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11 years ago... woah!


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11 years ago on July 4, I joined DM ;) I still consider myself a member, even if I've totally slacked off of late.


In September this year, I'll celebrate 11 years of being a Green Sister, too. :) But for now, it was 11 years ago that I sent an email to Emillith and then proceeded to bug her incessantly till she got back to me about my application. hehe


Taya! Just the person I was looking for *rubs hands together* ... expect a PM from me shortly.


Also ... hot dang congratulations, woman! It's awesome to see that someone would stick around for 11 years :biggrin:


Unless you're a member of staff or have committed to a project or event, there's no such thing as slacking. DM is here for you to enjoy, when you feel like it and have the chance :biggrin:


Congratulations hon! And you know no matter how much you're around I'll always be there, stalking you from outside your window >.>








Hey Charis - now that A'vron's Ajah Heads are publicly known, I can tell you we have First Reasoner status in common. hehe


Elgee - veeeery good to know! :P


Nyna - that has ALWAYS been a comfort to me. Hehe *hugs*


Whoa... wait... Markieta is an old, familiar name... *eyes*


And yay, Taya... :biggrin: I've been around about the same time, but probably a lot more lurk than you... :)


Jhae, I know you were around before me - might have been an AS by the time I arrived, I think. You were one of those I stared at in a bit of awe, or maybe the awe is more present now?? hehe


Markieta *hug* it's very weird for me to see YOU back here, but in a great way of course :D


Whoa... wait... Markieta is an old, familiar name... *eyes*


And yay, Taya... :biggrin: I've been around about the same time, but probably a lot more lurk than you... :)


I'm in the process of coming back after a looong absence. Good to see a familiar face!


I remember you back from when I was an ickle Algai, and here I was thinking 7 years was a long time (even if I totally slack off too).



Congrats on over a decade



Jhae, I know you were around before me - might have been an AS by the time I arrived, I think. You were one of those I stared at in a bit of awe, or maybe the awe is more present now?? hehe


Could say the same to you, Taya :P im on 9!


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