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Harry Potter Mafia Maddness <Game Over - Congrads Town & Siblings>

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Wombat, why meesh?

You don't give the lynching vote randomly...

I think 'is post explained 'is vote, actually.  Eet's OMGUS.  Retaliatory.




I recalled that early on Som1 was getting a lot of attention until finders started coming out with results.


I found a couple of posts from way back:

When did mynd or anyone say he was stupified?

When ever someone said frozen I thought like frozen by a dementor, but I dnt remember anyone saying yay or nay on what it was. The stupify comment sounds like you made a tiny slip som1. I still am getting weird vibes from dar but for now I am going to [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] and [glow=red,2,300]vote som1[/glow]

You wondered why I mentioned that someone on your vote would be Mafia, you may think it obvious. I then mentioned about Mynd being a little quieter than usual.

The votes:


Mynd:  Dah, Som1, Meesh, Amadine, Pete, Locke, rojano,  player, Krak, Boopsy


Thorum:  Mynd, Meesh, Verb, Rose, Som1, Boopsy, Aust. Charis, Alanna, Thorum, tigs, Wolfie

So after I mentioned that, Meesh, Som1 and Boopsy transferred their votes to Mynd. As Thorum mentioned night killing him or Amadine proves the other as innocent, so would lynching. The Mafia would prefer to keep that ambiguity. So we now have three names to really look at. I have a good feeling that at least one of these three is Mafia.

I'm going to go with Boopsy Because out of the three he already has a vote on him, and I don't want to add someone new to this. I also think that his swapping votes around a little more than others. And mainly because of what I have mentioned above!


Plus he was replaced rather than mod-killed which kind of implies an importance beyond what one would expect from Colin Creevy.


Since we seem to be fresh out of finder results I'll go back to Som1.


[glow=red,2,300]Vote Locke nee Som1[/glow] 


As an aside I'm not too keen on "confirmed" innocents (other than Crusher, Taei and Boopsy given recent events).  There is still the matter of a possible Night 1 recruit by Aust and who knows if the other scum team got a recruit. 



Wed July 7th @ 2pm CST; 20 alive, 11 to lynch


Vote Count

Meesh (2): Locke, Wombat

Wombat (1): Meesh

Jeran (1): Taei

Tayla(1): Tayla

Dah(1): Thorum

Locke(1): Jeran



No Vote (15): Boopsy, Krak, Tigs, Lia, Dah, Mottlee, Wolfie, Adella, Pookie, Verbal, Elli, Alanna, Crusher



Er, ze looming deadline eez making me quite nairvous.


I think zere might be something to the Som1 thing, and I don't want myself to have zee most votes, because if you lynch me you weel be lynching an innocent.


So [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]Vote Locke[/glow]



Wed July 7th @ 2pm CST; 20 alive, 11 to lynch


Vote Count

Meesh (2): Locke, Wombat

Locke(2): Jeran, Meesh

Jeran (1): Taei

Tayla(1): Tayla

Dah(1): Thorum




No Vote (15): Boopsy, Krak, Tigs, Lia, Dah, Mottlee, Wolfie, Adella, Pookie, Verbal, Elli, Alanna, Crusher




I recalled that early on Som1 was getting a lot of attention until finders started coming out with results.


I found a couple of posts from way back:

When did mynd or anyone say he was stupified?

When ever someone said frozen I thought like frozen by a dementor, but I dnt remember anyone saying yay or nay on what it was. The stupify comment sounds like you made a tiny slip som1. I still am getting weird vibes from dar but for now I am going to [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] and [glow=red,2,300]vote som1[/glow]

You wondered why I mentioned that someone on your vote would be Mafia, you may think it obvious. I then mentioned about Mynd being a little quieter than usual.

The votes:


Mynd:  Dah, Som1, Meesh, Amadine, Pete, Locke, rojano,  player, Krak, Boopsy


Thorum:  Mynd, Meesh, Verb, Rose, Som1, Boopsy, Aust. Charis, Alanna, Thorum, tigs, Wolfie

So after I mentioned that, Meesh, Som1 and Boopsy transferred their votes to Mynd. As Thorum mentioned night killing him or Amadine proves the other as innocent, so would lynching. The Mafia would prefer to keep that ambiguity. So we now have three names to really look at. I have a good feeling that at least one of these three is Mafia.

