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So much to juggle, content vs satisfaction in the ending


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Wow, did I really name this topic something that pretentious? Anyway, I'm obviously pretty new here. This is my first substantive post, so if I noob-it-up, don't hate :)


I've been thinking a lot about how it will all end (haven't we all?). Usually this takes the forum of asking 1) How will Rand seal the DO away, and 2) What will happen to character _________?


Threads about the the later question trend towards lists of who will confront who. My interpretation, like lots of other people, is that this sort of thing has been foreshadowed heavily. To some degree, I'm on board with this plan. I'd love to see Rand v. Moridin, Taim v. Logan, etc.


That said, I want AMoL to be more than just a series of spotlight duels presented one after another. That wouldn't be satisfying, imo. On the other hand, it can't just ignore major characters that we've all become invested in over the years. That wouldn't be satisfying either.


So what would be satisfying? Although there's a hojillion things I'd like to see, here's what I feel like I NEED:


1) I need to know how Rand pulls it off, or why he doesn't. This is the huge payoff. This is the story.


2) I need to see how the 3rd age fits into the whole wheel of time, i.e. what this age means. I don't think it will be another AoL, because that wouldn't fit with the huge span of the cycle. I'd thought it might mark the end of channeling, but some things in ToM makes me doubt that. Either way, I need to know.


3) I need to know what happens to Mat, Perrin, Egwene, Nyneave, Elayne, Avienda, and Min. I'd like to know what happens to many, many others, but these are the ones that would produce a "WTF?!?!" from me if left unresolved.


I think we're going to see a lot of character resolutions tied together in ways other than direct duels, at least more so that most people anticipate. Don't get me wrong, **** has to hit the fan, and the last battle needs to be made very, very real, but the whole thing can't be just one huge bloodbath.


Or at least I don't think it can. Or that it ought to be.




Doesn't seem to be much to argue about :(


1) I'd change to how they pull off what they manage to pull off.


2) Probably won't get that as such. Maybe in what it means to individual people, maybe there'll be less foretelling/etc... since this is the Age of Prophecy (maybe).


3) RJ has mentioned a ride into the sunset scene forever involving the mains, so bloodbath doesn't really look possible (among the mains). I'd prepare to be disappointed in wanting this somewhat.


So, welcome, and keep posting substantively :)


1) I agree with Cybertrolloc. I want to see how RJ had this planned out. Rands fate has had such a big buildup its unreal, the thing Ive been waiting for more than anything is how RJ was going to pull off the whole "to live you must die" thing. I feel like I have been promised that death, yet also feel that I was promised that he would survive that death. Whether or not it counts as a resurrection depends on how you view the Wheel of Time setting, and in writing, resurrecting your hero is said to be a big no-no. I know Wheel of Time can pull it off, it already has... but I want to see Rands version. If Rand does survive I still think there would be plenty of tragedy surrounding it, I want to see how RJ pulled it off.


2) To be honest I dont think we will see how the Third Age fits into the whole cycle. Part of the beauty of it all is the mystery; "called the Third Age by some" implies to me that it might not literally be the Third Age in the cycle. I duno, I think I could live without that revelation, although it'd be cool to know more.


3) Agreed. Mat not so much because we already know to a point, but the rest, sure. I want to know what happens to the loyal Ashaman, namely Narishma and Flynn, and Logain if he doesnt bite dust. But more importantly I want to know what happens to the Forsaken, Moridin most of all. See, I cant imagine any scenario in which Rand survives but Moridin doesnt. Unless they sever the connection, if one lives then the other always has a chance of coming back... I want Moridin alive at the end as much as I want Rand alive! An ironic ending indeed, but he did say its never over.


And dont forget Padan Fain.


One more thing. If the Black Tower gets skimmed over, or just the odd scene, I will not like AMoL very much. Rand needs to go there. Its one of the few places he can go where there will be some genuine suspense. I understand why he could go to the Aes Sedai and be protected by his own faith, but if he can do that he can do it anywhere... except at the Black Tower. I expect some serious payoff for this arc, and Im not talking about just the resolution, we need to see more of the inside of that conflict before its dealt with, or at least thats how I feel.


I'm kinda thinking Fain is going to have something to do with resealing the bore, since his SL-evil is resistant to DO-evil. That said, we've already seen that principle used to cleanse Saidin, so that would kinda be retreading old ground. So maybe not. I hope it's not *too* LOTR Gollum.


In regards to Mat, I wouldn't be surprised if his role in TLB was more big picture, army-leading kinda stuff. We've already seen him duel the Golem. I would love to see a desperate, super-insane gamble of Mat's pay off big though. He is the tie to the Seanchan. Maybe he'll somehow trick them into helping Rand?


