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Legend of Zelda Talk


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Zelda talk was going on a lot during the nearby Mafia game, so I thought I'd move the topic elsewhere to keep the game focused.


Also, use Spoiler tags for Skyward Sword elements that aren't clear from the advertising campaign.


Interestingly enough, the main producers and writers say there is an actual Zelda chronological timeline that incorperates most all the games. Skyward Sword is basically one of the earliest in the timeline where we learn about the forging of the Master Sword among other things I'm not going to spoil... Wind Waker is set WAY off into the future after the events of OoT and there are like a billion nods to OoT in that game (check out the stained glass windows of the sages where the Master Sword lies... they are the sages from OoT). Then LttP has a bunch of references to the Seven Sages, etc. etc.


Anyway, here is a list of all the games...


1986 The Legend of Zelda

1987 The Adventure of Link

1991 (2002) A Link to the Past

1993 (1998) Link's Awakening

1998 (2011) Ocarina of Time

2000 Majora's Mask

2001 Oracle of Seasons and Ages

2002 (2011) Four Swords

2002 The Wind Waker

2004 Four Swords Adventures

2004 The Minish Cap

2006 Twilight Princess

2007 Phantom Hourglass

2009 Spirit Tracks

2011 Skyward Sword


I've beaten the crud out of everyone of these games except Minish Cap and Spirit Tracks cause I don't have a DS. :madmyrddraal:


OoT does follow the LttP formula, which is really the Zelda formula pretty through and through. MM was an oddball and all the better for it. It was so... unique and dark. And Zelda isn't even in it. Weird, but still awesome.


Now as for the official Timeline... that's debatable but here's people's best guesses and you can look things up online, but here's the best guesses people have...


Also note: there is a diverging timeline at OoT. One that takes off from Young Link's time and the Temple of Time is sealed, the other takes off from Adult Link's timeline in which he defeats Ganon in a rotton future and then Link disappears and Ganon returns :madmyrddraal: and the world is flooded.


Things we KNOW:



Skyward Sword --> Ocarina of Time --> (?) -> A Link to the Past --> Link's Awakening' ->The Legend of Zelda --> The Adventure of Link

  • Ocarina of Time (Child Timeline) --> Majora's Mask --> Twilight Princess
  • Ocarina of Time (Adult Timeline) --> The Wind Waker --> Phantom Hourglass --> Spirit Tracks

Oracle of Ages <--> Oracle of Seasons


The Minish Cap --> Four Swords --> Four Swords Adventures



So... my opinion? Timeline separetes and then reconverges before LttP sometime since it seems to contain elements from both timelines.


Skyward Sword --> Ocarina of Time --> (Majora's Mask --> Twilight Princess -->) A Link to the Past --> Link's Awakening' -> Oracle of Ages <--> Oracle of Seasons --> The Legend of Zelda --> The Adventure of Link


Skyward Sword --> Ocarina of Time --> (The Wind Waker --> Phantom Hourglass --> Spirit Tracks-->The Minish Cap --> Four Swords --> Four Swords Adventures) --> A Link to the Past --> Link's Awakening' -> Oracle of Ages <--> Oracle of Seasons --> The Legend of Zelda --> The Adventure of Link



I'm a nerd.


sounds good BG, i'll meet you there :happy:



guys, OoT was NOT on the game boy system until the 3DS, it was a N64/Game Cube game. you guys are thinking of either Oracle of Ages, Orical of Seasons or Links Awakening :angry:


these 3 games are not spoken of very much in the Zelda universe (their shunned by most Zelda nerds lmao), as they were really more of off shoot games rather than true Zelda franchise games, they were actually developed by a different studio (Flagship) with Nintendo only suprervising. which is why they just don't stand up to other games in the franchise.


That's not entirely true... they just kinda are ambiguous in thier timeline, though they seem related since at the end of the Oracle games Link takes off in a Raft that looks like the one in Link's Awakening. And the manual for Link's Awakening basically states it as a sequel to LttP.


OoT wasn't a GameCube game until the rerelease as the Master Quest near TP's release. And I played TP on the Cube too, the motion controls for that game were kinda tacked on last minute.


