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The Haunted Mansion - The Gateway to Halloween at the WT and WG

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*sits down hard after spinning away from the Invisible man as he let go of her to go change*


Not gallant sah, not at all! *totters back to her group dizzily* Yeah, maybe we should trust these guys a bit less. :wacko:

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Wolfman, I see you have finally gotten here, ve were starting to vorry you vere digging through cemetaries for bones again. I believe your new chew toy has finally arrived in the mail. *motions towards Rekinu*


Gahhrr Masterrrr Vlad I wouldn’t – not afterrrr last time when you took away my fetch ball in punishment :dry:

Arrr I dunno...the new one looks a bit – tough?


Turin sees Reki defending Ithi and the others and goes to stand with his fellow Algai.

Beware furrball, you will regret trying to chew on any of us.


*licks his chops devilishly nonetheless* I not scarrrred by yourrr little tin sworrrds, little warrrrrder! See these incisorrrrrrs??? Rawhrawhrahw!!!



*nods to Reiki and keeps a sharp eye*


OK now, I’m sure we can all calm down and get along. Don’t make me pretty you all with green ribbons. I do keep a secret stash of ribbons on hand at all times. And I’m not afraid to use them. *looks with interest at the wolfman and reaches for the brush in her pocket*


*muscles bunch as he crouches down in a defensive stance, ready to pounce* Don’t you darrrrrre... the fleas in my pelt arrre monsterrrs themselves! They would eat yourrrr brrrrush and the hand holding it rrrright off!!!


*sees that he lost the monster battle against – ewgh, Drrracula*

Grrrrrrarrrrr *keens* Well he didn’t become Masterrrr forrr nothing. Someday therrre will be monsterrr rrrrevolution and we shall overrrthrrrrow him...


In that case, with my rrrreputation damaged beyond rrrreparrre alrrready maybe I should trrry beginning a new life...

So tell me, what do these *suspicious sniff* Rrrrribbons do??? Grrreen goes nice with my furrrr doncha think? I haz grrrreen mould in my furrr...


Igor! What gives? No drinks for the rest of us? That's just mean. Wolfman! You better not be carryin fleas. I am not trying to deal with bein all itchy. HA! We should give Wolfman a bath hahaha.



Coooome here boy! That's it! Come on! That's a goood boyyy. yesss he is! Isn;t he just a cutsy wootsy wif all that fur? Yes he is! YEEES he is!


*grrrrovels and yipyaps happily as he is rrreminded of his puppy days* Finally someone who’s nice to me :wub::hopper:


But a BATH!!!? Serrriously??? *NOT imprrrrressed. Crrrrouches down and rrrefuses to budge*



** notices wolfman and how he seems to have even more fur then her! Niobe walk over to him**


How can u stand having sooo much fur!? Its sooo itchy!!


**grumble *scratch* grumble**


*squints* Oh yeah...there does seem to be quite a bit of it :ohmy: I didn’t notice you had furrr when you came in.


But wait till sprrring when all yourrr winter furrrr falls out *shudderrrrrrs* That prrrrickles even worrrse!




*making use of the gloom, some of Wolfy’s fleas stealthily jump ship*


** Niobe rummages through her backpack and found the antidote to the potion Ayla had given her and took it right away. She loses all her fur and the ithching has ended.**




Few! That was weird! Im all for going on the tour too but we better stay on our guards... something just doesnt seem right..




**keeps her hand in her bag, ready to trow the entire contents if it could help, wishing she could seize saidar but knows she cant**


Shall ve continue on with the tour then? Let us drop all talk of var and violence, and sheath our swords and incisors. I think you shall find that although it may be vorrisome to try and trust us at first, soon you shall realize ve are much like you. You shall find that ve struggle vith many of the same obstacles, ve aren't always happy with what looks back at us in the mirror (for those of us vith reflections), and if you should cut us open our blood flows out in the same color as yours. Vell, except for Igor over there, if you should cut him open you'll likely only find mothballs and other random bits of string. So let us depose of the talk of distrust and aggression, and move on to having fun once again!


So, you have seen the Invisible Man's room. Don't mind the bandages in the room, ve shall have an attendant clean that up momentarily. Igor!!! Take care of that, vill you? Next ve have the lair that Frankenstein's monster lives in. Just in case it should be your desire, ve can perhaps attempt to make time to have us a read in his diary later, he sure is quite the mushball! *tousles the great green giant's hair* After that we arrive at the first ballroom. Interesting fact about this room, this is vhere Van Helsing and I had our first confrontation! Ahh, the memories.


Come along now, we can all move along to the next stop. Invisible Man, please lead everyone to the next room.


