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Harry Potter Mafia Maddness <Game Over - Congrads Town & Siblings>

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I whole-heartily agree with Aust. Wombat made such a big deal about questioning the Myndwagon, but then jumps on anyway.  He takes it upon himself to say "If Mynd flips innocent, I will look closely at everyone who voted for him."  This is a classic Mafia move to be the lone innocent voting on a bandwagon.  I'm still also suspicious of Wombat and Adella being in cohoots.  Adella, what are your thoughts on Wombat's scummy post?


Meesh, you will have to forgive me about not getting your goat right away.  Still, you gotta admit that your post was otherwise quite incriminating.  I do see now what you are getting at, and apparently, Som1Else does too.  You also probably just made yourself a huge night kill target. 


Let's hear from some more peeps!

Honestly Mynd.. Which one!? I have played a few games with Wombat lately, and I have seen him draw in a lot of attention for acting scummy, even as a townie, so the "scum vibe" is not enough proof to draw a vote from me anymore.

However, it is also kind of dumb to feel the need to state that you will be looking closely at EVERYONE on a bandwagon. That is something that any townsperson would do, and saying it for everyone to see could be just speaking your mind, or it could be mafia trying to look innocent very easily.

I'm going to quote the post I think I am addressing:

I really don't see where Talya and Meesh are coming from saying that Mynd isn't being aggressive enough.  Maybe it's because I was on the receiving end of some of his aggression, but I think he has been plenty aggressive.  This Myndwagon is very interesting.  First come Talya (although Talya hasn't actually voted Mynd yet) and Meesh with what is in my opinion very weak metagaming.  Then comes Amadine with what would normally be a very understandable vote except for the fact that she dissembles when explaining her reason for voting Mynd.  She says she agrees with Meesh but toally neglects to mention saving her alleged millermason teammate Thorum from lynch as a motivation for voting Mynd.  Then come Pete and Locke.  Pete's reason makes sense although I think it is odd that he is so sure that Thorum is innocent when he is being vouched for by another alleged miller.  Locke agreeing with Meesh is nothing new and is a null tell imo.  Then rojano who has been largely inactive comes and hops on the wagon without giving a reason.  I'm not a fan of the Thorum wagon either, but this Mynd wagon is so rapid and thinly reasoned that is smells really bad to me.  I was actually somewhat suspicious of Mynd and was thinking of switching my vote from Adella to him, but this bandwagon makes me really hesitant to do that as it makes me think he will flip innocent.  I don't understand why scum would be so obvious, but I also don't understand why townies would be so scummy.


So what is the real motivation behind this Myndwagon?  Big Game Hunting?  Saving a teammate?  Something else?


Edit: And again Pete asserts that Thorum is a "vouched innocent."  Pete, why are you so sure that Thorum is innocent when the person vouching for him is also claiming miller?

The bolded part is what Mynd pointed out, and the underline is from me. He looks like he is dissembling. Like "hey, I was gonna try to get Mynd lynched, but I'm going to make it so I can say I had a second thought about it and just lay the hammer when it comes time, giving me an 'I just went with what everyone wanted' excuse". At least that is what I read from it.


Also, I have Mynds character narrowed down to two possibilities from his little hints. ;D

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Tigs, I'm so sorry I hope you're okay *hugs*


I had no idea about Aberforth and his fetish for goats, heck I wouldn't even have thought about him!


I thought you might have been Sirius first Mynd but you seem okay with Amadine being him, so I think I have guessed you!


That sounded a little too defensive there Adella, maybe there is some link between you and Wombat :)


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First of all: My vote is on Boopsy, but Wolfie is still suspicious imo.


Okay, well, I came in to vote before time ran out and I hadn't finished reading the thread yet, so when I saw that time was frozen I decided to read most of it before I posted. I think I'm going to go with [glow=red,2,300]Thorum[/glow]. If for nothing else than for the fact that my head is starting to hurt from the is he or isn't he a miller convo. *rubs forehead*
An inactive person who wants to restart the bandwagon on a 'confirmed' innocent. Sounds suspicious


I still think of what I said before, I'm willing to go for Som1, Meesh or Boopsy. So [glow=red,2,300]Boopsy[/glow] it will be
Why Meesh?


