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As Promised. . . Moon's letters to those who she wants to *stab*

Moon Sedai

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Woah, that sounds like one awful person.


It's horrible that men can do that.


*pats cindy's shoulder*

But, it looks like you've grown up okay.

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i'd like to think i could come up with something PG-13, but i can't just at the moment.


it won't ever be an issue, i'm sure.


and... it wouldn't be again. it would be or the first time.


of course. if i got past the cursing part, i'd have a lot of questions. i think i can extrapolate some... me minus mom = him. but yeah, i wonder all about him, and whether i have brothers and sisters, and... everything. whenever i meet someone too much like me, i have to wonder if they're related.



the unanswered questions are the things that i never get past.


My father was adopted at birth.

So I often wonder about his "natural" family. What were they like? Who were they? (etc).

So, I understand the wonder.


A girlfriend of mine grew up thinking her father died in a traffic accident before she was born.

This was because her mother thought the man died.


She found out when she was in her 20s that her dad was still alive. Her Aunt apparently did not like her mom, so she told her that her boyfriend died when she called to tell him that she was pregnant. (She'd moved back to Atlanta after living a few months in New York to spend time with her own family).

She actually grew up with her mom's parents, and idealized both parents. (Her mom is very flaky.)

The ideal of her dad did not live up to the dream, once she met him.

She thought "If only he'd lived, he could have sold some of his art, and helped me and Mom, we could travel Europe, (etc). {She's kinda artsy}

He lived half the 80s as a drug addicted bum. He'd cleaned up by the time she met him, but, still.

I think he had married and had 2 young kids (16 years younger than her) when they finally met and was working not as an artist, but at a auto garage or something like that.

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As for what you said, Moon, my daughter has really good judgment. If I ever tried to tell her she couldn’t date someone, that judgment would probably fly out the window. She’s a Taurus, just like her mom. I’ve raised her to make her own decisions, with my input, and she’s done really well. Besides, she’s known this boy for 5 years as friends. He has really been there for her.


Dear Next Door Neighbors,


You are obviously unsuited for canine companionship and i highly reccomend that you invest in fish for your next pets.


You've had a countless number of dogs in the time we've been neighbors, at least one or two new pets a year, none kept longer than 6 months.

None are well trained.

I remember the cute little white pitbull puppy you guys kept outside at all hours of day and night. She'd constantly escape and came over to my yard to try to play with my dogs because she was lonely outside in the cold and heat.

She was too cute of a pit to leave outside like that.

She had a sweet temperment, for a pittbull, and loved the attention she got from us.

And one day, she was gone.

What, not violent enough for you?

I know she found a new home in our neighborhood, because I saw her in a neighbor's yard a few months after she vanished.


Then there were the two black dogs the boys had.

They never wore a collar, and constantly escaped. The boys looked to US to help regain their dogs, countless times.


Yet when my dog gets into your yard, you let him out of the yard and watch me, the disabled Vet, run up and down the street to catch the dog because you think it is funny.


There is an assumption in our neighborhood that one needs violent dogs to defend against the crazy people in our little area of Houston.

Funny how the only ones who talk like that are the ones that we need defending from.

And the dogs need defense most of all.



p.s. The only credit I'll give you: You've stopped blaring your car stereo at 12:30 in the morning next to my bedroom window.

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That's a shame that they can't take care of their dogs. I have a neighbor who leaves theirs outside all the time, and our summers get HOT! I want to lock them out for a day and see how they like it.


i've rescued dogs from situations like that. didn;t care how legal it was or wasn't. we have a social contract with domesticated animals. i'd rather see the humans harm other humans than animals.


These neighbors are real jerks, and 75% of the reason I keep my back gate locked shut with a bike lock.


They called the county to tow away my vehicle that was dead in my driveway for six months (I'm convinced it was them) as an "abandoned vehicle." and the county took the car, without warning.





lovely place. in some ways i'm pleased we don't have much law enforcement here anymore. they mainly stick to the important things now and don;t have time to harass people for living.