I'm going to go with Boopsy Because out of the three he already has a vote on him, and I don't want to add someone new to this. I also think that his swapping votes around a little more than others. And mainly because of what I have mentioned above!


Plus he was replaced rather than mod-killed which kind of implies an importance beyond what one would expect from Colin Creevy.


Since we seem to be fresh out of finder results I'll go back to Som1.


[glow=red,2,300]Vote Locke nee Som1[/glow] 


As an aside I'm not too keen on "confirmed" innocents (other than Crusher, Taei and Boopsy given recent events).  There is still the matter of a possible Night 1 recruit by Aust and who knows if the other scum team got a recruit. 

Well this just moved you up several spots on my suspicion list (well, er, put you on it, I guess)  Let's break this down:


I recalled that early on Som1 was getting a lot of attention until finders started coming out with results.


I found a couple of posts from way back:


Hm, okay, I'll give you that.

When did mynd or anyone say he was stupified?

When ever someone said frozen I thought like frozen by a dementor, but I dnt remember anyone saying yay or nay on what it was. The stupify comment sounds like you made a tiny slip som1. I still am getting weird vibes from dar but for now I am going to [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] and [glow=red,2,300]vote som1[/glow]

You wondered why I mentioned that someone on your vote would be Mafia, you may think it obvious. I then mentioned about Mynd being a little quieter than usual.

The votes:


Mynd:  Dah, Som1, Meesh, Amadine, Pete, Locke, rojano,  player, Krak, Boopsy


Thorum:  Mynd, Meesh, Verb, Rose, Som1, Boopsy, Aust. Charis, Alanna, Thorum, tigs, Wolfie

So after I mentioned that, Meesh, Som1 and Boopsy transferred their votes to Mynd. As Thorum mentioned night killing him or Amadine proves the other as innocent, so would lynching. The Mafia would prefer to keep that ambiguity. So we now have three names to really look at. I have a good feeling that at least one of these three is Mafia.

I'm going to go with Boopsy Because out of the three he already has a vote on him, and I don't want to add someone new to this. I also think that his swapping votes around a little more than others. And mainly because of what I have mentioned above!


So you quote 2 posts, one with him being voted for no reason, and the other with a suspicion statement, that being for switching his vote to Mynd.  This, however, is immaterial at this point as that was given when Mynd was assumed to be innocent, no?  Is this your great evidence that he's scum? 




Plus he was replaced rather than mod-killed which kind of implies an importance beyond what one would expect from Colin Creevy.



And now you're saying people should vote for an uncontested character claim?  Now, I haven't read the series, but I'm guessing Colin Creevy would be an innocent character.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Not only that, but you also do a bit of role-fishing. 


Since we seem to be fresh out of finder results I'll go back to Som1.


[glow=red,2,300]Vote Locke nee Som1[/glow] 


As an aside I'm not too keen on "confirmed" innocents (other than Crusher, Taei and Boopsy given recent events).  There is still the matter of a possible Night 1 recruit by Aust and who knows if the other scum team got a recruit. 

Overall, I can't help but see this as a very scummy post, expertly placed towards the very end of the deadline.


Er, ze looming deadline eez making me quite nairvous.


I think zere might be something to the Som1 thing, and I don't want myself to have zee most votes, because if you lynch me you weel be lynching an innocent.


So [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]Vote Locke[/glow]

Do you know? 


Will we be?  Because I find this almost every bit as scummy as Jeran.





Forgive me for not wanting to be lynched, I had the most votes on me at the time and you are the only other person with a vote on you that I would have been willing to vote for.  At this point, I'm not really suspicious of Talya, Dah'mir, or Jeran.  Why would I vote for one of them?


I am innocent.  If you want to lynch me, go ahead, but you clearly aren't catching who I'm claiming with my affected accent of the last couple of posts.  Also, if you lynch me, you lose your Night phase.


That could be a good thing for the Town, I guess, because I don't know how many nighttime actions the Town has, so I don't know if it would harm the Town enough to nullify the benefit of not having a nightkill for once.


I just don't want to die unless it'd actually be USEFUL for you guys.


Actually, I did mean to [glow=red,2,300]Unvote[/glow], Vote Jeran.


Forgive me for not wanting to be lynched, I had the most votes on me at the time and you are the only other person with a vote on you that I would have been willing to vote for.

And that is....why?


I am innocent.  If you want to lynch me, go ahead, but you clearly aren't catching who I'm claiming with my affected accent of the last couple of posts.  Also, if you lynch me, you lose your Night phase.

