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Welcome Rasheta to the Black Tower!


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*drags out a welcome banner and a fresh tray of brownies*




*jumpflyingtacklesnuggleglomps...then remembers that Rashi tends to step out of the way* :P


I totally did a doubletake when I saw your welcome thread. ^-^ Welcome to the BT! Took me a while to join, but you held out longer than I did. :)


*laughs* Yeah the anime thread caught me and pulled me in. *ggls* I mean you can never talk anime too much can you. *ggls*


*sighs* The Rash name comes back to haunt me apparently. I usually go with Rashi or Rasi depending on whose talking to me. *ggls* Thanks for the welcomes everyone. Should I say something else like an acadamy award speech or something. *ggls*


Do you prefer Rasi then? Because Rashi hasn't gotten completely stuck in my head yet, I can still change it. LOL



*double-triple-four take*



is my RASI! In the BT, oh haven for SPAMMERS!!



*snatches a tainted brownie and snuggles on her sis*


Welcome, love, to our Tainty Abode!


I know! *does the happy dance* We greenies are good at spam anyways methinks. ^-^



welcome to the BT Rasheta. Let the taint be with you :smile:


I just LOVE this. :D

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it's all my fault, every last warping, foul bit of it.


But we love you anyway. ^-^


Do you prefer Rasi then? Because Rashi hasn't gotten completely stuck in my head yet, I can still change it. LOL


It doesn't matter to me which you use Poet. As long as its not Rash i'm happy. *laughs*


Haha, yeah I would say so. :D No matter what nickname you have, there will be some way to misuse it. :D


I'm thinking my Caption This anime thread might do well over here too by the way. :D Gotta go find some more funny pictures. Bleach has quite a few actually.

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Well okay but i'm bad with intro's *laughs* I dunno how in depth to go...like ever. Anyway lets see.


I'm 27, live on the west coast of the US. I am a college student and probably will be for the rest of my life. Or that's what it seems like. *laughs* I started reading the WoT when I was in high school. I have trouble sleeping so I picked a series that was long so I could just read myself to sleep. *laughs* Shortly after some friends and I started a WoT site and a few years after that I had my own RP site. After that closed down I joined DM and have been in the WT and the WT RP side for a long while. I figured that it was time to branch outside the WT's though so here I am. Lets see in my spare time I read, a lot, i'm very into manga and anime. I am an avid cosplayer, yes I have pictures, i'm also a bellydancer but I don't get to do that as much as I would like. :( I think that's it.


I´m soon going to try out DM RP. I have never played on line before but I hope it will be fun.

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I have played a lot of ordinary role plays and also live (although that was a long time ago).


Louii, don´t give up on mafia. It´s so much fun. I had never played it before I came to DM but now I´m totally addicted. :biggrin: If you want to learn the basics then I can help you, just pm me. If you want to be a good player then you have to find someone else to talk to. :biggrin:

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Welcome to the dark side. Please go to the Light. You are to nice to other people for the dark side.




Haha, that would be great! Thanks!


Everybody seems to be playing it so I read a few threads and I'm just lost!

I tried to figure it out but I suspect a bit, at least initially, happens off thread.


The mafia can talk off thread, and some other things (like Night Actions) also happen off thread. But you can just sign up somewhere, and ask for help. There is a very helpful newbie guide, but most is intuitive. I am playing in two games (my first two) and I consider myself a full player already. No newbie anymore.

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Thanks! I´m going to start playing with Kat and I guess she will be teaching me. :biggrin:


Ah that's good Kat is a good mentor. :)


I want to get back into it again too now that I'm not so buried IRL. ^^


Yes do it! I should dig up your thread and see what you still need to do in order to go through the arches. *g* Oh arches are fun. Although i'm never entirely sure what to say in them.


Mafia is something I just don't understand. I played once and figured out pretty quick it wasn't my thing. *laughs*

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