I complete agree about the Black Tower needing some page time. That was my biggest gripe with ToM. I'm thinking Logain and Taim duke it out in open combat, Ashaman everywhere flinging "the fires of heaven" like stuff, in sharp contrast to how the White Tower dealt with its split (6 books or so of maneuvering and plotting, lol).


I have to agree on the Black Tower as well. I need resolution on that. All these glimpses into it, but hardly anything concrete or expansive since LoC. Aside from that, there's really nothing else I just have to have.


As for everything else, we all know there will be unresolved storylines... I'm preparing myself to be disappointed on a few of them. At the same time, though, I'm looking forward to some being unresolved, because as RJ said, not everything has a fairytale ending and endings like that can come off as contrived sometimes. It needs to be open-ended, since the Wheel will just keep turning.


I need to see many many many many many many many things:


1) I need to see Mat shag... oh I dunno... someone for ^#$@'s sake!


2) I need to meet - I mean read about! - Rand's supplier. (but hey dude if you exist, would you gimme a shout-out?)


3) I need explosions!


4) I need Egwene to dump Gawyn. And while we're at it, I need Rachel to dump Ross.


5) I need to see if Mat's luck works for online poker.


6) I need to see if Siuan, Gareth, Moiraine, and Thom end up in a free love commune. And I need to see the commune.


7) I need to know when the Lady Gaga tour hits the Two Rivers. Because dude she HAS to come here!


8) I need to know where the hobbits are hiding. I still haven't seen any, but I am NOT giving up hope!


9) I need to know... if Demandred is actually disguised as the King of Murandy, does that mean he likes drinking Guinness? Personally, I would think a lot more of him if he drinks Guinness.


10) Last but NOT LEAST, if Rand balefires NBC management hard enough, does that mean that Community won't be cancelled????


I just hope Kahlan and Richard are finally reunited.


They will be, but since they both keep making 20 page speeches, their parts will be cut.


I just hope Kahlan and Richard are finally reunited.


They will be, but since they both keep making 20 page speeches, their parts will be cut.


Im strangely ok with that.


I just hope Kahlan and Richard are finally reunited.


I hope they don't. i hate Richard and his way of solving problems. that guy made no single mistake in 11 slow books!


Back to WoT.... i hope to see alot of BT...


I just hope Kahlan and Richard are finally reunited.


They will be, but since they both keep making 20 page speeches, their parts will be cut.


Im strangely ok with that.


I think you mean you're OVER THE FRIKKIN MOON about it


I'm looking forward to coming to this forum after finishing AMoL and seeing peoples reactions. There are people who are going to love it and some who are going to hate it and a lot who are going to try picking holes in how it's wrapped up. Either way, as long as the ending is satisfying to the series as a whole, I'll be happy. Whether Rand dies or doesn't or dies and returns, I'm okay with it if it fits the clues RJ has left. That being said, RJ was a great writer with how he planned things and foreshadowed events so I have a feeling most of the community will be satisfied. Now, to answer your three points.


1. As I said above, whatever happens with Rand, it needs to make sense with the series so if it happens and makes sense, I'll be satisfied.


2. I think we'll be able to look at the third age as a whole once series is concluded.


3. All main characters fates will be known by the end as said by both RJ and Brandon so no worries there


Im looking forward to Cenn Buies reaction when hes told he can learn to channel XD


On that note I'm waiting for Rand's reaction when he learns Bela is the creator's Shaidar Haran


I just hope Kahlan and Richard are finally reunited.


They will be, but since they both keep making 20 page speeches, their parts will be cut.


Im strangely ok with that.


I think you mean you're OVER THE FRIKKIN MOON about it



Mebbe. :D


I know a lot action will take place, but I would like to see some of the relationships come back to light. I want Mat and Fortuona to reunite in a non-business way, Rand needs to reconnect with Elayne and Aviendha, and Egwene needs some humility. Gawyn needs to admit he is a douche and leave Rand alone. That's some of the things I've been looking forward to. Oh and I desperately crave some PoVs from Rand/LTT again. We only see him from the outside in ToM until that miniscule piece in the epilogue.


I just hope Kahlan and Richard are finally reunited.

Really? Who talked! Who let you in on the secret that RJ had the copyright to that series! lol


Copyright? RJ wrote that series. As an insurance in the case WOT did not become a hit, he deliberatly wrote a series of books filled with the worst crap he could think of, so WO would look amazing when the two were compared. At first he had only planned to write WFR, and then fake "goofkinds" suicide, but he had too much fun writing the books, especially when he saw the WOT-fans reaction, so he kept going.


True story.


I just hope Kahlan and Richard are finally reunited.

Really? Who talked! Who let you in on the secret that RJ had the copyright to that series! lol


I'm Luckers. I know many of the dark secrets of the Wheel.


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