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Joss Whedon to direct THE AVENGERS movie


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He's right. Can see the different reactors at 0:22 and 0:35.5


Yea wasn't seeing it, but those times helped me find it at least.

0:35 though, looks like the round one, just at a bad angle.

0:22, definately see it though.

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Perhaps, Loki takes the triangle power source thing from Iron Man? And he has to revert to an older model?

(Note, there sa tie in, between iron man 2, captain america, and Thor, with that 'triangle' thing being in the background of all 3. I think they used one in captain america (maybe? not the same one to create captain america)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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My guess is, loki destroyed the first suit to get that powersource, that is of there home-world origin anyways. Probably used to power that giant snake at the end...


Which really means to me.

Loki brings Ragnarok to Earth.



Getting a Hug From the Hulk at the end. Should make stark very nervious.

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Did you see the first Iron Man movie? If so, did you by any chance notice what the bad guy did to Tony?


And Loke is not bringing Ragnarök to Earth. He can't, for a number of reasons.


Which bad guy? Cause I know the heart-thing and all that.


& I'm also talking about the connection between Iron Man 2 and Captain America with that 'triangle' power source thing.

To me it seems obvious that somehow Loki (after having been banished to earth?) probably managed to take it from tony stark to help bring about ragnarok. Or at least, a smaller scale version of it.

Obviously we are missing the whole scenerio of loki having that 'red' guy killing balder,and 'red' becoming like 'thor', ect, ect..


The mecha-snake at the end of that trailer has to obviously be the midgard serpent.

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Did you see the first Iron Man movie? If so, did you by any chance notice what the bad guy did to Tony?


And Loke is not bringing Ragnarök to Earth. He can't, for a number of reasons.


Which bad guy? Cause I know the heart-thing and all that.


& I'm also talking about the connection between Iron Man 2 and Captain America with that 'triangle' power source thing.

To me it seems obvious that somehow Loki (after having been banished to earth?) probably managed to take it from tony stark to help bring about ragnarok. Or at least, a smaller scale version of it.

Obviously we are missing the whole scenerio of loki having that 'red' guy killing balder,and 'red' becoming like 'thor', ect, ect..


The mecha-snake at the end of that trailer has to obviously be the midgard serpent.


In Iron Man, Stane taking Tonys arc reactor is quite a big deal. You really think Marvel would recycle something like that so soon?

You are right in that loke is looking for a source of energy. however, not one as weak as Tonys. The post-credit scene in Thor, and a major plot device in Captain America should tell you what he is after.


As for Loke bringing Ragnarök, he can't. Ragnarök is Asgards final battle, in which Asgard will be destroyed, and all the gods slain. It has nothing to do with Midgard until after the dust settles. Also, the Loke we see in the trailer does not seem very interested in bringing the end of the world. Instead, he seems rather interested in ruling it.

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hmm, well this is a movie-comic so it may not follow the comics to closely. ;)


But why wouldn't loki take tony's reactor? he's basically using the 'triangle' that redskull in captain america, and thats of 'asgardian' technology, as seen from Thor. And since Loki is on earth, he may not have total access to That type of technology? Unless this is a plot about how loki took over Asgard and is trying to bring earth under his rule? and is just a prequel to the 'ragnarok' episodes? (Theres the whole thing about the serpent & poison on loki escape, ect, ect..

Makes me wonder alot though, about the migdard serpent at the end though...

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Awesome trailer.


If anyone is interested, here is a pretty comprehensive, up to date MCU timline.


But why wouldn't loki take tony's reactor?


The Tesseract (or Cosmic Cube, as seen in Captain America & the post-credit scene in Thor is vastly more powerful than Starks Arc Reactor.


And since Loki is on earth, he may not have total access to That type of technology? Unless this is a plot about how loki took over Asgard and is trying to bring earth under his rule? and is just a prequel to the 'ragnarok' episodes? (Theres the whole thing about the serpent & poison on loki escape, ect, ect..

Makes me wonder alot though, about the migdard serpent at the end though...


is Tom Hiddleston talking about Loki & his motives in The Avengers. Essentially, Loki wants a kingdom, he can't have Asgard so he sets up shop on Earth. Nothing to do with Ragnarok, there are many other serpents in the Marvel Universe.
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hmm, well this is a movie-comic so it may not follow the comics to closely. ;)


But why wouldn't loki take tony's reactor? he's basically using the 'triangle' that redskull in captain america, and thats of 'asgardian' technology, as seen from Thor. And since Loki is on earth, he may not have total access to That type of technology? Unless this is a plot about how loki took over Asgard and is trying to bring earth under his rule? and is just a prequel to the 'ragnarok' episodes? (Theres the whole thing about the serpent & poison on loki escape, ect, ect..

