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The Church of Thorkinomics


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It's true....It's so true! I'm all hyped up on coffee and needing

something to DO!


OMGUS...I actually rhymed. *Shrugs* Oh well. :rolleyes:


Welcome evildoers! Here is the place to come when you have a deep

DARK secret that you just HAVE to get off your chest. Yes! Confess

them all if you so please.




What is the point of this thread? FUN of course! Tell us 3 previously

unknown facts about you, and one lie. We have to guess which is the



Sound fun? Enter the Confession Booth if you DARE! GO! :biggrin:

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These are my Confessions!



1. I'm an avid Rock Climber

2. I firmly believe Star Wars to be the greatest movie of all-time

3. This is my first time in a confession booth

4. I'm actually on the amateur level of the Pro Surfboard World Tour and have surfed in many competitions over the years (and placing first twice!)

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1. I used to be an Airborne soldier in the U.S. Army.

2. I think the onion is the most evil food in existance.

3. I've been in college since 2002.

4. I was reading the newspaper before I went into kindergarten.

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First timer, eh Krak? No problem. I've never been in one either.

Hmmm...*scans the confessions* I'm going to say #2 is the lie.

Maybe it's your favorite sci-fi flick but might not be your all-time

fav. I could be wrong though.


Greetings, Moon! Good to see ya. I do like all of yours BUT I'm going

to guess have to guess something. If #1 is true then #3 could be

true as well. I'm going to say #2 is the lie as we all know brussel

sprouts are the worst. Right? *Grins*

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I don't know if I should confirm or deny your guess, so I'll tell you this:


I must lie better than I think.


I truly do hate onions. I only called them the most evil food, not the worst. Brussel sprouts are worse, but Onions make me sick, and thus are evil.

In German, the onion is called "zwiebel" (I remember this because the word looks like evil, a little bit).

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Haha! I'd be proud of that, Moon. Yeah, you ARE better than ya think

I guess. I like that word too. I've never been wild about bell

peppers actually. bleh. Except for fajitas but not on anything else.


I'm going to reguess. #1 for Krak. What say you?

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Krak, I'm going to guess #3. You HAVE in fact been in a confessional.


Moon, I'm going to go with #4. The others ring true, although I was reading before kindergarten, so who knows?


Oh, and I was. That is a truth.

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1) I have not 1 but 2 presets on my radio set to classical music

2) Say "Fantasy" and the first word that comes to mind is "draft"

3) I've published a pamphlet of thoughts on the Haggadah (the text of the Seder)

4) I've been paid to write multiple pieces for two magazines, though I've never been given a by-line


And Moon's lie is 3.

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I noticed that our posts must have crossed or something, but it wasn't worth editing.


So, it's not #4.


It's gotta be the onion, then.



1) I have not 1 but 2 presets on my radio set to classical music

2) Say "Fantasy" and the first word that comes to mind is "draft"

3) I've published a pamphlet of thoughts on the Haggadah (the text of the Seder)

4) I've been paid to write multiple pieces for two magazines, though I've never been given a by-line


And Moon's lie is 3.


Actually, it's #1. I was in the army, just never Airborne. I'm afraid of heights.

I've been in college since 2002, I'm working on an MA right now/. I started reading at age 4.

And onions make me sick.


Kiv, I'm going to guess #1 for you.

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Yeah, Locke got it.


1. I work at a rock gym and love rock climbing

2. Star Wars is the best thing to ever happen to cinema

3. Never "gone to confession" or been inside a confessional booth

4. I've never surfed a day in my life.


Aww...you should though! It could be FUN!


1) I have not 1 but 2 presets on my radio set to classical music

2) Say "Fantasy" and the first word that comes to mind is "draft"

3) I've published a pamphlet of thoughts on the Haggadah (the text of the Seder)

4) I've been paid to write multiple pieces for two magazines, though I've never been given a by-line


And Moon's lie is 3.


I'm going with #3 here. I have a copy of the Talmud at the house. I

have never read all of it though.



Kiv, it's totally #1, I agree.


1) I have Nelly on my iPod

2) I have Beiber on my iPod

3) I have Dixie Chicks on my iPod

4) I have Boy George on my iPod



Either way, your view of me will be tarnished!


OMGUS! lol. I thought I was going to see Bruno Mars on there for a

moment. Haha.


I'm definitely going with #2 for you. That would just be scary if it


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