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Bennu Abravanel raised to Aes Sesai of the Brown Ajah


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I actually used that one on my husband, when I was GMing a game for him.


He was playing a slave that'd fought his way to freedom, and after a horde of adventures was facing his former wealthy slavemaster, with the rest of his party.


All the bodies beneath the dancefloor had (in the original version) been his former friends and acquaintances in the slavequarters. Right beneath the section of floor under the master's seat was the PC's lover, the slavemaster's daughter, who'd helped him flee.


The table was dead silent for a long moment after I described the scene. My husband ever just *looked* at me, hefted his dice, and said "You are an evil GM. I have taught you so well...I'm so PROUD of you."


I've kept that floor in mind ever since then, but the zombie apocalypse was a brand new addition, inspired by the Halloween event going on on my favorite MMO. :biggrin: Glad you liked it!

Edited by Chikara
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