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Taim = Mad Eye Moody

A Rant Lord

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Everyone seems to agree that Taim is evil incarnate.

What if Moridin has been Taim all along (I've seen this theory posted a lot)and Taim has been held captive the entire time?

I think it likely that the field of merrilor will be a general snipeout, a lot of rulers will be taken out by dreadlords while distracted by trollocs in Caemlyn an attack by trolloc/myrddraal on the FoM. Moridin will be matched vs Logain and lightside Ashaman, while Perrin destroys the dreamspike. Logain will be pressed hard because obviously Ishy is stronger. But then the dreamspike is destroyed and Rand with his aes sedai and Ashaman will join the fight and Ishy is forced to retreat to his blight manor. The real Taim is freed and given control of the borderlands together with lord Agelmar. Logain will receive full control of the Ashaman. Does any of this seem likely to any of you?


Can you support this with foreshadowing? I don't mean Taim's identity, that we should probably debate elsewhere (no reason to reiterate arguments that already have been made in other threads).


If Taim is indeed Ishamael, Logain is completely toast. No contest. Hopefully he has a much larger Asha'man army at his command.


Ishamael is stronger (although Logain would come close), so much much more knowledgeable and very likely more skilled in use of the Power. Very easily the #1 Forsaken, even #2 Demandred would be pressed to defeat OP wielding Ishamael.



TP wielding Ishamael would slap around the likes of even Demandred silly. TP wielding Ishamael nearly defeated Rand with Callandor. The amount of TP one can wield seems to be dependent on what Shai'tan allows (a trickle for Grandael vs. massive amount for Ishamael).


TP wielding Ishamael said to LTT (greatest AS of AoL) that he is the greater one now (EotW). The capabilities with the TP seem to be greater than the OP (e.g. Grandael's bird).


Even with Callandor, Logain might not defeat TP wielding Ishamael.


if he was captured, he would have been killed not held captive, why hold a man captive if they are never going to let him free? Either turn him, or use his body.


TP wielding Ishamael would slap around the likes of even Demandred silly. TP wielding Ishamael nearly defeated Rand with Callandor. The amount of TP one can wield seems to be dependent on what Shai'tan allows (a trickle for Grandael vs. massive amount for Ishamael).


TP wielding Ishamael said to LTT (greatest AS of AoL) that he is the greater one now (EotW). The capabilities with the TP seem to be greater than the OP (e.g. Grandael's bird).


Even with Callandor, Logain might not defeat TP wielding Ishamael.

TP is more addictive, seductive, danegrous and other things. The forsaken say you can do things with the TP that you cannot with OP (though IMO this more a case of ignorance). But there's no real evidence that TP is "stronger" than OP. When Ishamael says to LTT "I'm the greater now," he means "you're a broken senseless husk of your former self and I stand highest among those who serve the greater power", and not "I can channel more power than you."


Also, when Rand fought Ishamael he was still mostly clueless, weaving with 90% instinct and snatches of dim memories from LTT. Logain is much more skilled, now.


IMO, Logain wielding Callandor has a very good chance to defeat Ishamael.


Logain is bonded to two Aes Sedai, isn't he? Instant Callandor-circle.. though he will need to relinquish control to one of the women.

So Toveine might get her day with the BT after all?


Logain is bonded to two Aes Sedai, isn't he? Instant Callandor-circle.. though he will need to relinquish control to one of the women.


Hrm, wasn't this debunked? BWB error I believe that he'd have to give up control? We saw it wasn't true at the taint cleansing?


Logain is bonded to two Aes Sedai, isn't he? Instant Callandor-circle.. though he will need to relinquish control to one of the women.


Hrm, wasn't this debunked? BWB error I believe that he'd have to give up control? We saw it wasn't true at the taint cleansing?


In a circle of one man and one woman (Rand and Nynaeve) the man can control. In circle with 2 women and 1 man, a woman controls. That's why the Asha'man (don't remember his name) had to jump in front of his Aes Sedai to save her when he felt a woman (Aran'gar) channeling saidin. Because the Aes Sedai was controlling the flows and he couldn't channel himself.


Logain is bonded to two Aes Sedai, isn't he? Instant Callandor-circle.. though he will need to relinquish control to one of the women.


Hrm, wasn't this debunked? BWB error I believe that he'd have to give up control? We saw it wasn't true at the taint cleansing?


In a circle of one man and one woman (Rand and Nynaeve) the man can control. In circle with 2 women and 1 man, a woman controls. That's why the Asha'man (don't remember his name) had to jump in front of his Aes Sedai to save her when he felt a woman (Aran'gar) channeling saidin. Because the Aes Sedai was controlling the flows and he couldn't channel himself.


Not necessarily:


During the cleansing of the taint:


Daigian was leading the circle-because of him, he thought-but she was drawing so lightly that he felt barely a whisper

of saidin passing through him. She would not want to face that until she had to. He lifted her cowl back

into place on her head, and she smiled at him from its depths. The bond carried her affection to him, and

his own back, he supposed. With time, he thought he might come to love this little Aes Sedai.


The torrent of saidin far behind him had a tendency to wash out his awareness of other channeling, but

he could feel others wielding the Power. The battle had been joined, elsewhere, and so far all the four of

them had done was walk. He did not mind that much, really. He had been at Dumai's Wells, and fought

the Seanchan, and he had learned that battles were more fun in a book than in the flesh. What did irk him

was that he had not been given control of the circle. Of course, Jahar had not, but he figured Merise

amused herself by making Jahar balance a cookie on his nose. Darner had been given control of that

circle, though.


Clearly a man can lead a circle of two women, since Damer was linked with Corele and Sarene. There isn't a limitation on the number of women in a circle that a man can lead. Eben clearly wanted to lead his circle but wasn't allowed too. Hindsight being 20/20, Eben should have had control of the circle for at least 3 reasons: 1) has experience with saidin, the more difficult to control of the two (because of the taint) 2) He can detect saidin and saidar in a person (Daigan could not and it caused his death) 3) Even though Daigian is much older and more experienced with the OP, she isn't as experienced in battles, strategy, tactics, or offensive/defensive weaves as Eben.


Clearly a man can lead a circle of two women, since Damer was linked with Corele and Sarene.

Odd, very odd. I haven't noticed that before. On the other hand we have this, though:

"If Rahvin trusts us enough to link when he must allow one of us to guide," the melodious voice said, "you can display an equal trust."

If Lanfear believes it so, can she be mistaken?


Regardless, though, according to Cadsuane a woman has to direct the flows in order to counter Callandor's flaw.


alright, i really don't see Rand letting Logain use Callandor lol.


I wouldn't have with TGS, but after ToM...


And then there's Eg's dream (ACoS10) about Logain stepping over what is apparently Rand's body, onto a 'black stone', perhaps the BT 'pulpit'.


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