Dear Jerk who Stole my Kid Brother's Bike while he was at work, {note: kid brother is 31.)


My brother is a single father of two small boys whos only form of transportation is that bicycle. While you might be thinking, "cool, Free bike," He's thinking "dangit, now I gotta walk everywhere and i can't get home from work to see my boys."

He cannot afford to just "buy another bike" to replace the one you stole.

It's not like he has "stolen bicycle insurance" or could afford it, anyway.


I hope the chain snaps while you're driving it and you fall off into a ditch somewhere.

I hope that someone steals it from you, leaving you unable to get home.


Sincerely wishing you harm because you hurt my kid brother.


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That's a crappy thing to do. My son's friend just had his diaper money stolen out of his wallet by someone he thought was a friend. So, I kinda feel your brother's pain.




My brother livs in Florida, I live in Texas, a good 16 hour drive. (it's a looong drive just to give him a lift).


What's sad is that at first, he thought it was a buddy pranking him, but, it turns out, no, it wasn't.


I'd buy one for him myself, if I could afford one. I can barely afford gas for the car right now.





You might also ask why I do not substitute teach. Substitutes have no summer or break time employment. When the schools were shut down for virtually a month after that Big Hurricane in 2008, I had no substitute opportunities for almost 6 weeks, because no teachers were in school and because once they returned, none wanted to take an absence. Also, substitutes have, in my experience, poor administrative support and no healthcare benefits, something highly important for me.

I just want to say, not all states/cities are that way, because where I live subs get healthcare through the public school system (one of my best friends is a sub) so not everywhere is so bad! I really feel for you in this, because my friend is having the same trouble with finding a permanent teaching job, and she is such an amazing teacher that it kills me to see crappy teachers with jobs instead of her!


Been having a really good week, will make it better by venting a few things. Will do the big 3 tonight.




I had a bad feeling in my gut the first time I heard your name. I had it again when I saw you. But, all of my friends seemed to love you, so I figured I'd give you a chance. You were dating "Ross" at the time.

I wasn't close enough to him yet to be sure of what I was seeing, but it was clear that once I got to know him better that you molded and tricked him into doing thing he didn't want to do. He's still not over that by the way, and a certain part of what you helped enflame and mold still hasn't gone away--and it's still hurting him.


Your next little project was "Stella." While you were away I became her best friend. Didn't like that very much did you? You missed having someone who was so easy to manipulate. You took advantage of her depression, her schizophrenia, her phobias, and her insecurities to do all sorts of things. Most of it you did just to cause her suffering--like when you guilted her into carrying your books around when you "fractured your wrist" and she had mono and could barely carry her own backpack around.


Oh, on that note--do you really expect us to believe all of these little "health problems" of yours? The bottom of your spine is made of cartilage because it didn't fully develop you say? That's why you must sit on a pillow at all times? You fracture bones about once every two months? You've had all sorts of mysterious serious diseases? Maybe you should have just stayed home schooled.


And then, once Stella was at a different school, you turned your eyes to "Tristan", her boyfriend of the time, and my other best friend. The two of them had been with her for about 7 months. You convinced him that she was manipulative one, that because of all of the insecurities she has [btw, my counselor who is also Stella's counselor can speak for all of Stella's issues. I never saw a single actual doctor's note from "Graendal"--just notes from her mom saying that she was having this problem or that one]. You broke them apart, and convinced him that he needed a "real" woman (you have absolutely no figure to speak of by the way--and he hated how short you kept your hair). I didn't realize you were moving in on him--I didn't see you talking to him and once the breakup occurred I was too busy trying to make Stella eat and stop crying to see you moving in on him. So by the time you and Tristan got together a month later, I was too late. You already had your hooks sunk into him. I don't know how he didn't see through you, but I know he was tired of all of the drama that had been going on between them anyway. I guess you just used that as well.


You knew he was insecure too. You know he was devoted to being the best boyfriend he could be. He told you about his rotten childhood, about all of the things that he went though, and you knew he wanted to be better. You made him think that he could get that by doing stuff for you. He did absolutely everything for you. Wasn't good enough for you though. You started fights and then blamed it on him. You stole his hours, warped him even further in the direction that his dark childhood had sent him. You made him loathe himself. Luckily, he snapped out of it enough for me to save him.