Also, this is already the fourth vote on Boopsy. How did this happen so fast?


Then, Wolfie votes Thorum.....um, definitely a scummy thing to do and more than OMGUS going on there.  Normally, if unfrozen, I would have blasted the Wolf at this one, but let's come back to that later.  It's Pete's desparate push here that I want to focus on for the moment.



Seeing I've still got time, I'm gonna open up this: [glow=red,2,300]unvote [/glow]and [glow=red,2,300]vote Wolfie[/glow]


I'm gonna read from page 34 onwards later.

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Talya I would like you to please quote the overly defensive part of my post because most of it was an attack on Wombat if anything. I didn't talk about myself, I talked about a post Wombat made. Where was I involved other than being the speaker?


The grouping of Wombat and I together is an obvious ploy from Mynd of trying to get reactions out of both of us, but Talya you are just trying to lump us together. Perhaps because you are on a scum, team with Wombat?

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Earlier today I had hit reply and got the red warning which turned out to be the Day 1 do over post.  I was going to [glow=red,2,300]Vote Boopsy[/glow] and still will.


Then/Than why didn't you post back then?

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Then/Than why didn't you post back then?


Because Red had just made the post but hadn't yet edited it to clearly state that day was restarting. I wanted to see what was happening, but I had to go to a meeting so I decided to wait.

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Thorum, that was my details BEFORE the day was reset. And I was second on Boopsy, I think. I voted this time, because of the same reason. I was suspicious of Meesh then too, because of her switch, and if you had read what I said you would see why. Since she has claimed I have not been so suspicious of her. If you reread at least do it in Order  ::)


Adella, He attack you for your association and you fired back at him, that is how it came across, so it was, in my eyes a defensive post.


Things like this are just an attack on what he is doing, it is not dumb. This kind of attack makes you look desparate.


However, it is also kind of dumb to feel the need to state that you will be looking closely at EVERYONE on a bandwagon


There are too many occasions that people will say things like this to people, because they think something is 'dumb', 'stupid'. Say something that helps instead of attacks.


and now..


Talya I would like you to please quote the overly defensive part of my post because most of it was an attack on Wombat if anything. I didn't talk about myself, I talked about a post Wombat made. Where was I involved other than being the speaker?


The grouping of Wombat and I together is an obvious ploy from Mynd of trying to get reactions out of both of us, but Talya you are just trying to lump us together. Perhaps because you are on a scum, team with Wombat?


This just makes my point stand out even more! So Mynd was just trying to get you to react and I was trying to lump you together! You seem to push this point way too much. Just because I see what I consider an over reaction from you about you and Wombat, it makes me think there maybe something in it. So you are pulling that point to me, I'm not doing it!


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Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 39 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(4): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran

Thorum (1): Taei

Daruya(1): Pete

Wolfie(10: Thorum


no vote (34): Meesh, Amadine, Wombat, Bela, Elli, Mottlee, Marta, Som1else, Aust, Krak, Mynd, Daruya, Lia, Boopsy, Nae, Adella, Tigs, Summer, Pookie, Player, Verbal, Dah'mir, Pankhuri, Wolfie, Alanna, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, rojano, Crusher, Koujin


** Names in Red have not checked in and are subject to being punished by the mods come Night



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Definition of defensive....

What's so defensive about asking questions?  When I questioned your "#11" vote, Pete, I did so teasingly because your propensity for voting that position was something I'd seen before, though I'd never been the target of it before.  If you see that as defensive . . . *shrugs*  ::)


Adella's "IM SOOO NOT WITH WOMBAT" posting continues...

Talya I would like you to please quote the overly defensive part of my post because most of it was an attack on Wombat if anything. I didn't talk about myself, I talked about a post Wombat made. Where was I involved other than being the speaker?


The grouping of Wombat and I together is an obvious ploy from Mynd of trying to get reactions out of both of us, but Talya you are just trying to lump us together. Perhaps because you are on a scum, team with Wombat?