If any games are shunned, it is the Phillips CD-i crappers. Or the cartoon series. "Excuuuuuuuuuuuse Me!"


you forgot the dreaded Oracle of Seasons and Oricale of Agess on your list BG they were done along with the re-release of Links Awakening for the GBA back int he late 90's



yep, i remember them being on the N64 (OoT and MM) i actually have the Game Cubes re-released special edition that has the 2 NES games as well as MM & OoT (plus master quest, which is just a new dungeon) and i have the WW specail that includes OoT as well. though i'm not a fan of WW, any more than being a fan of PHG.




and thats interesting about the time line, because up until the release of SS Nintendo denied there being a set timeline.


I did list the Oracle games, 2001. I just listed them as one game since they kind of are. Also I didn't think of them as horrible. Pretty fun, but nothing to do with the canon of the series. Like Majora's Mask.


Here are some way earlier quotes about a timeline by the way, the rest is taken from Game manuals and whatnot.



Aonuma had discussed this idea before, to varying interpretation. Many considered the following two infamous quotes to support the double timeline ideal, and they have only become more zealous with recent developments.


The first came in a summer 2002 Game Pro interview:


Q: Where does The Wind Waker fit into the overall Zelda series timeline?


Aonuma: You can think of this game as taking place over a hundred years after Ocarina of Time. You can tell this from the opening story, and there are references to things from Ocarina located throughout the game as well.

Miyamoto: Well, wait, which point does the hundred years start from?

Aonuma: From the end.

Miyamoto: No, I mean, as a child or as a...

Aonuma: Oh, right, let me elaborate on that. Ocarina of Time basically has two endings of sorts; one has Link as a child and the other has him as an adult. This game, The Wind Waker, takes place a hundred years after the adult Link defeats Ganon at the end of Ocarina.

Miyamoto: This is pretty confusing for us, too. (laughs) So be careful.


Followed by a similar (though better worded) comment on the Official Zelda Homepage:


In terms of the storyline, we've decided that this takes place 100 years after the events in The Ocarina of Time. We think that as you play through the game, you'll notice that in the beginning the storyline explains some of the events in The Ocarina of Time. You'll also find hints of things from The Ocarina of Time that exist in The Wind Waker.


There's also a more complicated explanation. If you think back to the end of The Ocarina of Time, there were two endings to that game in different time periods. First Link defeated Ganon as an adult, and then he actually went back to being a child. You could say that The Wind Waker takes place 100 years after the ending in which Link was an adult.



and concerning Twilight Princess:



The current trends in timeline theory began on March 6th, 2007 when a, then, two month old interview with Eiji Aonuma on the Japanese Nintendo-owned website nindori.com was translated into English. The Hylia has provided the most recognized translation[5] thus far:


–When does Twilight Princess take place?


Aonuma: In the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years later.


–And the Wind Waker?


Aonuma: The Wind Waker is parallel. In Ocarina of Time, Link flew seven years in time, he beat Ganon and went back to being a kid, remember? Twilight Princess takes place in the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years after the peace returned to kid Link’s time. In the last scene of Ocarina of Time, kids Link and Zelda have a little talk, and as a consequence of that talk, their relationship with Ganon takes a whole new direction. In the middle of this game [Twilight Princess], there's a scene showing Ganon's execution. It was decided that Ganon be executed because he'd do something outrageous if they left him be. That scene takes place several years after Ocarina of Time. Ganon was sent to another world and now he wants to obtain the power...



Ah... SS is my new favorite, but the opening prelude of WW is great.


And LttP is just classic music on so many levels.


Ya gotta understand that I'm a Nintendo Boy through and through up until a few years ago with the DS. Just never got one, sad I know. Was never a big portable gamer. Even with the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance, I'd prefer to play the games via Super Game Boy and the weird GameCube Game Boy Advance adapter that allowed you to play your GBA games on the Cube.


the theme for SS, am i the only one who hears a major influence of WW, PH & ST in it :laugh:



and yes, theme from LttP is the best theme thus far in the franchise; ofcourse this was the first game i played inthe franchise so i may be a bit biased :tongue:



you said you never played ST or PH because of no DS, you're not missing much. if you liked WW then you'll probably really enjoy those two because imo thy're very similar in style and plot (which seeing the time lines this makes sense) but their not my favs by far. that said, even a Zelda game on the bottom of my list is still more enjoyable than most games :laugh:



my top 3 are








though i haven't played nearly as many of the zelda games as you BG. on the list i've only played


LoZ, AoL, LttP, OoT, MM, WW, TP, PH, ST, SS; and out of that list, i've only beaten TP, PH, & ST. i'm halfway through LttP and OoT; and a hand full of hours into the others.


