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Big Greenie Field Trip Planning Thread


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OK, we need a big public thread so folks not in the WT RP group can see it, too. :) There are going to be some things we need to chat about here with the accumulated mass of people who will be playing along with us on this trip, so let's get started!


First things first: the plan:


Thread 1:

Lor gets a report from one of her contacts in three towns near Mardecin. Based on the information inside those reports, it seems the White Cloaks are heading towards it, though we're not sure why. If ya'll want to throw in reports from any contacts you may have in the area, too, that just solidifies our reason to need to go rescue Rashima's Journal, which was hidden there to keep it out of the hands of other Ajahs.* Lor takes her info to Jade to press for someone to go move Rashima's Journal. Rasheta barges in on that meeting with information from her own contacts that supports the information in Lor's reports. We put our heads together and decide we have to go.


(Rashima's Journal:)

Rashima's journal has the basic creed of the Greens, the traditions etc,


Thread 2:

We leave for Mardecin, dragging various wardies along with us. We travel to Mardecin and we can toss in whatever other little issues that pop into our heads that we want here... snakes, broken bridges... -No trollocs-. The Aes Sedai will be teaching Kathleen Battle Weaves during their journey to Mardecin, so be aware that they're going to find a quiet place to sit and blow things up. Don't make yourself a target! LOL


Thread 3:

We get to Mardecin and have to sneak in to retrieve Rashima's Journal. The White Cloaks have beat us there, though they're looking for something completely different/"spreading the Light..." whatever!! (we should probably hash this part out to make it believable, so it can be something we hit Nyn up for...). This is where someone's gotta die (NPC and some little WC soldiers...). Seriously, I want something to make a really big boom... I'm a little blood thirsty, atm, and I need an outlet.


thread 4:

We haul butt back to the Tower OR find a better place to stash Rashima's Journal.



Other Things you Should know:

Olmena Remindar is the NPC Green who is going to DIE on this trip. I've sketched her out a bio that we can add to if we find we need to flesh her out a bit more.


Physical Description:

hair- brown

eyes- blue

body- lean and tall (height around 5'11")

Age- at the time of this RP (which is NOT in line with the main timeline, btw!) Olmena is about 65. (Lor is 85-ish, if that gives you a reference point.)

Birthplace- Amadacia, hometown: Mardecin


History: Olmena was born in Mardecin, a medium-ish sized city just inside the boundaries of Amadacia. She was raised to hate and fear Aes Sedai, though she never met one until she began her journey to the Tower. When she was sixteen, she fell and broke her arm while carrying in a load of firewood. Being the only daughter of a farming family, however, she didn't have the luxury of resting until it was healed. She still had chores to be about and it was while carrying them out she learned she was special. She channeled for the first time while washing clothes in the stream behind her family's homestead. The soap had slipped away from her and she couldn't reach it. In a fit, she stretched her hand towards it and... it flew at her head! She was violently ill afterwards and her mother knew exactly what was wrong. Olmena was contemplating drowning herself when her mother talked her into leaving Amadacia and going to the Tower to be trained, instead. Her mother wasn't Amadacian, so had never embraced the Aes Sedai-hating ways of her neighbors and couldn't bear to think of losing her only daughter to such idiocy. She sent Olmena to be trained, even going to so far as to use her meager savings to buy her an escort to Tar Valon.


A few years after being raised to the Green Ajah, Olmena met Weslie and bonded him. They were on a routine border patrol last winter when they were attacked by wild animals. Olmena was suffering from an illness and, thus, not at her best when the attack started. Weslie tried to fight off the pack of animals, but they overpowered him. Olmena was forced to retreat back to a small borderland estate they'd passed a few days before, alone, feverish, and armed with the knowledge that Weslie had died protecting her. She sees his death as useless and stupid, and has not recovered from it fully. She's skittish, especially around animals and cries at anything that reminds her of Weslie.



Thread 1 was started and we're presently working through it (slowly, but we're working on it!). You can find it here if you're curious to see where we are and what's going on so far.



We need to start discussing what will happen with Thread #2. So far, we've got:

~Kathleen's Battle Weaves



What else do we want to toss in to make it interesting for all of us?

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We talked about it and decided to post in the WT forum, simply because that's a central point for the folks involved. It's not really a big open one and the only other people involved are Wardies.


And if you don't mind... can you move it for me? This is what I get for trying to be horribly productive after 10:30 at night. lol

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lol, I'm blonde and I don't mind people knowing it. ;) Thanks, though!


So, we're looking for the wardies (we're Green, it's what we do when we're twiddling our thumbs waiting for the Last Battle... *coughs*). Perhaps we should try to lay a cookie crumb trail??

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Visar Falmaien reporting for duty and potential planning! Now who can I go swordfight and do my warder stuff? (jumps up and down excitedly with sharp metal toys)

I'd be interested in crossing swords with a whitecloak that could be fun.


And I'll poke Nynaeve about this, since I've agreed to be her NSW trainer for the Whitecloaks. Maybe we can get them involved too! Maybe I'll write a WC ttpc that gets killed or something like that.


Question, where is Mardecin

edit: nevermind in Amadicia.

Edited by Visar Falmaien
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I've actually already talked to Nyn and she's already posted a thread to see if anyone's interested in the Whitecloak forums. :)


We're going to run into a nest of whitecloaks on Mardecin and Olmena's going to die because of them. So, since they're made up, we can take a couple out (just not all of them). I know I plan to... I'm feeling rather bloodthirsty, these days. If I could think of a reason for Edana to come, I totally would throw her in here, too. LOL


Welcome aboard, Visar!

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I don't see any problem, as long as you're ok with us not actually telling you why we're walking into the hornet's nest. ;)


Welcome aboard! I'll let Kathleen, Visar and Kyn get caught up and we'll get this parade moving out of TV and into the big wide world!

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Not that I mind going ahead and ignoring timeline stuff just to have a fun RP, but I thought I would point out that if Kathleen is just an initiate about to learn her battle weaves that would put this RP about 6 decades behind the Main Time Line. I don't have a problem with the Ashman coming as I like to play with lots of people, but I feel I should at least point it out and see what you more experienced/higher ups think about it all. If it makes it easier I can play Kathleen as older to fit it in better and we can do the battle weaves separately, But like I said I don't mind ignoring it and trudging through.

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loose and fast is a trademark of the Green Ajah of DM and cannot be used without the express written permission of the Captain General, may she live forever. (*grins*)



And we can start a new one, actually. I'll try to get on that this evening, but if I don't feel free to start it and link it up here! :D Air first?





Thread started here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/53619-what-will-get-us-first/


Come on by! :D

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