Why would Talya be on a team with Wombat because she is calling you out on being overly defensive?  That doesn't make any sense, not saying that it isn't possible, but I just don't see how you could reach that conclusion, unless this is an attempt to turn suspicion on your accuser....which is a typical mafia move.  As I have said before in many games, the mafia tend to discredit and disinform, while the innocents, or in this game, the Town, must share information as much as possible in the thread....without giving too much away to the scum.


I first focused on Adella and Wombat because they voted each other in such a quick succession, which many mafia do on Day 1 to try and disassemble any kind of connection between them.  When I called them out on it, both Adella and Wombat overreacted. Tandem? Likely!  Scum team? possibly. 


Now, factor in Wombat's "reluctant" voting on the Myndwagon.  He went out of his way to protest my lynching but joined it anyway.  It wasn't like he was the hammer vote or anything.  As I stated earlier, I think Wombat was trying to look innocent while his actions pushed my lynch.




Why did you even bother voting for me if you were pretty sure I was going to flip town?

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A quick thought on Taei's vote for Thorum after the Day 1 reboot....


What if Taei is a semi-inactive mafia goon and received her orders from her teammates but didn't read her PM or email telling her to vote Thorum until after the reboot?  Look at how prepared her statement is...

Okay, well, I came in to vote before time ran out and I hadn't finished reading the thread yet, so when I saw that time was frozen I decided to read most of it before I posted. I think I'm going to go with [glow=red,2,300]Thorum[/glow]. If for nothing else than for the fact that my head is starting to hurt from the is he or isn't he a miller convo. *rubs forehead*

Taei, why are you voting for an all but confirmed town player? The real reason this time please, and don't feign a headache for your scumminess. 

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Because I was even more sure that Thorum would flip town.  Lesser of two evils.


But your vote on me was unnecessary! You all but stated that as soon as the lynch was carried out, you would be gunning for everyone else on the Myndwagon, which you yourself joined in.  If you really didn't think I was scum, why vote for me at all?  It doesn't make any sense to me other than you desperately trying to look innocent.


Also, Adella said that it was dumb for you to state that you would be looking for everyone.  To me, that tone was less calling you scummy and more calling you a dumb teammate.  Her overreaction to my prodding and Talya's casual commentary further my suspicion that not only are you two on a team, but you two belong to the House of Scum!

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I was ambivalent for most of the game but I had decided I wanted you to be lynched instead of Thorum.  Despite what some other people seemed to think given their votes, there was no time for a third option.  My vote was not for lynching you but against lynching Thorum.


Drop the Adella thing already.

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I think it's ridiculous people think I've been scummy. First off, my initial vote on Rojano was pure day one randomness. My change of vote to Thorum was precisely because he was pinging EVERYONE's radar by acting scummy. Then when he claimed miller I changed my vote, like many other people, to Mynd. Half of you are bandwagoning me precisely because there's some vague claim I'm being scummy based off my changes in vote. If I were REALLY scum and knew precisely who was innocent and who wasn't, I wouldn't bother changing votes. I'd just stick with whoever I KNEW was innocent anyway. I'm changing votes because it's day one, and I haven't a clue who's actually scum and who's not.

What are the other half bandwagoning you for?  What exactly is the reason for your lynch?  To correct your statement, if you were really scum, you would switch from one town player to the other when the first one becomes a vouched town player.  


I have to admit, I am a bit unclear on to why there is such a push on Boopsy at this point; however, using the Day 1 randomness excuse doesn't cut it when we have so much evidence.  


Boopsy, wouldn't you agree that it is incredibly scummy for a player to move votes from one town bandwagon to the other without much of an explanation?  As you said yourself, scum don't care who is lynched as long as it is an innocent.


Hmm, you used the term innocent instead of town.   Interesting....

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I was ambivalent for most of the game but I had decided I wanted you to be lynched instead of Thorum.  Despite what some other people seemed to think given their votes, there was no time for a third option.  My vote was not for lynching you but against lynching Thorum.


Drop the Adella thing already.


You didn't have to vote for either one of us, and you didn't have to go out of your way to not look scummish in your post either.  Remember, when deadline hits the person with the most votes is lynched, so why did you even feel the need to vote me at all if you were so sure I would flip town?


And "Drop the Adella thing already" is nearly as defensive as Adella got. 

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Because I wanted you to have a substantial lead on Thorum so that he definitely didn't get lynched.  And I really don't care if I look scummish.


