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Manny, are you suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder today? ;)


*Chuckle* ... Today? M'thinks m'lady do jest with a tottering auld timer. M'Lady knows well that most days he don't got a flamin' clue WHO he is without checkin' the name emblazoned on back of his belt...



I likes the bells and whistles. Not so much the learnin' of em' all, but hey.... I'm surprised Mysty hasn't come barrelin' in here a'catterwallin' about the white background as well :P, unless she's already worn out that particular pair o'sturdy two rivers footwear in Staff!

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*grins* I think Myst has shown remarkable restraint in the staff boards. It's either that or she's just raising hell somewhere I can't see or haven't bothered looking, yet. ;) I'm really very proud of her!


*grins at Manny* Captain Goober.

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Hey everybody! New guy here. How are things done in the Kin?



Awwww! My Thor! The number one rule of the Kin is no Drama! the second is if you want to join, read the stickies and then post saying you want to. There is not a lot going on right now, but there will be soon!





I think DM8 is going to take some getting used to, but in the long run I think it will be good.

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