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Festival of Lights: Day of beginnings

Onis OLeia

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My goal this year? To be honest, it's to stop bein such a flippin pansy and to stop making excuses for myself. Am I original in that I have no idea what I want to do with my life? NO! I'm not and you know what? Plenty of other people in the same position have made a choice and gotten on with it and are damn successful! That's what I need to do this year. I am goin to stop playin the woe is me card and stop sayin "I don't know what to do" and just go with something. I'm not getting younger and my employer gives some great reasons to NOT sit idle. Such as tuition re-imbursement. SO! What does this mean? What is that rant about? I am goin to start to take some night classes for business management is what it means. I am also gonna stop bein a pansy around work. I need to be more assertive and to make myslef heard. I need to try HARDER. I am also goin to have my surgery done. All in all, I think the moral of the story for this year is to FINALLY grow the bleep up.

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This coming year is a whole new year, and I have a feeling as much will happen this year as this current year and I will love almost all of it. I had a lot of bad things happen that didn't make it on to the list, only because I don't prefer to dwell on the past. So I could deal with out those, however it makes you value what you have all the more.


This year I am hoping to grow up myself and make myself to go to college for a graphics and marketing degree. I really want to get myself in better shape and start running in the mornings. I also really want to run a good house hold and learn to be a good cook for my warder<3


It's not a lot of goals, however I want to let life take me where it will and give it my all on the few goals that I have set for myself.

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My plans for the year? Hm...pass my classes, go to Cuba and come back safely :biggrin: Start saving money for my grad year(starting Sept). Turn 17 apply to UOIT and apply to scholarships. Yep that is my year...I think. Oh! And maybe get a boyfriend...maybe.

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I feel you there Limi. That's why I have just those two plans. Everything else I'll see what I am doin ten minutes into it lol. Like John Lennon said, "Life is what happens while you're busy makin plans". I cna't wait to see what happens this year. I can't believe I forgot to mention the one overpowering thing that dominated this past year in a very negative way. I was the only one workin and things have been incredibly tight. We made it, barely, but Amanda finally landed a job 2 weeks ago and we already have a savings plan set up. This year WILL be good.

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My plans for the New Year? I have a few and I dont know if I will be able to complete them all but im going to give it ago.


1. Loose a jean size. want to be size 10 or 8 jeans

2. Go on holiday with my Matthew to somewhere nice and warm and away from work

3. Stop smoking........again :rolleyes:

4. Cook more instead of buying pre-made meals. *we dont seem to have the time these days*

5. Complete the papaer work for moving to New Zealand

6. Save money for the move to NZ.

7. Keep my job for another year.

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Hehe, believe it or not this is the first time I’ve given serious thought to goals for the coming year. :D

I sort of have this superstition that goals set as New Years resolutions never happen, so sometimes if I really want to do something I’ll set my goal in February. LOL


But anyway here’s mine.


1. Go to the gym more regularly. Seriously the boys (my husband and our 13 year old) can manage without me for a few hours a week. :D

2. Write more, much more. Especially spend more time doing work for our websites and writing historical articles for our book-in-progress.

3. Eat better, and try to find ways to be more time and money efficient without sacrificing nutrition.

4. Maybe…and this is a BIG maybe…go to Disney with James in the spring.


Go for it! :D I hope you all achieve at least a part of what you set out for yourselves. :D

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*high fives Eggy* Yeah to stop smoking is on the top of my list... I quit like every other week lol

I also want to get in better shape. I've lost weight (my pants don't fit anymore!!) but I want to tone up.

I also want to be the best medic I can be while I'm over seas


That's basically my list, if I wasn't deploying it'd probably be bigger lol but I think that's a good enough list for now XD

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Do it!! For you smokers out there it can be done. I am on month number 5 since I quit. I smoked for15 years give or take. I used the patch. There is a lot of people here who can help you out to. They certainly helped me. This is what I did. It made me think of what it would be like to be cutting my arm off when I thought of quitting. So this is what I did.

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My goal is to survive another year....


But really... Hmm...


-Get to a point where exercising at least twice (three times??) a week is COMMON

-Get my shoulder mount on the pole!!

-Force myself to be more productive and manage my time

-Start taking artistic photos again regularly

-Save moneys instead of just planning to save moneys

-Stay in school... unlike this past year when I dropped all my classes mid-semester =/



OH and FYI to everyone because I think this is an awesome idea... there's a website to help you keep track of your goals. It's here:::


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oh my goodness, all of these are such good goals!


Let's see, for me...



continue to lose the weight. I've lost about... mmm, 35(?) pounds in the last 18 months, but I've got some to go to be happy... and I was BAD this break >_<


Eat better. This also applies to goal number one.


Keep in contact with my non-blood relations. I'm HORRID at it right now.


Embrace that hippie... she's my happiest self. The Performing World can suck it.

This includes being Earth-conscious in the products I buy, wear I buy them, and how I get rid of them.


Continue to create as much as possible.


That's a start at least :smile:

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