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He was a great man who has done more for this country's environment than all of our Prime Ministers put together!


I met him at an airport once about ten years ago. I shook his hand and was amazed to see the size of his mits. They just engulfed my hand all together.


:? :( :cry:


You're a top bloke, Steve. I never had a problem with anything you did. Now I'm grabbing my harpoon and going to hunt that Sting ray down!


Oh, you wanted us to respect and revere nature... okay then.

Guest Cadsuane

Lol Leaf...


*pours a little Carlton out in honor of the dead homie from down under*


thats true Leaf. He polarised opinions, but was tolerated by all. He loved Australia, and the wilderness. there are not too mant characters left like him. I wasnt really a fan, but Ill miss his melon on the idiot box!


I saw this when it happened. I feel bad for Terri and the kids, i gotta say. And her away in the mountains. And despite the fact that ive always ridiculed him, he's done one hell of a lot for the enviroment. A hard loss to take in such times as these.


It's funny, today I was amazed to hear that everyone I know that has never had a nice word to say about Steve Irwin were all as respectful as if they had known him as a mate.


It's a shame that sometimes it takes a tragedy like this for people to see beyond the Crikey's and the Crocs and appreciate a bloke for what he is. A devoted and passionate individual who loved the world he lived in.


Now someone start a thread about something Australian while GQ's off our backs! :wink:


The crazierst part of this? How many of you caught this paragraph:


"It is believed Mr Irwin's American-born wife Terri is trekking on Cradle Mountain in Tasmania and has yet to be told of her husband's death."


How awful must that be - to find out however long after the fact, far away :cry:


It's very sad indeed. While I could get quite annoyed at the part of his personality that was a hyperenergetic loudmouth, he had so much to offer when it came to providing an understanding for the animals. His respect for even the naughtiest little buggers was nothing short of amazing. A good man has passed away far too early.

  • Community Administrator

When I first heard of this, I couldn't give a rats ass about him dieing or not, Afterall he knew the risks, he always has, infact he's probably lucky he made it this long.

Then I saw CNN/Fox News take on it.

They both showed me just how low the news can get. They don't care that he died. All they care about is to share the 'graphic details' of how he died. They actually asked some of steve irwins 'friends' who were there with him if the sting rays 'spear' penetrated his chest and went all the way through, and if they had a video of it. *which they may or may not have had. But you could obviously see that they were seriously trying to persuade the camera crew to release the video.

Just by there actions on his death really really makes me think the news agencies are truelly pathetic ass holes, who care nothing more then ratings *which was pretty much a givin* but leaning more to the ass hole side.


The sad part is, the 'thruthiest' news show on tv today isn't cnn or fox but the daily show! which is sad because its 'fake news'. :P

I really hope john stewart has a field day making fun of cnn/fox.


Police have video of the event and aparently he pulled the sting ray out of his chest himself. I Know the Australian news would never show it, they have all said it is far too grphic. I know I would never want to see it anyway.


Here, Here, Kati. If any news station in Australia was to screen it, I can't imagine it would be too well received. Showing that footage is not about reporting the news and bringing the facts to people. We already know what happened, screening footage of the incident is simply sensationalism.


Yeah this is a lot like the Grizzly Man (sorry I can't remeber his name). Both were killed on camera by animals. Although with the Grizzly Man there was no video just audio of the attack. I didn't even want to hear that and thank God they didn't play it. Very moving special they did on Discovery about the Grizzly Man. I hope Discovery does a special on Steve's LIFE and not just his death. He was a very special man. It's strange, I didn't even know him, but I really feel saddened by his death. There's also no way I would want to see Steve's death. I find that to be very disrespectful. His death should not be for anyone's "viewing pleasure". Like you said LeafBurner, we already know what happened and there is no reason to see it.


Ok...I'm prepared to be verbally beaten for this.


I think this sort of thing was inevitable for the man. He ROUTINELY molested animals of a dangerous and deadly sort.


I'm sorry for the people who were big fans, but in my opinion it was really just a matter of time.


My condolences to his family.


and the man has all the respect in the world for purchasing land for the purpose of wildlife preservation, and his activities of an environmental nature.


I hardly think your description of "molested" is accurate.


Steve Irwin relocated salt water crocs from populated areas so they would not threaten human life or be hunted for invading our suburban lives.


He put himself in harm's way time and time again to help us to understand that all animals, even the dangerous ones are creatures of beauty.


I agree in that there was always a possibility that something like this could happen. But I think your comments of Steve routinely molesting animals is a bit crass. I think once Steve found people would listen and wanted to see these animals he took opportunities to educate people and at the same time raising awareness of the need for concervation.


I think your comment is very narrow minded as there was much more to what Steve was doing than simply molesting animals.


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