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NEW MEMBERS: Band of the Red Hand sign up thread


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A new year, a new sign up, a new make up for the Band of the Red Hand.


Ok, attention all new members!


So, you think you have what it takes to join the greatest fighting machine there is in the whole of Randland? You think you have the spirit, the comradery, a face that won't be scared by the enemy, the ability to drink copious amounts of the various Brews, the skill to ride a horse, the skill to draw a sword, the skill to notch an arrow and shoot or the skill to build great defences, you like music, travelling and good food, but above all, want to have fun?


If you answer "yes" to any of those questions, then the Band of the Red Hand at DM is the place for you! On the other hand, if you answer "No" to all those questions, do not fear! For the members of the prestigious Band of the Red Hand will show you the way and help you answer "yes" to those questions!


So, having read that, you have decided to enlist yourself in the mighty Band of the Red Hand? If so, congratulations!!! But now the hard work begins!


All new recruits into the Band of the Red Hand must take a difficult route and make a choice... a choice between the Band's four Regiments: The Archers, the Cavalry, the Infantry and the Masons. Each has a great history; the pranks of the Archers, the Knights of the Cavalry, the Infantry always in look of a "volunteer" to dig its latrines and glorious defences created by the Masons. All you need to do is pick the Regiment you would like to join!


Upon signing up, you will be added to the Band's usergroup to see our private boards. You will also be added to your chosen Regiment's usergroup so you can see their private boards. You will also have the rank of Private.


Having read everything I have said, please could you post the following information in this thread for us:


DM Username: Just because I am lazy!

Regiment: Pick one of the following four as your Regiment - Archers, Cavalry, Infantry or Masons.

Email Address: Please post the email address that you check most regularly, so that when I email you about the Band, my email will get through to you!

MSN: What is your MSN address, just in case you or someone else from the Band wants to talk to you!

Twitter: What is your Twitter name, just in case you or someone else from the Band wants to follow and chat with you!

last.fm profile: Post a link to your last.fm profile (music listening website) so fellow Banders can see what you are listening to!


Please Note: The Raw Recruit Scheme is currently suspended. The Band is currently undergoing a process of repopulating its Regiments, hence the automatic choice of Regiment. The new incoming Executive Officer will be reviewing and improving the Raw Recruit Scheme.


One last thing to say...




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So I guess I post here.


Im Mat Al'rends

I guesss I will join the archers

go2dat@yahoo.com or just PM me on here


I used to be part of the group but never got far enough to join a regiment so I have access to the mess and such, just not the Regiments.

the ability to drink copious amounts of the various Brews


Most definetally!


DM Username: Xamol Na

Regiment: Cavalry; I always fancied being a knight.

Email Address: hanna_lomax@hotmail.com


MSN is the same as my email but I'm RARELY on there.

  • 3 weeks later...

DM Username: Crimson94

Regiment: Archers

Email Address: wg.sabol@gmail.com

MSN: don't have

Twitter: don't have

last.fm profile: don't have

Pandora profile: Jasper Redstone


DM Username: Lenlo

Regiment: Im gonna go with the Archers

Email Address: michael.armstrong1994@yahoo.com

MSN: Dont got one, but I can make one.

Twitter: Again, dont got one but I can make one.

last.fm profile: Noooo, not again! I dont have one of these either!


I do however have a skype if you want that.

  • 3 weeks later...

DM Username: Captain Jani

Regiment: Would prefer Raw Recruit, but since that is suspended, I'll go with Infantry

Email address: I don't post email addresses on web pages, to avoid Spam. Please PM me.

MSN: don't have

Twitter: don't have

last.fm: don't have this either...but it looks interesting




  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Ok everyone im not sure why you guys havent been answered but i will PM Corki and Jea about it.


But in the meantime Welcome to the BAND!!! Feel free to post around wherever you can see now. and dont hesitate to PM me if u need to.


Im Dice well SIR dicetosser to you lot really and i am a Cavalry Knight and proud member of the Sarmation horde! As such may I say that i, of course think many of you chose the wrong regiment but then again I AM biased.


Xamol...consider yourself MINE!! :baalzamon:


Len....how could you lil bro!!! :sad: think of the fun i coulda had!


Captain? if you want even tho the RR is suspended atm Im sure i can think up some activities for you or any of you that wanna do them. i may not be able to reward you but they could be fun and thats just as good



Hands out a round of Bandys to all....now everyone make sure you dont EVER spill drinks here!!! cause DL will spotfine you in a heart beat! Shes an Archer and the local corrupt Redarm in these parts.


So have fun and i will see what answers i can get for you


DM Username: Crossedx

Regiment: Cavalry

Email Address: matkins@ualberta.ca

MSN: Don't use it anymore.

Twitter: @UoAtkins , follow me I'll follow you back! (just let me know you're not some random spammer)

last.fm profile: I use hypem and soundcloud, could post those?


This is my first time joining a social group on DM or a social group anywhere on the internet, so I'm not sure what to expect but what from I've read so far it looks interesting and fun! See you on the boards!


Welcome Crossed!! So cav huh?? GREAT choice!!!!


Im Dice and im a Cavalry Knight and proud member of the Sarmation horde! Hands over a bandy or three to Crossed.


Apparently you guys should be getting added to the boards by Lessa soon but in the meantime run around cause Havoc and dont steal anyone elses weapons or mounts! (watch out for Bunyan...he has attitude and fights almost as well as i do...)


DM Username: JesusJuice


Email Address PM me please, I don't want no spam ya hear!

MSN: Don't use it

Twitter:] @garrett_gregg I get spammed to shit anyway!

last.fm profile


Username: The Bard Babe

Regiment: Ah...Cavalry.

E-mail address: the_nextjdp@hotmail.com


Be warned, I don't know exactly what I'm doing quite yet, but I'll barrel in and screw up until I've figured it out. :)


Good choice Bard!!!



Im a little crook atm but Jea is checking to see if you guys have access to the boards. I will be sending you all a PM when i stop coffing long enuff to really trpe and am willing to set up some tasks for u lot!


side note....seeing as I am setting up the tasks..... you should all be worried....


Thats what started this got the flu then went for a weekend away for a Bucks night staying in a tent and sitting on a train station for hrs after midnight then goin back for the wedding



Ok so im gonna pm you lot right now. When you next log in you will see a number on the envelope pic on top of your page just click it


lol we had enuff bourbon to get 3 friends smashed and we were having a good time with peeps we hadnt seen in years but had kinda grown up with. THEY wobbled home we WALKED lol


nahh the group we know are long time and we only ever knew a few members of their cousins.



Somehow tho..the bride Sue was marrying into the Rhodes family yet is now somehow also a member of the mighty Stewart clan as well according to her son!



Note for all Corki has sent in the papperwork to the big bosses to get you all access let me know in the pm when u see them AND which reg u chose. I'll set up for each of you in your chosen regiment first!


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