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[LIGHT VS SHADOW]: What faction does your soul belong to?


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you know where you best belong.


negotiations and seduction only confuse the matter, and lead the weak to ignore their own will and bow to the will of others.


the weak are of little use to the shadow.


but you are not weak.



  On 11/19/2011 at 2:45 PM, TinaHel said:

You belong to Locke. Blue is the color of ocean, sky and Locke. :biggrin:


Time to split off and create an own Faction...


With green, of course.

  On 11/20/2011 at 10:09 PM, Locke said:

Hahahaha, Mashadar just won't quit.


Of course not. It survived for 2000 years. That few more months won't kill it.


But green isn't a really good colour for Mashadar, I think...


Maybe a Two Rivers Faction? There is much green in the Two Rivers, and they are stubborn enough to think that the only way to get peace is to get everyone stop fighting. And how better to do that, than by killing those who DO want to fight? As soon as no one who wants to fight still lives, there is peace. They want peace.


We'll survive, the Light willing. And if the Light doesn't will, we'll still survive.


So they also don't think the Light is surely needed. Or the Shadow. They can survive when Light and Shadow don't exist.


have you considered the possibility that you just might be drawn to the shadow, ley?


mashadar is not exactly the light.


and your violent streak.... while it is something we've all noticed in the light faction... might also be at home in the dark. :baalzamon:


If I count every person that has spent points and is not on the deserters tree, and the civilians that didn't spent points but ARE really active, I get 55. Last time, at most three months ago, it was 39. And what is 1.5*39? Only 58.5. So we have almost grown what was then a Faction. And we already had something like 6 new members. I think it was maybe 34 when I joined (not counting myself), so that'd make 51. We have more new members than what was a full Faction when I joined.


The staff still says we're too small for a third Faction?

  On 11/21/2011 at 6:11 PM, cindy said:

have you considered the possibility that you just might be drawn to the shadow, ley?


mashadar is not exactly the light.


and your violent streak.... while it is something we've all noticed in the light faction... might also be at home in the dark. :baalzamon:


But I want to be good. Two Rivers is still good at least. And yeah, I'm also a bit evil. Tina is also a bit nice. You are too.


But you could say a fifth or a quarter of me is evil. At most.


see, it's that kind of naked ambition that screams shadow :myrddraal:


and the continual boundary pushing with the third faction thing - you know the powers that be won't have it, you've been seriously warned. and yet you push and push.


shadow quality. very nice. :baalzamon:

  On 11/21/2011 at 6:24 PM, cindy said:

see, it's that kind of naked ambition that screams shadow :myrddraal:


and the continual boundary pushing with the third faction thing - you know the powers that be won't have it, you've been seriously warned. and yet you push and push.


I just want to be higher than my rival. If he would be a civie, I'd be content with being a Soldier.


And you know, the situation changed a bit with 16 new people. They don't HAVE to look at it again.

  On 11/21/2011 at 6:30 PM, Turin Turambar said:

There is still no need for a third faction. Better to have two more active factions than three less active factions. Most big events occur on the main boards anyway.


But it's just fun. And if we keep getting this much new members, it won't take long before they're as active as now. We have an average of 27.5 people for a faction now, it would become 18.33 then. So that would be 9.33 less. Three times that is 28. If we wait three months, we have 16 new members. To make up for the 28 people less, it would take a little bit more than five months. That's nothing. Or do you better like having two factions of 40 people? It'd become too large, I think.


And Cindy, what does "SNAFU" mean?

  On 11/21/2011 at 6:30 PM, Turin Turambar said:

There is still no need for a third faction. Better to have two more active factions than three less active factions. Most big events occur on the main boards anyway.


And this also means that it will not make much difference, except that you can choose for a Faction that is in fact good, but can be evil without everyone saying "you should join the Shadow". A teenager sometimes just HAS to be evil. That's a fact.


If the factions are larger then there would be more activity in the faction threads which will lead to more actual differentiation between the factions. This will help people choose the one that they really blong in. Also, who is to say that all 3 would be the same. Are you sure there would be a third of the people that would want to join a faction with no history in the books? tbh, your discription of the TR goals sounds more like channeling whitecloaks.

  On 11/21/2011 at 6:40 PM, cindy said:

GIYF ley.


and your shadow soul speaks louder with every post.


push, child. annoy. don't back down.


and come to the shadow. :baalzamon:

I only come to the Shadow to destroy it.


  On 11/21/2011 at 6:42 PM, Turin Turambar said:

If the factions are larger then there would be more activity in the faction threads which will lead to more actual differentiation between the factions. This will help people choose the one that they really blong in. Also, who is to say that all 3 would be the same. Are you sure there would be a third of the people that would want to join a faction with no history in the books? tbh, your discription of the TR goals sounds more like channeling whitecloaks.


No, it doesn't. The Faction I thought of is a Faction who fight against anyone who wants war. So also against Lightfriends.


And no history, whatever, I want fun. I'd understand it if the Two Rivers men didn't want this between Logain and Taim anymore, and split off, and try to stop them. How about that? They don't know Taim's Faction exists of DF's for example. They would just want peace.


And those Factions WILL grow larger. But if you have three Factions, you can fight against two third of the people, instead of half of them. I'd even do it, if I were alone.


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