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[SG Faire: Artists Crafters Writers Guild] WoT Emoticon Story Competition


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Suddenly, :seanchan: appeared, taking :bela: and :narg: on a wild journey into the :aiel: wastes. Then :mat: arrived, kicking :rand: in the shins because :rand: threw off his rolling in gambling.

ANd then, a booming voice from :jordan: called down from the heavens, begging :loial: to continue his works.

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Kat, I went to the string you mention about creating your own emoticons, but the links won't work. It says that I don't have permission to click on any of the pngs.


hm...you do have to be a member to reply to that thread, but you should be able to see it no problem. I don't think he has anything you need to click on to do it, I think its just a written out explanation... since i don't know what png is though, can you dumb it down (i know that's pretty basic, but i'm more basic lol) and I'll see what I can do it fix it?


Yeah, if you go to the thread there are some links that are .png (the graphics) that I can't see. It's just a link there, and if I click on it it says not able to see. Here, lemme screen shot real quick and add it in here.


Ok, here's where I am trying to click:




And here's the message I get when I try to click there:



*Sneaky Mod Powers* This is the first post in the Emoticon Creation thread:


Lets get creative!


We are going to create emoticons like the ones down the right of your message bar. They may look complicated but are surprisingly easy to do. For the first few I wouldnt recommend making them move but you can race ahead if you know how.


I have photoshop and some other programs but I find this is best done in paint. All the images we do will be no bigger than 30 x 30 pixels. To change the size of your paint just go to

file -> properties -> and your width and height sizes should be at the box that opens. You can change them there at will.


When you are done save the picture as .gif or .png (if, fingers crossed, DM staff like them maybe they can be added to the DM emoticons) these formats are small but have the option of transparency (not on paint but we can edit them later if need be)


OK now for the fun but, The CREATION!!!!!

post-9953-0-80912300-1304323469_thumb.png <- I can't make this work, but its just a 30X30 square with a circle in it.

here is your basic shape. Most things you do will work around that. By adding or deleting parts you can create any character you want. But always remember your basics.


And speaking of which here they are




As you can see just adding a simple line changes a face completely.


also changing the circle into another shape can help you get a different effect

for example :mat: has a round jaw while :lan: has a square jaw

Its not complicated at all once you get your head around it.


Finally eyebrows!

a small change in these an change your expression dramatically. They add character to anything so if you have a person made but they dont seem right work with the eyebrows first!




and just because its funny



In the :wheel: of time, Ages become legend and legend becomes Myth which eventually fades from memory. In this Age, called the :mellow: Age by some, :bela: the Creator had decided the :wheel: needed to be remade. You see, as :bela: thought on the events that had passed over the few years since her beloved & gentle sheep hearder :rand: had declared himself as the Relaxed.gif; she decided a few events needed to be changed for the greater good. And so we begin the story anew, told from the point of veiw of the Creator :bela: .




tbc.... (i don't own the Dragon smiley, heres the link for it http://msnsmileys.ne...gon/Relaxed.gif)

:egwene: danced up the street merrily in Edmonds feild, shouting in her excitement that a Gleeman and a Lady had come to town. As :bela: & :rand: made their way in, :bela: noticed in all her infinate wisdom that the Gleeman was none other than Randland renouned :thom: , suspected father of :elayne: and :wub: er of storys. She also noted that this so called Lady was actually an :aessedai: , and not any :aessedai: but none other than :moiraine: and one of many who was searching for the Relaxed.gif. To what end :moiraine: wanted to use the Relaxed.gif, :bela: could only speculate; but she knew that her beloved :rand: could fend for himself.

She neighed rather loud as :rand: ran off to join :perrin: , :mat: & :egwene: ; the four of them discussing in wide eyed innocence what fun they would have in the night to come. :bela: was rahter put off by the lack off attention, you see she was rathe fond of :perrin: as he had shoed her hooves rather nicely the other day; and as the Creator of Randland it's very important for her to have comfy shoes. There was something else that :bela: noticed, and that was that while :thom: wasn't looking, :moiraine: was making all googley eyed :wub: at him. No one else seemed ot noticed, :bela: thought to herself with satisfaction; afterall, as the Creator, she was supposed to noticed these very important things. In fact, this googley eyed :wub: went un-noticed for 12 books, much to everyones :ohmy: !


Thanks for link to the dragon smiley Red..its cute! Good story too, any chance you'll write some of the story from Bela the Creator's pov?? spoke too soon!:)


Em, that picture you have circled is just a 30X30 box (like what your paint program will look like when you shrink it) with a Circle centered in it. Like the basic shape of an emoticon head.


Like the one I think I'm adding to this (man I suck at computering!)


And then you can use your paint options to add more things to it...like eyes, and hair and what every you want to turn it into something else.. like th other one I'm adding here.




