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Jon Storme

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I had thought that I knew the WoT really well....until I joined this site. My mind is melted from trying to remember the information that you guys all talk about on these forums. Its incredible and quite pleasing that there are fans such as you guys out there.


So, Im just wondering and think it would be interesting to see who has read the entire series all the way through the most number of times?


I myself have read the series twice (sad I know)and have also read New Spring twice.


So, who has read the series the most?


Only twice, and I'm on the audio books now (different perspective on things).


There was a dude who admin-ed a WOT MUD (not the WOT MUD) I played back in the day who claimed he had read the series (much shorter back at that time) 13 times. Given what he could pull out of his memory at a moments notice, I believed it must have been close.


Just twice right through for me too, although I've re-read some of my favourite scenes a few times. But with the plethora of information on this site and others makes me feel I've read them a lot more.


It really is mind boggling how well people know the books. Im onto my third re-read now, halway through The Dragon Reborn. Ive also re-read my favourite scenes quite a lot, most notably the Dumai's Wells scene


I know I have read 1-10 8 times at least because I used to make a mark in Eye of the World every time I started, but that book fell apart. I guess I am probably above 13 but I doubt its very much more. I figure once you have no problem spelling secondary character names you have read it enough.


That's pretty impressive Trench. I read The Lord of The Rings once a year, so I've read it about ten times at this stage. I think WoT is a series that I'd like to do the same with, if only I had the time.


I used to reread LotR once a year myself, until WOT completely took over as my fantasy obsession. I reread it last year in fact, maybe once aMoL is out I'll try to start that tradition back up.


LoTR was the first fantasy I'd ever read really and to me it is the greatest fantasy work of all time. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore WoT, but Tolkien for me was the father of fantasy. Its one of my favourite things to read and it never gets old.


I've read through most of the series around 5 or 6 times, that would probably be 1-11. I only read The Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight once so far. I've read through New Spring maybe 3-4 times.


I've read through the earlier books, especially EotW a little bit more. I also have the audio books for books 1-10 and New Spring, and have listened to them on occasion but never really start to finish like when I read them.


I've read through the White Book a few times and the WoT RPG as well, although I've yet to play it!


Currently, I'm early on in my latest reread, it will be my first reread since before The Gathering Storm came out. I'm towards the end of The Great Hunt right now...in fact I just read the scene where Egwene gets collared by the Seanchan.


Oh, and despite the fact that in addition to that, I've followed the Dragonmount forums, Theoryland, Encyclopedia WoT and the WoT FAQ for years, I still am often in awe of some of the WoT scholars (as I call them) that I see on here often. Specific shout outs to Terez and Luckers in that regard.


There should most definitely be WoT courses in University. Imerickson, that is seriously impressive. Im on my third re-read, on The Dragon Reborn just where Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne meet Aviendha for the very first time. Loving it. Whenever I pick up a WoT book the feeling is like the one you get when you walk in your own door after an extremely long journey.


i hate to say it but i have read each book up to towers of midnight at least 20 times a piece. 6 or 7 of the books i have to read magazine style cause they have all come apart from the bindings. the gathering storm and towers or midnight id say i have read at least 7 times a piece so far for each of those.I am on a re read again right now and just gettign ready to start winters heart. ill probally kill that one off in a few days. each of the books i can read pretty quickly. And im sure ill reread the whole series at least 2 more times before the last book comes out. Then ill probally buy the whole series again and not read them for a few years.


i used to read the whole thing each time a new book came out. now that i have kindle versions, i read it a lot more often. it helps that i'm on a train commuting about 3 hours a day so i can do the whole series in like 6 weeks. don't know what will happen after last book :(


There should most definitely be WoT courses in University. lmerickson, that is seriously impressive. Im on my third re-read, on The Dragon Reborn just where Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne meet Aviendha for the very first time. Loving it. Whenever I pick up a WoT book the feeling is like the one you get when you walk in your own door after an extremely long journey.


Totally agree. I've been reading the series since I was 15 and I'm 28 now, and yeah, there's always a big sense of nostalgia when I come back to it. I think Brandon Sanderson put it best, it's like a reunion with old friends.


