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WoT curses


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Maybe we can talk abit about curses if that isn´t OT.

For example I can understand Burn you.. ie the Light will burn you to cinders... but why is bloody ashes considered a curse or mother´s milk in a cup?


I do try to be an angry british man but noone ever takes me seriously...could be the velvet jerkin and tights.


"Burn you" to "bloody ashes"?



Mother's milk and a cup sounds extremely dirty to me. Maybe I just have a dirty mind.


I understand the ashes part but the bloody part... no. o.O


Mothes milk in a cup may be dirty I guess, I think about other things when I hear it though lol

Sadly that´s the only curses I can remember right now...


"Summer ham" LOL. Always wondered why that was supposed to be an insult in Randland.


Lol.. maybe cause if it was a summer ham it be in the warmth and be all rotten and smell bad.


What about the curses Siuan uses, such as "fish guts"? I can't remember any others off the top of my head altough I seem to remember there being at least another... Also what about "flaming"?


What about the curses Siuan uses, such as "fish guts"? I can't remember any others off the top of my head altough I seem to remember there being at least another... Also what about "flaming"?


I connect 'flaming' and 'burn you' to the hated and feared Aes Sedai - with their 'Flame of Tar Valon' emblem.


What about 'wool-head', 'bull-goose fool', and - in Shienar - 'Peace'!


I do admire RJ's skill at creating and adapting curses from different cultures; they're fun. I do think, though, that they were conceived of originally with a purpose in mind--that of keeping the books safe for the kiddies. Same goes for the kid-gloves handling of sex and sexuality.


I actually thought of making a thread devoted to this very recently but got sidetracked; my question is what rl curse word do you think coorelates to each WoT curse? Obviously this has to be kept PG13, but here's my estimates:


Light = Dayum


Burn me = Copiate with me!, as an imperitive (I'm trying my best to be obvious and vague at the same time in what I mean)


Ashes = Excrement


Flaming = ...(this is getting hard to be elusive and clear at the same time) .... whatevs I'll skip this one


White-livered sons of goats = cowardly sons of female dogs


Mother's milk in a cup = I have a theory but I'm not going there


Goat-kissing = Might be goat-something but I doubt kissing is meant literally


I actually thought of making a thread devoted to this very recently but got sidetracked; my question is what rl curse word do you think coorelates to each WoT curse? Obviously this has to be kept PG13, but here's my estimates:


Light = Dayum


Burn me = Copiate with me!, as an imperitive (I'm trying my best to be obvious and vague at the same time in what I mean)


Ashes = Excrement


Flaming = ...(this is getting hard to be elusive and clear at the same time) .... whatevs I'll skip this one


White-livered sons of goats = cowardly sons of female dogs


Mother's milk in a cup = I have a theory but I'm not going there


Goat-kissing = Might be goat-something but I doubt kissing is meant literally


I dk if you can be that literal. I mean it all depends on what kinda God/Gods/Godess/Entity you believe in. Here we say curses with Hell, fucking, bitch and so on cause they come from a time where we were afraid of the Devil, we use cause it demeans women, and so on.

Light- I would equate that with God... cause it´s actually a "good" curse

Burn me ashes and flaming all has to do with the "bad" Light. A light can give you warmth but also burn you.

About mother´s milk in a cup.. I dk why that would be gross, I can think of the male counterpart, but that is more gross then mother´s milk.


I actually thought of making a thread devoted to this very recently but got sidetracked; my question is what rl curse word do you think coorelates to each WoT curse? Obviously this has to be kept PG13, but here's my estimates:


Light = Dayum


Burn me = Copiate with me!, as an imperitive (I'm trying my best to be obvious and vague at the same time in what I mean)


Ashes = Excrement


Flaming = ...(this is getting hard to be elusive and clear at the same time) .... whatevs I'll skip this one


White-livered sons of goats = cowardly sons of female dogs


Mother's milk in a cup = I have a theory but I'm not going there


Goat-kissing = Might be goat-something but I doubt kissing is meant literally


I dk if you can be that literal. I mean it all depends on what kinda God/Gods/Godess/Entity you believe in. Here we say curses with Hell, fucking, bitch and so on cause they come from a time where we were afraid of the Devil, we use cause it demeans women, and so on.