Cindy, unless yoru a Zelda nerd you just wont understand the love and dedication we have for this great and epic series. this franchise shows you exactly what an RPG should be and numerous games have mimiced it's greatness only to fall short.






not many gaming franchises aroudn around long enough to celebrate their 25th anny, let alone to still be loved this much and to have touched so many gammers lives at some point. everyone whose been a gammer has at one point or another played a Zelda game. the Zelda theme rivals even that of the Mario Bros theme and is iconic to the Nintendo label.



infact, every new gen console Nintendo makes is measured by the Zelda game that gets released for it.


Cindy, unless yoru a Zelda nerd you just wont understand the love and dedication we have for this great and epic series. this franchise shows you exactly what an RPG should be and numerous games have mimiced it's greatness only to fall short.




played the first one, played a couple of later ones, help my friends kids cheat thru new ones.


I maintain you have given this a lot of thought.


good game. final fantasy too


can't get into these things anymore tho.


We got the kids the one for the Wii with the sword controller thing for christmas. I hope it isn't too annoying.


OMG! I love OoT and have played also the Minish Cap 4 swords and LttP through. Actually they're my bro's games, but I'm always the first one to play the Zeldas through :) Just hoping to get SS for christmas, it's too expensive for me now. Is it hard to control the sword with the Wii Remote?


The Wii controls for it are tight and controlled, so no worries there. Most the game can be played comfortably sitting except for a few epic sword fights that I just had to stand for.


We got the kids the one for the Wii with the sword controller thing for christmas. I hope it isn't too annoying.



don;t let them know you know how to cheat. they will never leave you alone.


By the way, I just posted a blog entry review about Skyward Sword. Click the link in my sig if you are interested.




I admit, I have only played a couple of the Zelda games, those being LttP, OoT, and TP. Link to the Past was really good, but sadly, I never figured out how to beat it. I got stuck at like the 5th dungeon in the mirror world. Ocarina of Time is still my favourite of the franchise, perhaps of all games. Everything about that game was so much fun. I would've played Majora's Mask, but I never really got into that one like Ocarina of Time. =/ Twilight Princess I actually like a lot. The techniques you could learn were lots of fun to use, and the game, imo, kept the good things from the past and just added onto it with newer technology.


1998 (2011) Ocarina of Time - OST is soooo goood...


No kidding, Koji Kondo is an absolute genius. It was actually OoT's OST that sorta got me into Video Game Music. I have the entire OoT OST on my computer. (in the form of "chiptunes") Gerudo Valley and Windmill Hut (speaking of which: EPIC remix of the theme at OCR) are especially good.


I'm also a huge fan of the Link's Awakening soundtrack, entirely because of Ballad of the Windfish and, especially, Tal Tal Heights since Tal Tal Heights is basically like the LttP theme on a musical high. :laugh: OCR just released a Zelda album celebrating the 25 year anniversary and featuring music from most all the games (including one mix from Skyward Sword), although most of it was from LttP or OoT. Sadly, no Tal Tal Heights. >.> (which is perhaps my favourite OST except for Silver's Theme ~ Dreams of an Absolution for Sonic Next Gen)


But yeah, Zelda music is awesome. :laugh: (same composer as the Mario music too)


if the kids ask how to cheat, just refer them to a free online walktrhough on youtube :laugh:


foudn this while listening to Zelda music on youtube.







i wonder if they purposefully made it to play Zelda's theme on this song backwards, cause thats frickin outstanding!!!


Wow. That's incredible. I wonder if I could find an MIDI of it already. That'd be an interesting thing to check out. (I'm still waiting for OCR to release the OST for SS so I can check it out.)


Love the link emote.


Genius does not begin to cover Koji Kondo.


I agree with most of what BG said about the timeline.


My favorite is OoT, but i still need to play like half of them.


I'm going to avoid this thread now becuase its making me want SS REALLY BADLY


so i've been stuck in one place on SS and i finally begrudged myself and looked up an online tutorial.



i'm stuck trying to find the keys to get into the Volcano temple, i've got all but two. turns out the rocks need to be blown up from the backside, not the front and i have to go into the volcano to get there :rolleyes: yep, not the hardest puzzle Zelda's ever stumped me on, but i also haven't played the game in abotu a week (since i first got stuck) soo i'm sure had i been trolling the area for a way through i woudl have figured it out



*shakes head* stupid RL for being so damned buisy.

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