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Muuhhhhh-hael's Lair


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Meh. Maybe just for you. But for ME he just isn't here.


*Puts on a fake mustache and glasses*


Hey heard there was an opening for a shadow storm leader... *Laughs evily*


Do you need a hand, I'm good with the OP and stuff... *Using air I literally blow an Ed Clone apart*

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Meh. Maybe just for you. But for ME he just isn't here.


*Puts on a fake mustache and glasses*


Hey heard there was an opening for a shadow storm leader... *Laughs evily*


Do you need a hand, I'm good with the OP and stuff... *Using air I literally blow an Ed Clone apart*


*forms a shield around Al Jenn and then pushes him over a cliff*


You weren't evil enough.



TMD - In regards to fixing Eddie... You can't fix stupid. :laugh:

Stupid is not a choice, it’s a birth defect.



This is not true. You can CHOOSE to act stupid...

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*Quickly forming the void I search out the hard point and press against it... I stretch against it but to no avail, quickly reaching in my pocket I channel through my angreal and manage to break through the shield and with only a second to spare weave air to break apart the water below me to ease my dive into the water... fuming I open a gateway horizontally in the water, nursing my bruised arms and broken fingers that opens a few feet away... knowing the area I make another one that opens above where I last saw TMD poring the ocean out on the cliff face above.*

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*Exhausted I created a gateway and as the water floods through carefully avoid the deadly edges and land on the cliff above*


*Hearing Talya's last comment I just look at her*


Someones got to keep the thing in line since Ellianora is gone... though I guess her stats aren't as high...


*Using fire I evaporate the water off of me*


TMD you're fire stat is suppose to be 28/38... it currently is 28/34... (I found you and Dunbar talking about primaries, but only vaguely still want to switch >.>)


*Adjusting my mustache and glasses*


See I'd make an excellent Shadow Leader... I WILL INFILTRATE YOUR M'HAEL LAIR AGAIN! *Coughs* I mean... I'm just some random guy who is totally evil





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Probably and BaLe should get points for eating whatever those were actually made from.


But only him...I don't want to see threads of what I ate declining from here. :wacko:

They were NOT chocolate! I can tell you that. :wacko:



Since I suggested the points and remembered that I can actually give some out.


Bale can have 5 points...now I have to figure out where to tell someone that I gave them out...lol

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