Dracula waits for everyone to file out of the ballroom slowly, then waits as the last in line, Turin Turambar, slowly steps closer to the spot on the floor marked with a unique snake pictorial. Dracula pulls a hidden lever, and the ground drops below the young algai's feet, closing quickly again before anyone else can see or hear his exit. Dracula quickly catches up with the rest of the group, leaving Turin to deal with one of the many "surprises" this house has in store for visitors.


Ahh yes, I see ve have arrived at one of our famous crypts. This one used to be frequented quite often by Vincent Price, as a matter of fact. Oh, stop right there! I'm sorry about that my dear, but you must be careful vhere you valk in this room. There are several trap doors and spring-enabled oubliettes in here that might leave you to be left in a different part of the house apart from rescue for days, possibly months. Oh, that reminds me Igor, ve shall have to clean out some of the corpses left behind from the last tour.


Now if everyone shall follow me to the next stop...


Noticing Rekinu Alasayaar taking his time suspiciously examining a strange alcove in the room, Dracula casually palms a statue, causing the alcove to spin around quickly, leaving Rekinu on the other side of the concealed compartment. Looking around to make sure no one noticed the disappearance of the other young warder, Dracula continued on to conduct the tour for the others


*follows enthralled by all this place has to offer - does start to wonder what is happening to all the Warders though - they just seemed to have vanished. Still, that Dracula guys seems alright really and nothing bad has happened so far. There is TIM, Igor and the Banshee watching on too. She carries on, giggling and talking to the other girls as she goes*


*hiding in a suit of armor in the hallway gallery Karas spys on the passing entourage*


Hmmm....I dont dont trust that Vlad fellow...I dont care if he has his own brand of breakfast cereal, someone has to protect the AS. I wonder what this ghoulish menagerie is up too...I better follow more closely.


*Follows in true Scooby Doo fashion into my next disguise with Tiberius trailing behind*


*Shouts and pounds on the wall uselessly*


Bloody knew this would happen... I told you not to trust them... but ohhh, no, lets take a frikking tour... now I am separated...


*draws his other sword(I always have two, in the arafillin fashion), keeping his shield tucked close, and goes down the passageway he finds himself, in search of the others.*


I vowed to die first, and I shall, if there be shedding of Aes Sedai blood. That vampire shall face my wrath.


Checking each entrance, floor, wall, and ceiling, Rekinu travels in the direction that they had been going, in the hopes that this new hallway would lead him to where he could meet back up with the others.*


Igor do thith, Igor do that! Alwayth thomething elthe for Igor to do, whiltht he entertainth himthelf. FINE! I WILL GO AND CLEAN THE BANDAGETH .. IT'TH NOT LIKE I'VE GOT ANYTHING BETTER TO .......


Igor's voice trailed off as he realised no-one was listening to him, the group had already left him behind and were now following his Master, TIM and Wolfy further into the Mansion. The Banshee brought up the rear to ensure no-body wandered off by themselves - that could be a little ... interesting in this place. Igor grumbled as he tidied and then set off to follow the others. There was NO WAY he was going to miss the finale of this tour. As he limped after them he heard the slam and sliding sounds of various *devices* being triggered. No doubt the tour group was become more gender biased every second.


I gueth I thould make thure the venomouth thnaketh and thpiderth are all thtocked up. And puth the big giant rolling stone ball back up into pothitithion. One of them ith bound to end up near the treathure vault at thome point. They alwayth do :evilgrin:


Kar? Is that you? *Mill hollers in a not at all circumspect manner* Karasayl! What are you doin creepin around back there? Hey, I know that's you hiding behind that statue. lol Knock it off and come join the group! Creeping around behind us. What gives man? I would almost think you didn't....want to.......be........found..oh. hehehe :blush: uhhhhhhh, hehehe


*places Ith strategically between him and Kar after seeing the look on his sword bro's face* So, Ith, amazing place this is isn't it? hehe


** looks around, not feeling to safe and notices that their group seems to be a bit smaller....Sticks close to the others since im really not feeling safe even though the creatures seem nice**



Is it just me or is our group smaller then when we first started the tour? **looks around** Where is Rekinu?!?


Turin falls thru the trapdoor which closes directly above him. While still falling, He sticks his arms out and slows his descent before reaching the spikes on the floor. He steps onto the remains of the last unlucky tourist. an arm free, Turin reaches into his pocket and takes a drink from the vial containing a red bubbling liquid. The Dragon potion stil works and in moments Turin the Black breaks free of the little trap laid by the dastardly vampire and his cronies.


Now we will see how they like to deal with monsters. Muahahahahaha


Turin follows along being able to smell the blood of the Humans, and the odd wrongness of the creatures...