I thought you might be hinting at a character, which is why I'm voting Jeran instead.  But yeah, character reveals go right over my head.



Deadline is in 2hrs



Wed July 7th @ 2pm CST; 20 alive, 11 to lynch


Vote Count

Locke(2): Jeran, Meesh

Jeran (2): Taei, Locke

Meesh (1): Wombat

Tayla(1): Tayla

Dah(1): Thorum


No Vote (13): Boopsy, Krak, Tigs, Lia, Dah, Mottlee, Wolfie, Adella, Pookie, Verbal, Elli, Alanna, Crusher



As an aside I'm not too keen on "confirmed" innocents (other than Crusher, Taei and Boopsy given recent events).  There is still the matter of a possible Night 1 recruit by Aust and who knows if the other scum team got a recruit. 


They could be recruited just as well...



As per the bold & Lockes post: [glow=red,2,300]Jeran[/glow]


Hem Hem.


Huh. Jeran's arguments are making more sense to me right now than Locke's. Vote [glow=red,2,300]Locke[/glow]. Colin Creevey would be innocent, but I feel like it's a pretty sketchy claim.


Although, to agree with Thorum- Crusher, Taei, and Boopsy could still possibly have been recruited, so I'm not sure why we should 100% trust them as confirmed innocents either. They could have been recruited Night 1 by Aust, or, there could still be a recruiter in the game. So far as I can remember, we haven't killed a second mafia recruiter yet, have we? And I would think that if one side had a recruiter, there's a good chance the other mafia team does as well.


Although, to agree with Thorum- Crusher, Taei, and Boopsy could still possibly have been recruited, so I'm not sure why we should 100% trust them as confirmed innocents either. They could have been recruited Night 1 by Aust, or, there could still be a recruiter in the game. So far as I can remember, we haven't killed a second mafia recruiter yet, have we? And I would think that if one side had a recruiter, there's a good chance the other mafia team does as well.


The recruiter died night 1. 2 recruiters over such a long game would be too much imo. There are 4 confirmed innocents (except possibly the one person recruited): me, Crusher, Taei, Boopsy. At the worst, one of us has been recruited. We can worry about that slight chance (more up to bad luck than anything else - remember the recruitee could have been killed already) when the rest is gone.


Hem Hem.


Okay, two things-


Although the recruiter died Night 1, isn't it possible a recruit from him still could have gone through?


Secondly, if the recruitee had died already, wouldn't we know? From mottlee's info, if nothing else.


I still think there could be 2 recruiters, but I guess it would depend more on how many mafia there were on each team to begin with, and the conditions of the recruit. I think we can be less worried abut you and the other three, but it would be unwise to stop looking at them completely.


And that's too bad about your work, btw. Work sucks.


My reasons for voting Locke were no worse than anyone else's votes(and a great deal better thaen many).  Let's see:


I mean Taei voted for me because of a gut feeling.

Talya voted for Talya because she doesn't want to play any more.

Thorum voted Dah simply because he was replaced.  Which was ones of my arguments too.  So why isn't Thorum suspicious.  Extremely funny and convenient how Locke doesn't care that Thorum voted that way too. Also, Thorum was the best candidate for a recruitment.

Locke and Wombat voted for Meesh(Pank) simply because a known scum mentioned her name as part of a ploy. Talk about a weak argument.


I actually go a do a bit of research and find a couple of posts to remind people of something that happened more than a month ago-(No wall of text like Locke) and suddenly I am suspicious?  ::)



The door slams.  Wombat counts to five before fishing a paperclip out of a pouch of skin in his armpit.  There was a reason his codename was Wombat.  They had searched all the obvious places, but of course, they didn't know that he shared more than a name with the Australian marsupial.  He worked the paperclip into the lock on his cell door and began feeling for tumblers.  As he did, his mind wandered to his mission briefing.


"We have very little information on the command structure of S. C. U. M.  They seem to operate in isolated cells, restricting knowledge to the bare  minimum required to perform missions.  We've captured some of their operatives, but they are resisting our strongest interrogation techniques."


Wombat shuddered as he thought of what those operatives must be enduring, being locked in cells with the only reading being Stephenie Meyer and Sue Monk Kidd.  He almost pitied them.  But no, no pity for the S. C. U. M. operatives.


"Regardless, we have leads on two possible operatives.  Jeran and Locke."