Makes me wonder alot though, about the migdard serpent at the end though...







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  • Community Administrator

hmm, well this is a movie-comic so it may not follow the comics to closely. ;)


But why wouldn't loki take tony's reactor? he's basically using the 'triangle' that redskull in captain america, and thats of 'asgardian' technology, as seen from Thor. And since Loki is on earth, he may not have total access to That type of technology? Unless this is a plot about how loki took over Asgard and is trying to bring earth under his rule? and is just a prequel to the 'ragnarok' episodes? (Theres the whole thing about the serpent & poison on loki escape, ect, ect..

Makes me wonder alot though, about the migdard serpent at the end though...








Did it hurt? I hope so.


I had assumed that the Triangle power source Tony used was basically the same thing as the one of Asgard Technology, given they basically shared the same size/shape/look/ect.


Having Loki take it, would explain why Iron Man all of a sudden switches suits, aside from the normal suit 1 gets broken, equip suit #2 which is 10x better than Suit #1


But as Maj obviously missed Cillian's post, Helps prove you right maj, and I accept that. Loki's there to concur earth, not destroy everything. That serpent at the end of the trailer is obviously a red-herring. And this 'could' be part of the story on how Loki becomes 'imprissoned', pre-ragnarok.

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Another new trailer. and...Wow!

Quite obvious in this one that Iron Man is using at least two completely different suits.




Really disappointed with the trailer. What the hell is everyone's love of using those really heavy industrial sounds to introduce the opening scenes? It's gotten so formulaic:


Heavy, rattling booms, industrial sounds, silent quick shots of characters in various action scenes, culminating in a barrage of fast images that result in the industrial sounds crashing together while the villain is shown on the screen (or, alternatively, one of the characters making a statement like, "oh shit, we're screwed").


If this trailer was any predicator of the movie quality, I'm not looking forward to the movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New banners & poster.



Having Loki take it, would explain why Iron Man all of a sudden switches suits, aside from the normal suit 1 gets broken, equip suit #2 which is 10x better than Suit #1


Well to be fair, just given the nature of who Stark is (genius billionaire inventor) it's quite natural that he'd be constantly upgrading, streamlining & tinkering with his tech. And if there is a mission he's going on that needs a specific thing he can build a special purpose suit. Of course, that's along with the suit #1 is fried, equip suit #2.


If this trailer was any predicator of the movie quality, I'm not looking forward to the movie.


The script was written by Joss Whedon, not Michael Bay. We're pretty much guarunteed a good story with loads of great character interaction & moments along with great spectacle.


If you haven't already seen "Serenity", check it out. Written & directed by Whedon, based on his "Firefly" TV series (check that out too) and made on a tiny budget of $39 million.


Whedon said of writing the Avengers srcipt he ran into very similar problems that he had while writing Serenity. The whole team/ensemble thing, giving each character their time to shine & introducing the world to an audience who may not have seen the previous work in the series.


Should give you a good idea of what he can achieve with a great cast/characters & over $200 million for The Avengers. I highly recommend it.

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  • 1 month later...

Note, these are by fans, not professional critics.


Obviously I walked in with sky-high expectations. Especially with the reactions the past couple of days, I wasn't sure it could meet them. It completely blew me away.


The story is a fun one, pretty basic plot structure with perhaps a few unexpected, shall we say, "tweaks". But the movie's heart lies in its characters. It is a true ensemble, in every sense of the word. Every character feels so fleshed out and three dimensional, you won't need to have seen the previous flicks to appreciate it.


Iron Man is Iron Man. He's sassy and snarky and just when you think he's a total dick he does something so selfless and noble. If you had a problem with his performance and arc in Iron Man 2 because he was never "off", he never let the stakes get to him and had a moment of sincerity, you won't have that problem here. RDJ's performance here meshes the fun and the sincere so well, it's great and it's hilarious and it's memorable in all the right ways.


I know some people found Evans' performance in Captain America bland. He was very Superman-esque: stoic, unflappable, heroic. Dare I say, pouty. True to the character but not necessarily what some audiences are looking for. Here, he's allowed to play. His interactions with these characters bring out all the best in him, both the strong noble leader and the fun jokey action hero. His arc in the movie is clear and it pays off in big ways in the film's third act.


