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calling all new members, please check in!

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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i am quite mad enough without the addition of hallucinagenics. what i see without them is more than weird enough.


or was that your question?


ok, answering it seriously then.


no, not since college, freshman year. and it wasn't the least bit of fun.


I referred to our talk yesterday where I apparently had eaten something that made me evil. So I´m thinking you have eaten something that have made you extra nice. :biggrin:


:wub: @ Cindy



:wub: you Tina, truly, madly, and deeply.


nice and evil are not mutually exclusive. :happy:


very much not, as it happens.

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I will eat those brownies as soon as I have poured myself a cup of ginger-lemon tea. :myrddraal:


And to all newbies - I think I have already said it but you are more then welcome to ask me any questions, especially if they concern the Dark Lord. :baalzamon:

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I will eat those brownies as soon as I have poured myself a cup of ginger-lemon tea. :myrddraal:


And to all newbies - I think I have already said it but you are more then welcome to ask me any questions, especially if they concern the Dark Lord. :baalzamon:



please, allow me




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*hugs poetstorm*


long time no see. :happy:


*hugs back* Heya Cindy. ^^ I so need to hang out more around here. :D



ok, i'll start with the questions, feel free to answer, to ignore, to replace, or what have you -


what brought you to DM, and what brought you to the tower? what keeps you coming back?


what annoys you? (don't worry, i promise not to remember that or use it for evil :myrddraal: )


what are your interests, aside from the obvious - madness, brownies, and fantasy lit, i mean?


is there anything you seek here but cannot find?


and please, being as random and incomprehensible as possible - who and what are you?


Okie Dokie. ^^


DM - I came here through the recommendation of some online friends who also loved WoT. The very day I went to actually register, DM7 went down for a eek. LOL But that apparently didn't stop me. ^-^


The tower - Well there was some sort of event, I think an Aiel or Ogier visit, but the first taste of those brownies and the spamminess and I was hooked, but...I resisted for a while even though someone predicted I would join and evntually I did. :D


And where else can I post up all the bizarre random stuff that I find on the nterwebz? :D It's fun here. ^^


And as for me, I'm a writer, ghost hunter, cartoon & anime fanatic, and geek. ^^

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i enjoy all your posts, poet, and you must post here more often.


your geekdom cannot be more fully satisfied elsewhere (check out the "getting my geek on" thread, among others - some nice clices of geek heaven there), and... really would like to hear more about the ghosthunting. i've seen you mention that before.

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I enjoy the bizarre random interwebz posts. :)


Danke! I just posted up a new thread. :D


i enjoy all your posts, poet, and you must post here more often.


your geekdom cannot be more fully satisfied elsewhere (check out the "getting my geek on" thread, among others - some nice clices of geek heaven there), and... really would like to hear more about the ghosthunting. i've seen you mention that before.


Thanks! ^^ Yeah I've been lurking the geek thread, though I'm not much of a videogamer.


We just finished production on a documentary called Scary Long Island that covers some of the haunted places nearby. Can't wait to get the first DVD proof back. ^^

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excellent, thank you!


i do not believe i have been to mount misery...it looks super tainted... this is how i picture the village...






but i have been to oyster bay, and that was pretty flipping scary. especially the black lined pools...


i do remember reading the amityville horror way too young and spending the rest of my life, till this day, trying not to look out the window in the dark for dear of seeing red eyes...

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  • 1 month later...

is bumped AGAIN!! sighs why is it always me??


ok so questioms questions questions


i came to DM in 05...yes i am an old timer but have been hanging out in the band and wolfies mostly


came over for the event a couple of weeks ago and decided this place is now mine!!



I like reading surfing and tormenting my kids..... and DMers lol....speaking of which i gotta go find horrie....

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hmmm how much honesty can i get away with b4 the powers that be shut me down??


It used to be really really good...when we went off to our own offsite boards. Really busy and we became REAL friends lots of fun our rules extra sub regiments..SARMS!!!!! GREAT sigs not like the poxy things we have here.. but then the order came down lose the offsite or be excommunicated we decided to be excommunicated but management did a 180.


So back to DM with all its rules. I float in and out at times depending on net access but right now?? me and Dragonlover seem to be the only two around.


shrugs when ppl are active its good but its pretty dead a lot and a lot of ppl left DM over the whole thing

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