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The end of an Age...

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Not necessarily. The heroes aren't always in the world somewhere, there could be large gaps of time in which no heroes are spun out. Weapons from our age could be anything from probably the ancient Egyptian time period up until maybe 2 thousand years from now.

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Yeah, they are called in their most recent soul form (Hawkwing etc.. not his life 3 ages ago.)


Since then the "heroes" have been born multiple times (except maybe for Calian and Shiva who are only born at the end of the age, so they would be born at the Sealing. Even still, in the War of Power, shocklances and stuff died out by the end, and the armies resorted to swords etc..)


So they wouldnt have any "modern weapons" because at each of their latest rebirths, they would be between the breaking and current time, where theere was no "modern weapon."

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My thoughts on it currently are that Rand and Elayne's twin children will be Calian and Shiva Reborn, thus signaling the end of the age. Not really sure if this has been discussed, or if it really has any relevance, but there it is.


P.S: for those who dont know, Calian and Shiva are always the Heralds of a new age.

The scene in Crown of Swords tells just Shivan.

Also; if they are always twins, one would be born first.


A number of people speculated Elayne's twins being them.

As of yet, there is not enough info in the books to confirm or deny this theory.


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You are quite right, i was more seeking something that would deny the possibility, if there was something I missed.


Also; if they are always twins, one would be born first.


I mean no offence, but this seems pointless, I do understand what you are conveying, but it says that they are born at the end of an age, it does not mean that they will be born on the exact moment, however, after thinking on it, there is also no way to say for certain, so yeah, I take it back.


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Barid, I'm with you. The wording of 'they are born at the end of each Age' is in itself proof positive that it doesn't mean the exact moment of the change, since as mentioned above they can't both be born at the same moment :)

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This has probably come up before but I forget, who would these two be in myth or the like.  I know Shiva is the destroy god, pretty sure, in hinduism but what of the other.


Calian is probably Kali, hindu goddess of death. Matches with Shiva, as you pointed out being the God of destruction.

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