After the rest of the group had disappeared, the Bride casually palms the statue to spin the alcove back, revealing the young Warder.


Vy...hello there...


I do believe the rest of the tour has moved on, but I suppose I could be convinced to give you one myself. However, you must promise me to use one of those practice swords I've seen you all about with. The vooden ones. Use it. On Drac.


The invisible man's legal fees for this divorce are all but invisible. *nods*


*considers the use super cool vampire compulsion to get cooperation*


Theeth the Mithreth thwoop in on the unthuthpecting young Algai.


Ahhhh, that one won't be a problem for much longer. Once he has felt her icy handth upon hith heart and thoul he will be lotht forever. Thith ith turning out to be quite an eathy tathk afterall.


Suddenly a terrifying roar is heard in the depths of the mansion. Igor recognised that sound. DRAGON! He ran to the library to find out how they could over come it. Finding the book on Dragonology - he turned to the page labelled 'Defense'




There is no defense against a dragon.


Here there be dragons?  Seriously?  Then why aren't we running?


The only safe dragon is one that is on a different continent than the one on which you are presently standing.  If you must share acreage with a dragon, this is best done from a great distance because, as you can see below, many dragons can breathe out and roast  someone from as much as fifty feet away. 


They also have wings which not only allow them to fly, but help to move extremely quickly.  They are quite sinuous, which allows them to plant themselves very firmly while still wriggling around enough to kill anything within 360 degrees of their bodies. 


Dragons, despite all the wonderful myth and legend that we have about them that suggests the contrary, are not creatures just dying to be ridden.  They do not form bonds with humans.  We are little more than a nice, warm, meal on feet to them.  And our magic is very little defense against them unless we are a combined force of several Wizards against one dragon.


Oh crap. Lookth like we are thcrewed :(


*looks at the female standing there for a minute before speaking incredulously*



wait.... you want me to use one of our practice swords on Dracula?




He's been asking for it. Take me to him, and I will protect the Aes Sedai and my friends!


Kar, I think I hear the source fo your bad feelings. I think maybe we should uhhhh, I think it may be time for us to leave the hospitality of our kind hosts.


Shall ve continue on with the tour then? Let us drop all talk of var and violence, and sheath our swords and incisors. I think you shall find that although it may be vorrisome to try and trust us at first, soon you shall realize ve are much like you. You shall find that ve struggle vith many of the same obstacles, ve aren't always happy with what looks back at us in the mirror (for those of us vith reflections), and if you should cut us open our blood flows out in the same color as yours. Vell, except for Igor over there, if you should cut him open you'll likely only find mothballs and other random bits of string. So let us depose of the talk of distrust and aggression, and move on to having fun once again!


*nods approval and trails with the tour*


Next ve have the lair that Frankenstein's monster lives in. Just in case it should be your desire, ve can perhaps attempt to make time to have us a read in his diary later, he sure is quite the mushball! *tousles the great green giant's hair*


How did you know of my diary? It's secret! *fels his cheeks get hot with embarassment*


*ithi continues with the tour. It was becoming more fascinating with every passing moment. Her host completely enthralled her. She could listen to him all night....


She frowned at the Warders who seemed to constantly get in the way. Why don't they just go and find something more useful to do. Surely they could see there was no danger here*


Where to next? This is all so very very wonderful!




*nods* Im do NOT want to find whatever made that roar, sounds terrifying, and having gotten used to hearing the Cap'n keep the barracks up all night with his snoring thats indeed a cause for an alarm!


Ladies, now might be a good time to leave this place....


Mills, you know what Im thinking, at a time like this:


An Escape MONTAGE!


*Sweeps T.I.M.'s legs and makes a dash down the hallway!*


*After following the Bride of Dracula (not for long), he is directed out a side door, right in the path of the other party.*


Dracula *he shouted* I have made my way through your mansion, and I am here to make you meet your doom. Let these wonderful people free from the entrallment that you have enslaved them.


*Brandishing his sword, he faces the count, and holds his training sword at the ready*


Wood... chosen specifically for you.


*motioning to the others*


come on, Ithi, I know you want to explore more, but in the interest of traps that this evil person has laid around his mansion, it is in our best interest to leave NOW before he gets any more ideas. Turin is missing, as was I, and you didn't even notice. See how good he is at hiding the lost members that you didn't even notice?


Mills, Kar, lead the way back out.


Sorry T.I.M., this has nothing to do with you, as you are the only one I partially trust at this point... the werewolf is on my good side at the moment as well... you are welcome to come with us, and we might even give you a tour of our Tower if you wish, and behave yourself.


Dracula, I challenge you to a duel in exchange for your hostages...


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