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non-alchoholic beer


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can't you ferment something and make real alcohol? anything starchy or sugary should work.


Yeah I'm worried that I'll make something that'll make me go blind >.<


My sis said she would send me some in like a shampoo bottle or something, but I dunna if she'll actually do it or not.

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Cindy you evil evil cat. Encouraging people to brew up some moonshine.....


Funny this I discovered while researching my major project in chemistry last year. You can use that ethanol to make chloroform...... I'll probably have the AFP knocking on my door withing the next few years, but it is true.....

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To those who drink beer: I've been told that Canadian beer is the best. I'm not asking cause I'm Canadian but out of curiousity. I've been told by many people so I just would like to hear your opinion. Thanks :biggrin:


Some of the canadian beers have a higher alcohol content than "standard" beer. This allows folks to get snookered with less. Which some people find better. I am not and have never been a beer drinker so I have no real take on the topic.

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