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There will be changes going on around here and this is the first of them. I'm weeding out 4th lvlers who aren't active and don't take advantage of their powahs. If you were a 4th lvler and decide to become more active we will discuss putting you back to that status but I'd like to reward some people who are here and active and help make Shayol Ghul the awesome place it is so without further ado....



Congrats to the following:







You may now proceed to try and hit these people up for points. :P I've sent off the email asking to give you 3 access. (Mogs never lost hers) Until you see the Bore please pm me or Ed with any points you give out to peoples. You each have 25 to give out now. (for Feb so hurry)

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The SS would like to issue an official statement to the effect that our 4th levelers - the Gholams - are way better than any other faction's 4th levelers. We now also have more W's than any other faction. Congratulations to Wombat in joining this elite rank with Limi and Nyn and all of the privileges that accompany it. For instance, the other 4th levelers will collect the lint from between your toes for you. :D

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Nah I am a naughty kitteh gholam thingy.



That explains the strange looks every time I try to order a Limi-tini at a bar. With olives in. Shaken.


:dry: *



*As an aside, the emoticon above, whilst apt, is labbeled as "dry", which is how I have my non-limi martini's.


Cirlce of life, yada yada yada.

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