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Important notice about DM archive!


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Hi Fnorrllsie! :D I realise I made a double post. My internet was being a REEEALL pain in the ass! as in, in the donkey, not my rear end. :P


*flyingruntacklehuggles taya to death*


Im feeling sooooo nostalgic right now :'( i just read an RP of ours from 03... You and Lor were the best two writers i ever RPd with. It was with Ashanda- light! Ashanda! And seiaman too!


As well as that i saw my name on some of the old community posts back when Segurant, Matalina, Jenn, etc were the regulars. Heck i saw names on there i had completely forgotten about.


Sigh...i miss the old DM so much (no offense to the new DMers). Also- i found a post from may 03 in which i was already a blademaster in the WT SG so it seems i likely joined in 02. Which means next year is my decade O.O





*huggles more*


Well, Fnnorllsie, I recommend you save those memories...literally onto your comp. :P Because they may be gone soon!!! I'm working on moving stuff over, and I have a LOT of what's on the Caves in my computer...but in all likelihood I may not get it all moved over. Unless the guy gets me a backup in time!


I know what you mean about the nostalgia, but sadly they haven't made actual time travel machines yet that can transport us bak (at least I don't think they have :D). Still, there are a lot of great things about today too!


Nyn - hi!! :D You do not have to steal hugs, I will give them freely. LOL


Taya! *jumptackles*


Yikes ... I don't know if that stuff is archived elsewhere, or even on DM itself. I hope people see this thread and save what they can.


Considering how many times DM has moved forums/had crashes, yeah, most of it isn't archived elsewhere :P Unless there's something I haven't heard about!


I do have a LOT on my comp, but the stuff I've archived since say 2009 on, I'm less likely to have saved to my hard drive! In fact, there's 0% likelihood I did, and so 0 change of me being able to put it back up on a new forum.


Yes, slight fail :P And yet it didn't exist when I started this thread. Still, I could have posted an update. heh


Hmm, I RPed pretty heavily from1999 through 2001 or so, but my bio isn't there, etc. Was this stuff archived by low ranking members earning points/rank, or stuff we were supposed to archive on our own? I guess either way, it's my fault I have lost so much stuff from the past *sadface* Oh wells.


Don't feel too bad. Taya's a bit of a brown when it comes to archiving. I'm not much better - although I lost 8 years of multiple RP sites after a DB corrupted.... What archiving was done 'after' the horrible EZb!tch crash... I lost all my Rps then too. Archiving just sort of become something Greens of old did. History.. If you don't know it, understand it, will find itself being repeated. *Eyes.. * Often.


i generally got a lot of stuff but for the newer stuff, i started when the first forums were to be shut down and were good about keeping on top every few months, but this last year or so life been too hectic, so anyone got an rp with me in past they want hold of i may have it (though the archiving become a mess so finding anything in the dump isnt easy and do take time)


org stuff not so much


also i know we worked on some stuff shadow wise but not sure how far we got and then we lost the forums but i think i took back up of them but have no clue how to read off the back up so yeah, but i got it :P so i feel good about that even if its useless


Jhae, the only stuff I got from 1999 was what used to be up on the other old archives, i.e. geocities sites before they got shut down. I believe Raeyn archived one entire site (the WT DM library I think it was) before GeoCities shut down. I did a fair bit myself.


I also still have heaps of stuff I hadn't put up on the Caves yet (they are gone if you didn't notice *sniffle*).


Re: the Caves, I managed to get a zipped version of the db from the guy who hosted it, so at least I do have it there. The new Caves are here:




Slowly, slowly, I shall rebuild ;) Anyone who wants to help (with new stuff or old) should sign up for an account.


P.S. I should add that I didn't do much archiving of RP stuff in recent times. My focus was on Community. But I did do a random spot of RP archiving.


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