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Hi, I'm Mat Bloody Cauthon

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So I've read this bloody story many time's and have just now flaming decided to join this site. The reason being is because I am bloody well going through college right now to become a video game designer. I'm currently putting together the flaming concept of making the Wheel of Time RPG game. Anybody that has any suggestions of these bloody things they would like to see in a game of this story please feel free to fill me in. I'm always ready for good flaming advise. Also I don't want people immediatly thinking that this game would be out anytime soon blood and ashes if it aint gonna take a minute. A storyline of this calliber will take a while to complete and again I am only a flaming student right now. But this is the goal I've bloody well set for me. To make a name for myself creating this game the way it should would be exactly what I need. Plus I'm fanatical about the books lol... I'm sure everybody is that's on this flaming site anyways. But please don't be shy if there is something you would like to see let me know..


Mat Bloody Cauthon


P.S. These computers are bloody insane haha

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Wow. Hi there, MatBloodyCauthon! Welcome to DM! Lol, for a moment I was like "Is this the real thing?" haha.


Well, you'll be right at home then - we're all fanatical about the books :biggrin:


p.s. looking forward to the RPG game. No pressure. :cool: lol :wink:

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A WOT game would be awesome, when im home i am usually gaming or reading WOT and ive always wished for a game based on these books. Do you think it would be possible in one game or would it have to be a series of games? The whole story in one game would have to be a very long game.

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welcome Mat. That sounds like an amazing idea, my brother also want to be a game designer so this sounds really cool. The only thing i would like to see is like the option to pick what kind of race you would like to be and play a major character. like an aiel. Or You could go through out the entire storyline playing each character as they would appear in the story. I actually like that idea better! Also if you made it like Red dead redemtion or oblivion that would be really cool. But these are also only suggestions.



Anyways welcome to DragonMount. I do hope you will enjoy your stay here and there are multiple ways to occupy your time. With social orgs and RP threads. Along with multiple disscussion threads. You will hopefully find dm to your liking if you have any questions on any of these topics or just wish to chat feel free to pm me or stop by the welcome in! Hope to see you around.

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I don't like waiting. I don't play much RPG games and I think your game is a good place to start. I hate waitting. Please try to make it fast. No pressure or at least not much from me. Can't say that for everybody. Good Luck for making the game.


And Welcome to Dragonmount.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys I'm bloody glad to be here. @amegakure uhm I think I'm going to have the main story line played out in three bloody different storylines lol... So far is what I flamin have is at the beginning of the game you will be able to choose one of the three Ta'Veren (Rand, Me, or Perrin) and you would see the books story line from their bloody POV only. I want people to build up a connection with the charecters like you do in the bloody books, and completeing it with all three will bloody well unlock all the cinematics and other cool stuff I'ma put in there. Also for the the Online play you will be able to pick races you could be Human, Aes'Sedai, Asha'Man, Aiel, Ogier, Wolfbrother, (and maybe Trolloc don't know if i want them in there or just as flamin MOB'S). If you do evil of course you would be a bloody Darkfriend and if you go through perfectly like Galad LMAO then you would be a flamin Whitecloak. But those will be guilds and you would have to request to be in them. There are of course going to be other guilds like my bloody Band of the Red Hand love those guy's, People of the Dragon etc. Also in the Online play you won't be able to choose Rand, Perrin, or Me they will be reserved for ppl of great importance in making the bloody thing so if you ever see Me walking around on the game you'll know that it is actually ME lol...


@ CidV630 I would like to do it all in one game with an expansion pak for the bloody Online play but with the systems out today I'm more than flamin confident it could be done.


@ Everybody I enjoyed your posts keep em coming tell others about them. Bloody look out for me and also since I am the charecter from the book (no lie I'm just in a different Age) if you have any flamin questions about something or if you just want to have a friendly discussion on some of the bloody things you might think are going to happen or just looking for someone else's opinion I'll be on a couple days a week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Mat Bloody Cauthon ur game sounds awesome. r u still 2o-something or r u like 500 years old? r u gonna include the eelfinn & the aelfinn or just no?

Anyway, ur post's interesting.

May the Creator shelter you. :aessedai:

p.s. do u stil hav the hat?

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Mat Bloody Cauthon ur game sounds awesome. r u still 2o-something or r u like 500 years old? r u gonna include the eelfinn & the aelfinn or just no?

Anyway, ur post's interesting.

May the Creator shelter you. :aessedai:

p.s. do u stil hav the hat?


Why yes I do still have my hat!! bloody nice hat it is...

uhmm maybe on the eelfin and aelfin dont know how to incorporate them in yet as of right know though

and still 20-somethin *laughs*

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