'd have revealed already and asked for protection or at least would do so right at the deadline (right after putting my investigation, to ensure day doesn't start and scum can't kill me). That is only if they have innocents from that group however.. In any event, we have to accept that the cop's days in hiding are extremely numbered at this point..


that being said, I like kae and tina for scum, of course, i've been voting turin, tayla, rhea, player and wwwombat so far, so I'm pretty much batting 0 at this point

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