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Here with my admin hat on (OH NOES!)-- All Read!


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All right, guys.  I know that spamming is fun.  I know that I'm a shadowspawn AND I know Noggy and Pumonca from way back.  And I know I'll be accused of being a wet blanket. But none of that changes what the rules of this Org are. 


While we do not have a leader of the group, I generally leave it to the other staff of the group to handle things like this.  But here I'm seeing some staff joining in and others upset about it.  So here's my pronouncement:


SPAM Belongs on the Blight.  Keep it there.  Faction leaders, don't be afraid to move threads to the blight if necessary. 


If you wish to revive an old thread on this board from several years ago, feel free to do so, but in your reply bumping the post, ask that somebody with thread-moving powers move it to the Blight for you.


A lot of the spam I'm seeing seems to be just general chatting-- so in order to alleviate some of that, I made a chat channel on IRC for SG.  Come join us!


Server: sorcery.net

channel: #shayolghul


If you don't know what IRC is, go google it and then download a program like mIRC, Mibbit, or Trillian that you can use to connect to it.


Additionally, if you don't want to download a program to chat, you can go here:




Type in the nickname you want and #shayolghul for the channel, and you'll be in!



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Yes there is a #dragonmount channel but I am not the owner of it anymore and can't invite you guys to join it since it is password protected.  But there are still quite a few who get on there and chat. DM8 will have built in chat, I think.  For now we can use #shayolghul.

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You're a wet blanket, and you stole my idea regarding pushing the chat to help curb general baord spamming. >.< I hate you!!!!! I wish you weren't my real mommy!! =p


Roka -- It's been ages!! How've you been? Have you decided to take the wealth of Euros and build a mansion in Obamanation?!

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So you agree there was a neccessary fix I suggested to a problem here in SG (nevermind who started it, semantics, my dear, semantics!)? I believe that's a point for the Monca toward problem solving and eladership -coughcoughcough-


Mwua-ha-ha-ha-ha: Mine is an evil laugh!

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Chat is synchronous, while boards are asynchronous. Noggy prefers the latter, since he doesn't have to wait until the wee hours of the morning to talk with anyone. So poo-poo on the chat idea.


*poos on it*




*poos a little more*


I ate dairy today...


*keeps pooing*


Anyway, all of this regulation will be for naught come the 11th from what I understand. Everything will be deleted then. Why delete and moderate one post at a time when the whole goddamn thing will go POOF in a few days? I'm just saying. Saves admins and mods time to go do more constructive things, like make sandwiches and mow the lawn. *nod nod*



This logically sound snippet has been brought to you by Noggy

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No, it won't be deleted.  If you read the post about DM 8.0, what will happen is:


All posts, members, permissions, etc as they stand on August 10th will be copied to be installed on the new boards, which will launch around Labor Day.  So all this spamming being done NOW (before the 10th) will be transferred over, not deleted in any way.  That's why it belongs on the Blight.


Posts made between the 11th and launch of DM8 will not be transferred over to new boards automatically.  These old boards will stay up for 2 weeks after launch of DM8, so that people may manually transfer over any important posts made during that time period, if they wish.



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That requires me to read! *twaps*


I was just going by what Monca had told me. As usual, it was nothing but lies. I suppose there will be no cake supplied for us either (he also promised that) *nod nod*

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