I am not working with Adella.  Right now I have no read on her.  She pinged my radar at first but since then has been either inactive or lurking.

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Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 39 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(4): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran

Thorum (1): Taei

Daruya(1): Pete

Wolfie(1): Thorum

Wombat(1): Mynd


no vote (33): Meesh, Amadine, Wombat, Bela, Elli, Mottlee, Marta, Som1else, Aust, Krak, Daruya, Lia, Boopsy, Nae, Adella, Tigs, Summer, Pookie, Player, Verbal, Dah'mir, Pankhuri, Wolfie, Alanna, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, rojano, Crusher, Koujin


** Names in Red have not checked in and are subject to being punished by the mods come Night




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The reason for my voting Boopsy was because of his vote swap from Thorum onto Mynd after I mentioned about Mynd being quiet, I now know why, but I was interested to see who grabbed that info and used it. Out of those that voted for Thorum were, Meesh, Boopsy and Som1. Now that Meesh has declared her fetish for goats and will push he down the list. That leaves me with Boopsy and Som1. I'm not sure out of the two is highest, so I went with my last vote and the one who already had votes on.


Wombat and Adella have sprung up into that list, but at the moment I'm going to keep my vote where it is.

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I have to admit, I am a bit unclear on to why there is such a push on Boopsy at this point; however, using the Day 1 randomness excuse doesn't cut it when we have so much evidence. 


The reason people are pushing Boopsy is likely because of this post:



Ummm... to be honest I've never played with Mynd nor do I know him at all. But someone once said a Day one lynch is better than an empty day. I think it was pete. So...




Someone also once said

•Lynch is by hammer vote or deadline; which ever comes first.  if no majority is reached by the deadline, person with the most votes will be lynched.


In other words there is no possibility of an "empty day."  So what's your real reason for voting Mynd?


Wombat actually asked the question I would have, and I think that Boopsy's answer was either:

a) not understanding what Wombat was getting at here, or

b) understanding and ignoring


I'm going with b).  There could be no empty day, if you'd read the OP.  [glow=red,2,300]Boopsy[/glow]




I also have some random thoughts to add:


-- What is up with all this random voting stuff?  Why do people do this on Day 1?  And why disguise it as "Oh, I always do this - it's my thing"??  For example, the #11 thing with Pete.  C'mon, Loki already did this with #8.  It was silly then, and is silly now.  If we eliminate random voting, don't you think scum hunting will be easier?  I sure do...


-- Wombat, why did you say you "don't care if you look scummy"?  This makes no sense to me.  You should care.  If you're town, then we need your intelligence, and to shrug stuff off like that is not a positive contribution.


-- Why are people being emotional and defensive about this game?  If people are attacking others, it's either game-related tactics or they are seeking to compensate and therefore it should be taken as a compliment.

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Why are people being emotional and defensive about this game?  If people are attacking others, it's either game-related tactics or they are seeking to compensate and therefore it should be taken as a compliment.


i have yet to see personal attacks in this game, but with a game this size it could easily have been missed.  however, i dont take personal attacks on players lightly (this is different then game-related tactics). if you feel you've been personally attacked in this game please PM myself, Ed or Sarah and include the attack in a quote and it wll be dealt with.




Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 38 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(5): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran, Verbal

Thorum (1): Taei

Daruya(1): Pete

Wolfie(1): Thorum

Wombat(1): Mynd


no vote (32): Meesh, Amadine, Wombat, Bela, Elli, Mottlee, Marta, Som1else, Aust, Krak, Daruya, Lia, Boopsy, Nae, Adella, Tigs, Pookie, Player, Dah'mir, Pankhuri, Wolfie, Alanna, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, rojano, Crusher, Koujin, Summer






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-- Why are people being emotional and defensive about this game?  If people are attacking others, it's either game-related tactics or they are seeking to compensate and therefore it should be taken as a compliment.


I'm not sure that anyone is taking anything personal in this game.  I take a lot of the defensiveness as more of the effects of a guilty conscience.  As you and I know, mafia know they are scum and change their behavior accordingly.  I would be surprised if anyone takes anything in these games personal, although, I know some people have in the past.

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