"Jeran, but he's CIA!  No one is more devoted to T. O. W. N.!"

"Our contacts in the Freemasons seem to think he is S. C. U. M."

"The Masons.  Do they claim a finding?"

"Not on this.  They're very secretive."

"Damned tight-lipped masons.  I suspect they don't have a finding.  Tell me about this [glow=red,2,300]Locke[/glow].  I don't like the sound of him."


Hem Hem.

Although the recruiter died Night 1, isn't it possible a recruit from him still could have gone through?


If the recruit was successful the usually it would have gone through.  Most games have all night actions happening simultaneously.  (Thank goodness.  I hate it when night actions go through first come first served; sucks if you are busy)



Wed July 7th @ 2pm CST; 20 alive, 11 to lynch


Vote Count

Jeran (4): Taei, Locke, Thorum, Crusher

Locke (4): Jeran, Meesh, Alanna, Wombat

Tayla (1): Tayla



No Vote (11): Boopsy, Krak, Tigs, Lia, Dah, Mottlee, Wolfie, Adella, Pookie, Verbal, Elli




The first post Jeran quoted wasn't voting for Som1 for "no reason".  Pete was voting for him because he used a term to describe the freezings that made it seem like he had more information than he should.  Seeing as how it appears Mynd was the freezer (based on the fact that no one has been frozen since his death) then it makes sense that someone who claims that stupify was used might have been on a team with Mynd, hence mafia.  It's certainly a better hint than we have for anyone else who has votes on them at this time.




No one questioned the Colin claim, but then who questioned Mynd's claim of Lupin?  And we've seen characters who had less part in the series be in this game, but there are a LOT of characters to choose from and whether or not Colin would be included is entirely based on Red's view of him rather than his "centralness" to the story.  As for Jeran role fishing, this isn't a majority game and I don't really think it's out of order to suggest that someone up for a lynch defend themselves with what information they have.  Of course there's no telling whether or not the defense would be believed and it's a little late in the day to choose a new candidate.  At least Jeran went back in the game and found something to support a claim rather than just making a stab in the dark at something, which to me seems more like a townie trying to piece things together than like scum.


I know who Meesh is hinting and it makes sense that her character might be in the game based on a character we've seen confirmed by death.  Which as far as I'm concerned is the only way to "confirm" innocence due to the fact that we've seen a recruiter die and the recruit doesn't always die with the recruiter.  It depends on the mod whether it is an action tied to a person or tied to a team and turned over to someone else on the team when the first holder of the power dies. 


ETA: *sigh* eight new posts.  I'm not editing even though some of what I'm saying seems redundant now.  Wombat, if that's not a PR I swear I'm going to slap you.  Okay, maybe not since it's the internet and all, but I'll at least shake my finger menacingly at the screen.


I never even noticed the role fishing claim that Locke made against me.  (That's the trouble with a wall of text.)


I can't recall ever having role fished in any game let alone this one.  Please, when you make such a claim provide evidence.  The quote you gave is not role fishing.  Som1 claimed he was Colin Creevy so how is that role fishing?


My reasons for voting Locke were no worse than anyone else's votes(and a great deal better thaen many).  Let's see:


I mean Taei voted for me because of a gut feeling.

Talya voted for Talya because she doesn't want to play any more.

Thorum voted Dah simply because he was replaced.  Which was ones of my arguments too.  So why isn't Thorum suspicious.  Extremely funny and convenient how Locke doesn't care that Thorum voted that way too. Also, Thorum was the best candidate for a recruitment.

Locke and Wombat voted for Meesh(Pank) simply because a known scum mentioned her name as part of a ploy. Talk about a weak argument.


I actually go a do a bit of research and find a couple of posts to remind people of something that happened more than a month ago-(No wall of text like Locke) and suddenly I am suspicious?   ::)


Everyone else is just voting for somebody, you're trying to get someone lynched.  Knowing that I'm Innocent (and probably everyone else will soon too) and seeing your reasoning as being somewhat sketchy leads me to believe that you're scum.  What would suck is if I'm lynched and tomorrow you're lynched and you're Innocent.  


Okay, with the deadline looming, I'll just say (regretfully) that I'm a Watcher.  My role is much akin to Boopsy's.  Each night I can target one player, if they get NKed, then I take a picture of the killer, which is left at the death scene, if I read my role correctly. (and I also get told the name of the NK submitter)


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