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Clear skies over Caemlyn

Dreggs Morlock

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I've re-read ToM (again!!) and took note of the unspoiled food coming from Caemlyn (Egwene and others were discussing food they were eating) and Faile noted the clear skies over the city when they were off to see Elayne. I've searched the forums (as well as I knew how) and didn''t find any discussions on WHY Caemlyn is getting the same clear skies as Rand is getting... the unborn children in Elayne's belly? Something more important? I have no idea beyond Rand's children, so its probably something simple I missed.

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Sanderson said he screwed up the timeline when he said that the skies above Caemlyn were clear as Mat enters at the beginning of the book. By the time Perrin and Faile show up though the book is beyond the end of TGS so the sky is beginning to clear everywhere.

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Sanderson said he screwed up the timeline when he said that the skies above Caemlyn were clear as Mat enters at the beginning of the book. By the time Perrin and Faile show up though the book is beyond the end of TGS so the sky is beginning to clear everywhere.

Ah. I assumed it to be due to the ta'avern nature of Mat, just as the foodstuffs in Perrin's forces were not spoiled.
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I don't know, but Aviendha and Min should get it too if it's the bond.

They do. The sky cleared over Tear before Rand came back in the same way as over Caemlyn, and Aviendha saw the sky over Rhuidean clear during her passing through the columns. So most likely it's the bond which causes the clear sky.

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Exactly. I'd only add that Cadsuane's tea was perfect at the same time the sun came out in Tear, again before Rand arrived. Just like Elayne apparently keeps food from spoiling in Caemlyn. Brandon's comment regarding the timeline also confirms that VoG was the tipping point.

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Sanderson said he screwed up the timeline when he said that the skies above Caemlyn were clear as Mat enters at the beginning of the book. By the time Perrin and Faile show up though the book is beyond the end of TGS so the sky is beginning to clear everywhere.

Ah. I assumed it to be due to the ta'avern nature of Mat, just as the foodstuffs in Perrin's forces were not spoiled.

I think that can also in part be attributed to the order that Perrin brought. Elayne has similarly brought order to Caemlyn and Andor.

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