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Songs of The BT


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80's throwback time:




From the Lost Boys, great Corey & Corey film and the original Keifer Sutherland badass role.


Makes me think Elayne, Min and Avienda weeping for Rand, or any of the women bonded to a male channeler.


Major nostalgic flashback! I don´t know how many times I saw this movie (the first one, not the second). I had a crush on Cory Haim and watched all his movies.

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Yeh, I´m one of them. :biggrin: When I was younger and role played with all the guys (it took years to persuade one of my girl friends to join us) they constantly played Iron Maiden, Running Wild, Moetly Crue (sp?) etc. I never liked it. I tried to get them to listen to some good music but they refused to. :biggrin:

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Yeh, I´m one of them. :biggrin: When I was younger and role played with all the guys (it took years to persuade one of my girl friends to join us) they constantly played Iron Maiden, Running Wild, Moetly Crue (sp?) etc. I never liked it. I tried to get them to listen to some good music but they refused to. :biggrin:


What do you call "good music"?


(I almost made a typo: "food music")

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If you're going to ask a question like that, in a thread like this, perhaps starting a new thread is the way to go.


Remember, you get points for starting threads that become "hot topics". So it's in your best interest to start new threads with discussions about stuff like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't even post Smoking Ruins!


I do now:




And the lyrics (I know them by heart):


For many years ago

He left his home behind

No farewells or a note

Like a thief he fled into the night


Heart full of foolish pride

He caused the death of his clan's man

All prophecies he denied

And now in exile he grieves


Hear the call of the fallen ones

Wisdom of those whose time has gone

Live your life bravely my first born sun

On battlefields, fight don't run


The wheel of time keeps turning

A boy becomes a man

But still shame burns in him

At last he understands


He heads back to his homeland

He rides fast like a stormwind

But the flames in the horizon

Tell there is only death to be found


(hear the) Call of the fallen ones...


By the smoking ruins of his past life

He raises his hands to the skies:

"O, god of thunder, god of my fathers,

Strike me down, for what I've done"


Hear the call of the fallen ones... (2x)

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