Up through Crossroads of Twilight I've read probably 5-8 times, I'm not sure. The newer books after that, 1-3 times each. I've read The Gathering Storm once, and I'm still working on Towers of Midnight. I listened to the audio book but apparently don't remember much, so I'm actually going to read it this time.


I had thought that I knew the WoT really well....until I joined this site. My mind is melted from trying to remember the information that you guys all talk about on these forums. Its incredible and quite pleasing that there are fans such as you guys out there.


So, Im just wondering and think it would be interesting to see who has read the entire series all the way through the most number of times?


I myself have read the series twice (sad I know)and have also read New Spring twice.


So, who has read the series the most?


You think your mind is melted with dragonmount? Head over to theoryland.com and say hi to the hard core fan freaks, they are amazing!


Well, 4 times a complete read through. Once New Spring. But some books well over 6 times probably. When it comes to specific characters, specifically Mat, probably around 20-25 times (I listen to audio books which makes it very easy to do as I have my info organized pretty well; spelling of names and places is suffers though). All this being said, I have to say I know how you feel. I see people here that make me look like a freaking amateur, which I probably am in a big picture unsure.gif.


I also felt a little like an ant when I joined last week, but have really enjoyed building on my own knowledge of WOT and taking my WOT stalkerness to a whole new level, lol. Look for Leigh Butler's re-reads on tor.com -- that really makes you feel like 'you know nothing Jon Snow'!


As for re-reads, I have not kept count. Books 1-10 I have read more than 6 times, less than 10 times, I think. NS, books 11-13 I have read twice. I must say, I'm in awe of the WOT fans who can remember so much, I always have to go looking to remember anything in detail, which inevitably leads to reading the whole chapter, which inevitably leads to me closing that book, picking up EOTW, and reading it all again!


Unfortunately my memory doesn't seem to work as well as other people's. I've read the lot so often at this stage I should be a flippin quotemaster or something.

Introduced to series in 2000, with books 1-8, I think. Have done at least one full re-read per year since then, (not 2011 though) with the newer books as they became available. ToM had three reads last winter - the first one way too rushed cos I've no patience, the other two more slowly to savour.


I feel a lot of compassion for those who started when tEotW was new, I've hated the waiting game for later books. In fact because of it I refused to read any Harry Potter book until the lot were done, and haven't read any GRRM for the same reason. I'll be useless for the last few weeks before aMoL comes out, and indeed for a week or two after.


Although I've enjoyed most of the books I have only read them once and unless the world happens to go through some sort of writing famine or I manage to read everything worth reading, I seriously doubt I will ever read them again. In fact there are a few books in the series that I will flatly say "no" I am never reading that book again. I struggled mightily to get thought it once, that's it for me. I simply can't imagine having to read Winter's Heart or Crossroads of Twilight again.


I also felt a little like an ant when I joined last week, but have really enjoyed building on my own knowledge of WOT and taking my WOT stalkerness to a whole new level, lol. Look for Leigh Butler's re-reads on tor.com -- that really makes you feel like 'you know nothing Jon Snow'!


As for re-reads, I have not kept count. Books 1-10 I have read more than 6 times, less than 10 times, I think. NS, books 11-13 I have read twice. I must say, I'm in awe of the WOT fans who can remember so much, I always have to go looking to remember anything in detail, which inevitably leads to reading the whole chapter, which inevitably leads to me closing that book, picking up EOTW, and reading it all again!


Ah a fan of A Song of Ice and Fire as well I see:)Everyone here remembers the tiniest details of every book. I'm like you, I have to go search the book for the chapter and then just end up re-reading the whole book.


i hate to say it but i have read each book up to towers of midnight at least 20 times a piece. 6 or 7 of the books i have to read magazine style cause they have all come apart from the bindings. the gathering storm and towers or midnight id say i have read at least 7 times a piece so far for each of those.I am on a re read again right now and just gettign ready to start winters heart. ill probally kill that one off in a few days. each of the books i can read pretty quickly. And im sure ill reread the whole series at least 2 more times before the last book comes out. Then ill probally buy the whole series again and not read them for a few years.


That is either seriously impressive or a case of you need to get help. Either way, fair play to ya!!


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