Oh, by the way, when you say "I'm done with this" and he walks around happily for the rest of the day because he thinks that the relationship is finally over, and then you come back and say "nonono! I just meant I was done with the fighting!" and so he takes you back, is unhappy, and avoids you for the next two days, walking with me (his best friend) instead, and basically doing everything he can do be the worst boyfriend he can be before breaking up with you, that meant he wasn't interested anymore. You do not keep texting him for months begging him to come back. He saw through your lies.


You just couldn't stand it when he and I started dating though, could you? Through the little bit of contact you had with him you saw him getting better, saw me undoing all of the damage you caused. You tried coming back into his life once again. You don't realize that I knew. He was getting back at you this time. We all were. When he was pretending he still cared about you, when he denied being with me and all of that, I knew. It made me uncomfortable, and it wasn't right of us to sink to your level, but we wanted you to see that you aren't as powerful as you thought you were. Oh yes, I knew. I wonder if he told you that when he told you that he actually were with me and he wasn't interested and he wasn't going to talk to you anymore and all that jazz.


I'm glad your halfway across the country now. I pray you stop hurting people, and the dark side of me wishes it to be because someone get back at you. Perhaps in a permanent fashion.









You've always looked like a scarecrow to me. I don't know what they saw in you. I guess it was because you knew just what to say to get them to feel special.


I had a bad feeling about you from the start too. But you made Stella happy. She walked through the halls smiling, a little bounce in her step that I'd not seen before. That was until she figured out that you were only with her for her body. You made her feel smaller, so that she would feel safer and protected around you. Once she was over you and with Tristan, you came back after they'd been dating a few months and nearly ruined their relationship because you made her think that you still cared and that Tristan couldn't take care of her.


Then you disappeared for a few years. I was focused elsewhere when you started talking to "Carla". Not only did you talk to her, but you convinced her that she could change you, that the good in you really did have a chance. Heck, you even proposed. You tore her life apart though. You started fights over stupid things, tried to control what she did and who she saw, started talking about Stella and how she had been a much better girlfriend. Carla was stable when you started dating her. You couldn't break her. You tried though. Tried to make her feel like she was worthless. When she left you raged at her.


She's been afraid to spend the night alone because of you. And unfortunately, we have no evidence to go to the police with.


But no one believes you when you tell them how much of a b**** Carla is. They've met her. They know she's the sweetest person on earth. Your just making yourself look even more fake.


Stop calling her when you're drunk, raging at her over leaving you and trying to make her feel worthless. Oh, and stop texting Stella too. She's way over you. They both are.


I pray you stop hurting people, and my dark side hopes that your drinking habits get you into serious trouble.







(this next one isn't a stab, but still a rage)


Dear Ross






Remember all of the good stuff that happened, back in sophomore and junior year? Remember crying on my shoulder when I said I forgave you, remember that moment you and Tristan had in our Sanctuary that one time? Remember all of the good things that happened, all of the progress you made?


Does any of it even matter anymore?


You and "Lina" went through a bunch of rough patches. Both of you made mistakes. But that doesn't excuse all of the lies you started to tell all of us. It doesn't forgive how you used and hurt Lina, how you started treating all of your other friends, and it doesn't excuse what you're trying to do to Lina, to Carla, and to a lot of other people right now.


You're made of better stuff than this!!!!!! I've seen it in you!!!! I've seen you really wanting to be good, I've seen you wanting to change. I've seen you do it!!!! SNAP OUT OF THIS!!!!!!!


You hurt Lina, who thought for over a year that she was going to marry you. You betrayed Tristan, who gave you a place to stay when home got bad, who treated you like a brother, who understood everything you were going through. You stole from your friends!!!!


I'm still here for you, even though you've let me down a ton.


Please, come back!!!


~Aiel Heart





Edit for correcting a sentence


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