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Lan possibly Ta'veren??


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I haven't checked for any signs with Lan being Ta'veren in any other books besides New Spring but this is what i've found so far:


If he didn't twist in his saddle the moment Moraine said something to him he would of taken an arrow to his heart.


Lord brys young son Diryk fell off a balcony but survived the fall and Brys said Lan's "luck" has rubbed off on Diryk.


While following Merean Sedai he gets pushed by the one power down the stairs and servent's exclaim over how he was lucky to survive the fall.


I acctually just finished re-reading New Spring myself and had the same thought, which included Moraine as well. However... if I remember right, Siuan has the Talent for seeing ta'veren (its somewhere in the 1000s of pages). Unless it hadn't developed yet I think it was probably just Rand being extra ta'veren and sweeping those two along just with his birth.


I acctually just finished re-reading New Spring myself and had the same thought, which included Moraine as well. However... if I remember right, Siuan has the Talent for seeing ta'veren (its somewhere in the 1000s of pages). Unless it hadn't developed yet I think it was probably just Rand being extra ta'veren and sweeping those two along just with his birth.


IIRC, Rand wasn't born ta'veren.


While it would be cool for Lan to be Ta'veren I highly doubt it. The Wheel weaves as the Wheel will and the pattern (aka RJ) obviously had other things in mind for him.


Not to mention you can't kill Lan in a prequel when he is alive in the sequels.


I acctually just finished re-reading New Spring myself and had the same thought, which included Moraine as well. However... if I remember right, Siuan has the Talent for seeing ta'veren (its somewhere in the 1000s of pages). Unless it hadn't developed yet I think it was probably just Rand being extra ta'veren and sweeping those two along just with his birth.


IIRC, Rand wasn't born ta'veren.



Rand didn't become ta'veren until shortly before Moiraine and Lan came to TTR


I know that during The Vileness the BA was on a killing spree for any man thought lucky and Lan was said to be one of the most lucky men in the Borderlands. Dont think he was Ta'veren though.


One thing to keep in mind - the pattern is actively working to keep the Dark One down. It probably realized that Lan was going to be needed twenty years later or the Dark One would win (Rand/Mat/Perrin/Nynaeve/lotsofotherpeople would all likely be dead without Lan). Consequently, it kept him alive.

Another possibility is that Lan was a mild Ta'veren, but his ability deactivated before he ran into Siuan.


Siuan have the power to see Ta'veren. Nicola had as well. At least Siuan have been around Lan a few times I'd guess. I think she would have mentioned something if Lan showed signs of being Ta'veren.


I also think RJ said a while ago that no other major character is Ta'veren, and he add that he put that "Major" part in ther ejust to give people something to argue about.

Cant seem to find it again athm though.. SOmewhere in the wot reference library!


Siuan have the power to see Ta'veren. Nicola had as well. At least Siuan have been around Lan a few times I'd guess. I think she would have mentioned something if Lan showed signs of being Ta'veren.


I also think RJ said a while ago that no other major character is Ta'veren, and he add that he put that "Major" part in ther ejust to give people something to argue about.

Cant seem to find it again athm though.. SOmewhere in the wot reference library!


You're right about the Siuan part but RJ said no major "female" character...


Siuan, nicola and logain all have the power to see ta'varen. All have met lan. None say a word. This seems very unlikely...


Siuan, nicola and logain all have the power to see ta'varen. All have met lan. None say a word. This seems very unlikely...

I don't think anyone's saying that Lan is ta'veren now, only that he might have been back in NS. RJ said Rand, Mat, and Perrin weren't ta'veren until right before Moiraine came to the Two Rivers, so the question is whether it could also disappear completely after it's served its purpose.


Siuan, nicola and logain all have the power to see ta'varen. All have met lan. None say a word. This seems very unlikely...

I don't think anyone's saying that Lan is ta'veren now, only that he might have been back in NS. RJ said Rand, Mat, and Perrin weren't ta'veren until right before Moiraine came to the Two Rivers, so the question is whether it could also disappear completely after it's served its purpose.


No, the question was 'is Lan ta'veren?'


The question you posit, originally raised by Erunion, is a new question.


One thing to keep in mind is that "luck" doesn't automatically constitute ta'veren. With Lan, part of his luck is a residue of his skill (for example, when he was pushed down the stairs, he was lucky, but he also had the skill to control his body and break his fall better than most) and it's quite possible that sometimes the Pattern is stacking the odds in his favor since he's important, but it's all personal luck.


With ta'veren, we don't just see luck, we see a passive influence on the world around them. The oddities that follow Rand around, people randomly deciding to join Mat's and Perrin's armies, unlikely people swearing fealty, perhaps the one person who can help Perrin as a Wolfbrother being in the right place at the right time, a Great Captain (Bashere) showing up when Rand needs one, Verin being 'pulled' to Mat, etc. The Pattern may grant Lan some luck when he needs it, but he hasn't shown the signs of exerting a passive influence on the Pattern like the three ta'veren have.


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