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WoT curses


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"Summer ham" LOL. Always wondered why that was supposed to be an insult in Randland.


My favorite part about this one is Aviendha's description of Lan's reaction to it. No clue what it means, but it makes me laugh. :lan:

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My best guess on the Mother's Milk thing is that it's something to do with the fact that usually breast-feeding doesn't involve cups. Maybe there's something 'unnatural' about the situations it suggests. For instance, a child old enough to drink from a cup (holding it himself) is usually past old enough to be weaned.

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or maybe he just heard of one of those poor schmoes who put the wrong milk in their coffee. yep, i'm sure that's it




and yeah, i deleted that so you wouldn't have to. sorry about the whole thing.

lol reminds me bout a time when a pregnant friend of mine threatened to come to my place and put her own milk in replacement of all the milk in my house cause i was teasing her about the limitations of being pregnant

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"Oh sheep swallop! Sheep swallop and bloody buttered onions!" - Mat

This one takes the cake for me!! What the...? It makes me laugh but at the same time, does my head in trying to figure out how 'bloody buttered onions' could ever be a curse!

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