Light- I would equate that with God... cause it´s actually a "good" curse

Burn me ashes and flaming all has to do with the "bad" Light. A light can give you warmth but also burn you.

About mother´s milk in a cup.. I dk why that would be gross, I can think of the male counterpart, but that is more gross then mother´s milk.


I probably should have said which correlates best with the WoT curses, there doesn't have to be a direct translation for any of them, I'm just throwin out ideas. When u say "God...", does that mean gawd dayummit? Thats where I was deriving it from, basically. But there is a distinction between "the Light" and the Creator in the series. I think of the Light as the benediction, or blessing, of their God, the Creator. Reversing it's use would basically be like using the Lord's name in vain, or damning someone.


I agree that the whole ashes thing is just a play on the whole Light business, the reason I went with shitaki mushrooms is the connotation just felt right


I actually thought of making a thread devoted to this very recently but got sidetracked; my question is what rl curse word do you think coorelates to each WoT curse? Obviously this has to be kept PG13, but here's my estimates:


Light = Dayum


Burn me = Copiate with me!, as an imperitive (I'm trying my best to be obvious and vague at the same time in what I mean)


Ashes = Excrement


Flaming = ...(this is getting hard to be elusive and clear at the same time) .... whatevs I'll skip this one


White-livered sons of goats = cowardly sons of female dogs


Mother's milk in a cup = I have a theory but I'm not going there


Goat-kissing = Might be goat-something but I doubt kissing is meant literally


I dk if you can be that literal. I mean it all depends on what kinda God/Gods/Godess/Entity you believe in. Here we say curses with Hell, fucking, bitch and so on cause they come from a time where we were afraid of the Devil, we use cause it demeans women, and so on.

Light- I would equate that with God... cause it´s actually a "good" curse

Burn me ashes and flaming all has to do with the "bad" Light. A light can give you warmth but also burn you.

About mother´s milk in a cup.. I dk why that would be gross, I can think of the male counterpart, but that is more gross then mother´s milk.


I probably should have said which correlates best with the WoT curses, there doesn't have to be a direct translation for any of them, I'm just throwin out ideas. When u say "God...", does that mean gawd dayummit? Thats where I was deriving it from, basically. But there is a distinction between "the Light" and the Creator in the series. I think of the Light as the benediction, or blessing, of their God, the Creator. Reversing it's use would basically be like using the Lord's name in vain, or damning someone.


I agree that the whole ashes thing is just a play on the whole Light business, the reason I went with shitaki mushrooms is the connotation just felt right


I understand your point. I was thinking you meant literaly. To see the Light as their benediction is kinda obvious but for me I always thought of it almost like a deity in it´s own. =)


I had a nice academic about this but it disappeared!


I also have a book on swearing... my interests are wide a varied :P


'Peace' is easy to explain, partially done so in the books, as it were. You will note it is used most often in response to bad news... it is a talisman against said news.


'Bloody...' the great Australian adjective. I never find it offensive, though using it overseas has caused grief. Maybe WoT is actually set there? all the action happens in one state of Australia (WA is the size of Europe):laugh:


Light, shadow, burning (including ashes) and blinding are self explanatory substitutes for our own deity cursing (including damn!). Substitute heaven and hell here as well


Mother's milk in a Cup - what is the other common source of swear words? If I remember correctly, Elayne uses this to great effect, though is ignorant of its power. Hint: 'c'


Anything Siuan says: Tairen docks obviously, similar to the Shienaran 'Peace'


And Mr Hendrickson is spot on about keeping it PG. Sometimes stiflingly so, but better than every other word out of Mat's mouth being F-! I would also argue that the actual words would probably revert to ours, the consonants are too soft for the effect he wants to convey.


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