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The Pink Loincloth Tavern

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Hey, hey! Guys! I've invented a new kind of arrow!!! *presents it proudly*

I call it... the Nitrate Arrow!!! You see, it's impregnated generously with Strontium Nitrate, Copper Nitrate and Barium Nitrate which, if you light it, sparkles with red, green and yellow flames! Kind of like a miniature firework arrow! :happy:

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*stands and protects*


aren't there like enemies to fight?


you know the infantry is the heart of the army, yeah?


you're all guts and glory and they're all business.


oh and I invented another drink.


it's a little girly but it'll keep you marching and it works.

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the wake and bake


1/2 shot espresso

1 oz cream

2... or more...shots kraken


dope it up with 151 if it's a rough day and up the espresso prn.


and chug


I has to invent this cause I lurv the kraken like luv srsly but it sleepifies.... the espresso ttly counters that effect.


the cream sends it down smooth. I could see this working with ice cream too. but that'd be super girly. yum.


and espresso powder works just as well and dissolves in cold liquid saving you unnecessary etoh thinning water.


the end.

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Cindy a bar that the Band occupies isn't a bar unless there is some bottle smashing/chair throwing/raucous behavior/general disorder.


I wasn't gonna hurt the little Infant too badly :biggrin:


Also, see the way the English deployed their archers in battle. I believe some kings would disagree with your statement about who is the bees-knees.


Also, also, I'll have one of those.

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*points at a random infantry member*


he did it!

*sighs* Whenever you lot say 'Random Infantry Member' in this bar, it's usually me! :p

And I like your style Cindy! *highfive*


Cindy a bar that the Band occupies isn't a bar unless there is some bottle smashing/chair throwing/raucous behavior/general disorder.


I wasn't gonna hurt the little Infant too badly :biggrin:

Little Infant! How dare you!

*crashtackles the Archer, cos he can*

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*sighs* Whenever you lot say 'Random Infantry Member' in this bar, it's usually me! :p


Well, recruit some more Infantry members for me to pick on! We need to stop the Cavalry from stealing everyone!




*crashtackles the Archer, cos he can*

*smacktackles the infant, cause he can*

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you shall not harm the gardener!


*distracts the wookiee with cheap liquor, loose women, and sub prime mortgage rates*


*drags the pu'shamn to safety under the bar... no, really, it's nice and roomy... and revives him with his own well cured tops*


shhhhh... it's alright.... I won't let any harm come to you... until that patch starts reseeding itself anyway.

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