Ruffalo's Hulk is fantastic. I'll just be blunt with it. He makes some very interesting decisions performance wise that give the character a very interesting dichotomy between an uneasiness and a total comfort. He's the one who you'd probably think wouldn't fit in a team movie, but the chemistry Ruffalo builds with the rest of the cast makes it seem so... inevitable. Huge crowd pleaser, people who hated the previous Hulk movies will love him here.


Thor is basically stepping in right where his solo movie left off. That character and that performance from Hemsworth was so effortlessly entertaining, such a star making turn. His chemistry with the others is so much fun, his moments with Hulk specifically deliver in big ways and he is never once shown as anything other than a powerhouse. I know that's been a concern


Scarlett Johansson was given nothing to do in Iron Man 2. I'll just come right out and say it. She was handed a character with no personality and one action scene and told to deliver. Well, not here. Black Widow is as integral to the team as the four big names. Her backstory is delved into a bit, and it's not as clean as most superhero's are. Johansson gives a very memorable performance and people who couldn't care less about her previously will probably be singing a different tune.


Can't really say much about Hawkeye and his role in this film without dipping the toes into spoilers. But even though he's not necessarily involved with the team through the whole movie, Renner has you cheering him on as much as the others when he finally is. You won't once question why a guy with a flippin' bow and arrow is so highly regarded by people with such influence and power.


Tom Hiddleston's Loki is a monster. He just is. He goes from pontificating about lowly humanity to snarling and stabbing and killing with such ease. It's very much an extension of his performance from Thor. But he's moved on from the cuddly confused frost giant in Thor. Dude's a bad mother****er.


Samuel L. Jackson is given the unenviable task of playing a character that is a riff on himself. He handles it with aplomb. He creates a character who feels powerful but helpless, a man in charge who ultimately has no say. It's the first time I've seen him truly act in a decade. Welcome back, Sam.


Smulders, Gregg, Skarsgard and Paltrow are all good in supporting roles. They have their moments and they handle them well. But this is an 8-man show. No one's overshadowing the big guns here.


The film is structured wonderfully, it's a bit of a slow start but once it gets going it is breakneck, relentless, nonstop, brutal. The third act is like nothing you've ever seen in a superhero movie. It's the ending to one of the Transformers sequels, if said Transformers sequel had taken the time to build stakes and characters and made said final act feel earned. It's long but it flies by. You'll never want it to end.


Flaws? It's got them. What film doesn't? There are 3 or so scenes early on that are fairly cheesy. It's a bit of a slow-starter, the first 20 or so minutes are mostly build-up and not as well paced as the rest of the film. There were 2 camera angles that felt wonky to me, and a single moment of CGI that felt off.



9.5/10. Brilliant. Can't wait to see it again at midnight on May 4th.


The Avengers is that rare/comic book/action film,that not only provides exciting and fun action sequences,but also pulled me in emotionally with its provition of backstory and view of the inner demons of the colorful characters that inhabit this nearly perfect film.


Director/writer Joss Whedon deserves praise for doing his homework on some of the most popular characters in the world.He puts the nature,spirit and mannerisms i love about the characters on the big screen

Each character is given multiple times to shine Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man,Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America,Mark Ruffalo as Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk,Chris Hemsworth as Thor,Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow

Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton / Hawkeye,Tom Hiddleston as Loki,Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury,Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill,Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson,and Gwyneth Paltrow

as Pepper Potts

A lot of other films have attempted to put a ton of characters in a film which resulted in an overpopulated film, in which i ended up not caring for the characters and i felt the studio behind the film was just looking for action figure and Happy Meal money.

The Avengers is the complete opposite of the aforementioned.

Whedon also gets better performances from the cast,far better than what was displayed in the connecting Marvel films that lead to The Avengers.He lets the characters get under each other's skin,they not only poke fun at each other

but each character has their own Self-deprecating moments


There are revelations and surprises that are the icing on the cake of this fun film.

It has some flaws,the standout is that it borrows a bit from a couple of popular

Sci-Fi films.

Other than that everything else works just the right amount of romance,humor,and action.

If you are a Marvel super fan,casual fan or just a lover of action films,if you dont have fun with this film,check your pulse because you may be dead!!

I truly hope Whedon returns to direct the second ,third ,fourth Avengers film...yes im thinking ahead but thats how much i loved this movie


Scale of 1-10 a 9

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