:bela: neighed contendly as she munched on some grass, musing over what a perfect couple :moiraine: & :thom: woudl make when all of a sudden 30 :narg: 's burst onto the Green. everyone was in shock and ran around like this in a panic! :moiraine: was too buisy making calf eyes at :thom: to be of much help and :bela: had noticed :lan: & :nynaeve: sneaking off behind a barn about 20 minutes ago. So like a good Creator, :bela: interfered to make sure :rand: would survive the attack.


She stopped time with a stamp of her hoof and pulled out the :flamingsword: of Justice. With ease she danced the forms of Hay-dashing-in-the-wind & Horse-part-the-grass; taking care of this onslaught of :narg: 's and saving the day.


Meanwhile in the Blight, the :darkone: was rather :angry: at this developement. While the people of Emonds Field were all :ohmy: and :happy: and :biggrin: in; the :darkone::rolleyes: and plotted for his new move. Reaching into his giant galatic purse, he withdrew his :sleep: Chosen. Now that the :darkone: had revealed his master plan to himself, he was all :biggrin: as his Chosen began to wake. But the :darkone: was smart, you see, he knew that the Relaxed.gif could yet serve him and that to accomplish this would be to relaly spit in the Creators eye. So the :darkone: did his evil :laugh: and sent out :lanfear: to seduce poor, unwitting :rand: .


Finally it was time to leave Edmond's feild; no one knew how the :narg: 's had been defeated but to make sure the story went as it was supposed to, because no Creator wants to anger her master planner :jordan: , :bela: planted evidence on :rand: that led :moiraine: to suspect that he was indeed the Relaxed.gif and saviour of all Man Kind. On the road to Camelyn, :lanfear: devised a devious plan to make sure the :darkone: 's wishes were fullfilled. She desgiused herself as a pretty young maiden in need of help right in the way of :rand: & co.



They came upon this trap late on the 5th day, though the situation appeared to be that of a young maiden ripe in her rpime being attacked by a :myrddraal: , :bela: saw through the desguise at once. :rand: rushed in and saved :lanfear: , and from her vantage point on the hill, :bela: saw that :rand: began to immediately make calf eyed :wub: looks at her. Fearing that all would go for not, :bela: put her plan into action.


Being the Creator, :bela: could have smited this hussy rather easily with her :flamingsword: ; instead :bela: decided to up the melodramatic drama and cantered :egwene: over to where :rand: & :lanfear: were. :egwene: immediately saw :rand: making calf eyed :wub: looks at :lanfear: and went off the handle. She grabbed the hussy :lanfear: by her silky black hair and threw her in a pond of dissillusionment which melted away :lanfear: disguise. :moiraine: immetiatley recognized the Forsaken from the White Towers 13 Most Wanted Enemy's of Humanity poster handed to every Novice since the breaking of the world.


Without hesitating, :moiraine: quickly balefired the snot out of :lanfear: , at which she explained in a loffy mystical manner that she was indeed one of the Forsaken. :egwene: put her hands on her hips and glared at :rand: who then procceeded to profress what a fool he was and proclaim his undying :wub: for her. Of course, :bela: knew this would all change; but if she told them that, where would her fun be.




Thanks for link to the dragon smiley Red..its cute! Good story too, any chance you'll write some of the story from Bela the Creator's pov?? spoke too soon!:)


Em, that picture you have circled is just a 30X30 box (like what your paint program will look like when you shrink it) with a Circle centered in it. Like the basic shape of an emoticon head.


Like the one I think I'm adding to this (man I suck at computering!)


And then you can use your paint options to add more things to it...like eyes, and hair and what every you want to turn it into something else.. like th other one I'm adding here.


Gotcha. Thanks Kat! I'm going to play around a bit before I post anything. I'll have something up before the end :).


As soon as :lanfear: was smited by the ulmighty smiter called Balefire, the :darkone: sulked in his :mad: . You see, he was now :unsure: of how to proceed, so he decided to play it :cool: , and :sleep: on it for a day. Upone waking, the :darkone: decided the best course of action was to discard the rest of his Female Chosen, knowing that if the hottest of them coudl not get :rand: to devote his soul to the Darkside, then neither could :graendal: or his un-noticed croonie :berelain: .


Besides, the :darkone: was more than gald to have an excuse to be rid of them both, :graendal: would likely render :rand: a useless drooling vegitable and he needed a capable minion, while :berelain: was likely to give him some uncurable disease which would kill :rand: before he could fullfill his use.


So instead, the :darkone: turned to his most reliable pawn, :baalzamon: !



Once again, the :darkone::laugh: evily as his new plan was sure to succeed. even though :baalzamon: went all :blink::huh::wacko: when he was told what that plan was.


