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It's quiet...


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Normally I can just stay active here. Well, normally the last week. But it's quiet now. And I think I know why. Normally I'm not active around this time, but today I am. And at this time, activity is always low. The time I normally become active, is a few hours later, when people become active again.


And now SPAM!

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yeah, you posted that around 7 AM EST on saturday morning. but also, hurricane. lots of the east coast has no power, and lots have evacuated. could be a while, it's a big storm. shouldn't hit me till tomorow, and hopefully not as bad as it is now. we'll watch and wait. hope everyone else is OK.

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why should tonight be different from any other night?


thanks, tinker, it is very difficult being a superhero.


and yes, ley, i would have to kill you if i told you what i do. and if i failed and injured you instead, i would have to arrange economic support for you. and you would hate me for it.

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Heh, I work in I.T. I control the horizontal, I control the vertical, do not attempt to adjust your screen...

Hells yeah. IT is totally the way to go.


Also, Ley, its cus its super-duper-top-secret. If she posted it in here, shed have to kill all of us to preserve the secrecy.

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