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What do you think of.....


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cosmicpanda - cutest Panda I know

Naeann - Stole DeRouge from me

Verbal32 - A Floating Goat (I sometimes get him confused with Vemnyl)

Moghedian - My leader

Ashaman de Rouge  - My second, and now ex-DM soulmate

Dragonsworn1991 - Pete?

ed2funy  -  Most annoying spammer ever

Alaksuleiel  -  Love her Saga

Barmacral  - Not funny

Kivam  -  Funny

Canukistani  -  I named her Spider!

Twitch  -  I like that he keeps the Picture Thread AARGHHH updated

Nynaeve  -  Sarcastic and loves me

Gerrendus  - Seduced me to the Dreadies

TheMasterDude  - The Dude abides

Talya  - Doesn't like tea....blasphemy (especially since she is English)

Far Dareis Mai  - I misses her

Haxorsist  -  My favorite law student

Liathiana  -  Good fun on IRC

ChronocrosS  -  Was too afraid to continue our battle

claireducky  -  sneaky funny

WWWwombat  - Too many W's in his name.  I want to read it like a web address

LilyElizabeth  - Wonders if she goes by LilyElizabeth in real life.  Didn't realize her and Min were actual sisters for a long time

Aust  -  My eternal mafia enemy

Aemonkristen  - Doesn't have netflix in Mexico (and blockbuster is going DOWN!)

Krakalackachkn - Best looking guy around (and funniest)

Mmeeshal  -  Likes squirrels and star wars - two awesome things!

Wes   - My may flower

  Lord of 13 - Spam

  Tigraine - Always liked her choice of name

  Amadine - want to call her Amandine

dapianoplay3r  - Took me forever to understand his handle

Locke - I forget he exists sometimes

Som1else - Thought he was a spambot when he first showed up (and sometimes still do)

Balefire P - Spam

Talmanes - Good at mafia

Limi - never understood the cult thing

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If, by best comedians ever, you mean one of the worst comedians of all time, then yes, I agree.


The character Sterling Archer from the brilliant tv show Archer said it best:



Cyril: So do I get to learn Karate?

Archer: Karate?  The Dane Cook of Martial Arts?  No.  ISIS Agents use Krav Maga.

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*I pull the my lever as Aust walks up and he falls down my trap door into my marsh of marshmallows. I look down at him and laugh and realize looking down that the stay puft marshmallow man didn't deliver the marshmallows. I shrug and walk away*


Stupid Ghost Busters...



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I found those about me fairly interesting and laughed at a few. I'll have to do this a little later when I have time.

Talmanes- he joined?

*sigh* indeed I did. If you'll recall I was even involved in a huge incident.

Talmanes - Quite congenial - haven't seen him around lately? TALMANES WHERE ARE YOU?

*Jumps and waves* Over here! And thank you good sir.

Talmanes - Getting to know him. He seems pretty cool

Same for you.  :)

Talmanes - Wise beyond his years, and has some pretty amazing life lessons

LMAO! That one made me laugh for real.  :D

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cosmicpanda - is okay i guess, but he is a Kiwi

Naeann - Black witch *nods*

Verbal32 - Angelinaholic

Moghedian - The Awesome

Ashaman de Rouge  - owes me points HAHAHAHA

Dragonsworn1991 - is a sweetheart, a Mafia God & will be a great dad!!

ed2funy - my poor misunderstood bro LOL

Alaksuleiel - uses sarcasm well, a girl after my own heart

Barmacral - slowest mafia game ever LOL

Kivam - SCUM! always scum!

Canukistani - Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Ama!

Twitch - has cute pups?!

Nynaeve - has been a DM forever!

Gerrendus - Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Ama!

TheMasterDude - Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Ama!

Talya - funny lady & great mafia player!

Far Dareis Mai - the legend lives on

Haxorsist - Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Ama!

Liathiana - has been driving me mental in recent Mafia games LOL

ChronocrosS - always makes me think of Chronological...

claireducky - the scary side of the Mother *hides*

WWWwombat - Freak ;) Is scummy when when not scum - does my head in.

LilyElizabeth - simply fabulous, despite the fact that she is Shadowspawn

Aust - funny guy, quick witted and good to chat with

Aemonkristen - created the awesome Monsters v Heros mafia game - EPIC!

Krakalackachkn - wishes he was the "Best looking guy around (and funniest)"

Mmeeshal - squirrelly gal

Wes - hhmmmm dead pirate *calls cops*

Lord of 13 - have seen you in mafia but thats about it, Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Ama!

Tigraine - has had a really shit few weeks!

Amadine - gorgeous, sweet, awesome, oh wait *blush* that's ME!!

dapianoplay3r - lives in NZ and can't wait to escape

Locke - seen you around but, Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Ama!

Som1else - another who posts scummy even if he's town; STOP IT!!

Balefire P - what does the P stand for?

Talmanes - coming to Oz soon!

Limi - amazing sig artist & lovely girl too :)

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cosmicpanda - I have to be nice.. so.. hmm.. HE IS FLUFFY! No really, great guy, he likes to kill Ed too :D

Naeann - Crazy lady, but in the good way!

Verbal32 - EWOK! *squeezes the ewok* Angelina obsessed ewok, it doesn't get better then that.

Moghedian - Haha, Moggy knows where Pandy lives ;D she is rad-tastic

Ashaman de Rouge - :( He was a cool guy, and another Ed-killer

Dragonsworn1991 - PETE! Very charming for an SS :P

ed2funy - Haha, Ed... He's Ed. Nuff said.

Alaksuleiel - I don't know your SG side too well, but still a great person

Barmacral - Funny ???

[glow=red,2,300]Kivam[/glow] - Scumbag :P He's funny and pretty awesome sometimes

Canukistani - >.>

Twitch - Puppies?

Nynaeve - Haha, Nyn.. :D

Gerrendus - Old fogey! He has a cool pie story :D

TheMasterDude - All I can think of is him getting undressed at the BT ;D

Talya - LOVE this woman.

Far Dareis Mai - Never got to know her before she left :(

Haxorsist - >.>

Raeyn - I feel like I should know these people

Raijin - I mean really

Edielin - This is kind of silly

Liathiana - ;D I like this girl

ChronocrosS - How could I not know so many people here ???

claireducky - CLAIRE! Don't know the SG side, but she is a wonderful Ammy ;D

Liitha - She is a member here? :o

WWWwombat - Ah Wombat... :D LLL

LilyElizabeth - She is perfect for SG, and SG is perfect for her.

Aust - Haha, love this guy!

Jelly - >.>

Aemonkristen - AEMON! Hai... He's a crack up, really.

Krakalackachkn - Another krak up *ba dum bum*

Mmeeshal - MEESH! She doesn't come around a ton..  :-\

Wes - DPR! Mafia genius, and my seduction siggy WORKED! :D

Lord of 13 - Crazy kid, but still cool

Tigraine - TIGS! She's splendid

Amadine - Seriously LOVE this woman. She is amazing. Have my babies? We all know I don't want to :P

dapianoplay3r - Player seems too nice for SG

Adella - ;D ;D ;D

Reyoru - Again, doesn't come around much, but a nice enough guy.

Locke - Haha, Meesh's other half, and an awesome kid ;D

Som1else - Very fun guy

BalefireP - Good kid really

Talmanes - TAL! Haha, he thought he was kicked out for a while :P

Limi - She is a wonderful person, but might be too nice for SG (love you tho!)

Al Jenn - He's just weird.. ::)


AMADINE! You missed me :(

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