Many weeks passed without an attack and :bela: grew uneasy. She knew the :darkone: was plotting something and refused to be lulled into a false since of security unlike the Humans whoe accompianed her. many events happened during these weeks, which for the sak of keeping this recount of events under the length of a :jordan: sized novel i'll gladly sum up for you.


In Camelyn :rand: & Co. met :loial: and confused him with a :narg: but through the ulmighty power of :bela: the situation was settled and :loial: joined the party. :mat: went off dicing and caught a few diseases of which me went to the local Wisdom and had cured while :perrin: went to the local exotic pet shop and bought :hopper: when he found he could talk to him.


:rand: on the other hand decided to show off his muscles in a dare and climed a wall. Being the muscle braind oaf he was, he fell over the wall and landed on :elayne: who squealed indignitaley until she realized how handsome :rand: was. :elayne: grinned inwardly and looked up to the heavens, convinced that hunky men now fell from the sky, :elayne: thanked the Creator for her good fortune and standing outside the wall :bela: neighed back a welcome.



So not wanting to waste her good luck and because she was a hussy in training :elayne: whisked :rand: awya to a secluded corner of the garden and did things with him and made even :bela::blush: at the thought. And that in itself is an accomplishment cause afterall :bela: is the Creator and has seen lots of things as the :wheel:


After heir stay in Camylin, :rand: & Co. ventured across the land to the far reahcings of Falme. and it was here that our flashback concludes and our storyline picks back up; for it is here that :baalzamon: decided to unleash his master plan to secure victory for the :darkone: .


A thousand ships anchored off the coast and millons of :seanchan: invaded the land. They all had pictures of :rand: and were under orders to collar him because he threatened their crystal throne. :bela: saw these unwinnable odds and once again she interferred. She drew a deep breath and bellowed a deep whinny, time slowed and a fog rolled in; everyone was confused, and suddenly the Heroes of the Creators Breath appeared! Among them was :birgitte: , her arrows flashing down upon the :seanchan: like a rain of fury and driving them back to where they came from.



Once again, :bela: had saved the day; once again, she planted the evidence to everyone assumed it was :rand: who had concured evil. Yet everyone was not fooled, for :baalzamon: had seen :rand: hiding under a bed and sucking his thumb during the entire fight and began to suspect that there were other forces in play.


News of this reached the :darkone: and he was most :dry: about the news. He summoned :baalzamon: to his headquarters to explain how his failure had happened and like a good little minion :baalzamon: pointed to :sammy: , claiming it was all his fault and then :baalzamon: proceeded to :ph34r: like the little punk he was.



:sammy: was all :huh: at this accusation, and tried to tell the :darkone: that :baalzamon: was a lieing little git; but when the :darkone: is in a rage, no one can reason with him. :bela: suspected it was cause of all the steriods the :darkone: took when he was in junior tyrinical ruler college; but thats another story.



So as punishment, the :darkone: gave :sammy: to the :gholam: as a play thing; and :baalzamon: , relieved his life was no longer in danger, reveiled his knoweldge of :rand: being a sissy.


While the :darkone: & :baalzamon: were hatching a new plan, :rand: made his way into the Three Fold land and became the :aiel: 's leader. While in the Waste he fell in :wub: with :avi: and forgot all about the hussy in training :elayne: (even though, :bela: noted, they looked alike except for the hair color).



:mat: went his own way, having found :uno: who was a seasoned soldier and starting up a rag tag :bandredhand: . though they fought some battles, they mostly spent their time dicing and drinking and chasing skirts. it was a very :happy: time for them.



And :perrin: , well he and :hopper: were the :cool: est of buds. He wanted to show off his mad wolfish skills and so they journeyed back to Edmonds feild and lived happily there for the next few years. Infact, everyone claimed that :hopper:'s fur was the softest.


It was time.

:rand: knew what he had to do, but his victory seemed so far away. Night was falling, but the sky was lit by fire :flamingsword: and rang with the clashing of swords.


He turned.


He was now face to face with :baalzamon: .


"Why do you taunt me with that face Elan? I've killed you time and again. Do you still think you can frighten me like you once did?"


A vertical slash of light appearing in the air next to him caused him to turn, and see none other than :graendal: step forth.


"You? No! I killed you as well. Not even the :darkone: can reach you when balefire is used!"


It was however a voice from somewhere behind him that chilled him the most. He would recognize the voice anywhere.

"Hello Lews Therin." :lanfear: said. "Now why don't you release the Source. I know you won't hurt me."


:smile: ing with a terrible :angry: (anger) in his eyes, he uttered only five words before turning.


"I think you'll die first." With that he whipped around, a :flamingsword: appearing in his hands. Before she could even react, he shot balefire from it, hoping to put her to :sleep: for good




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