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Happy Birthday, Vanion!!


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Happy birthday Van! *hugses* You're now a quarter of a century old, just like mua! :D



Unfortunately, there are certain things that you will be starting to need soon and I'm more than happy to provide ya with'em! :biggrin:



You will of course need a cane, for support.




An extra set of prosthetic teeth, just in case you lose some in bar fights.




A wig if and when you start losing your hair. Figured this one was stylish enough *wink*




An ointment for those little discomforts *laughs*




And MOST importantly!





I hope you enjoy your day and get loads and loads of pressies. HAPPY HAPPY Birthday, hon!



Much love! *hugs*






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Happy Birthday Vanion! :biggrin:


I bestow upon you the delightful gift of my smile. *Gives him a big grin.*

Oh and my presence of course.


*Runs around setting up a sound system, flashing lights and a massive disco ball.* Did someone say party? :biggrin:

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Thanks all!!


My b-day was a big success, since my only expectations were to get black-out drunk and not end up in the drunk tank!


Luckily, Oktoberfest here coincides with my birthday, which means drunken revelry all over the city. Much alcohol was consumed. Security tossed us out of the Concordia Club for starting a big fight (I didnt start it! I swear! My buddy did, and I just backed him up!), and discovered that security at Concordia are like titans of the earth, with arms bigger than my legs. Its like grappling with a damn silverback gorilla!

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