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Meesh I'm actually really sorry that we are causing YOU so many problems. As our Mod you have full rights to be upset over our goings on and I wish we weren't such a huge thorn in your side.


That being said, anyone else who can, and probably should, just ignore is and our sillyness, for that's all that really is, needs to. This thread is not hurting anyone, except maybe you, and we are not breaking any rules. We know we are on DM and we respect those rules and we bend them no more than senior members. Most of us are adults and we try to keep it appropriate.



Edit - Spelling errors.

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Yes, you'd better, since the world is going to end if she doesn't totally love it and make a big deal and exalt you and make you all special so that everyone else is jealous.




It's a Church thread for Limi.  Aren't you SUPPOSED to be doing special things for her?  Like, isn't it expected?  This thread is over 200 pages long.  It's not like she can acknowledge EVERY single thing someone does specially for her in this thread.


And I personally think it seemed more like she was caught off-guard by the fact that Talmanes is making a website for her.


I will be frank since you've told me not to sugarcoat my words. This is really starting to piss me off. It isn't just here it is also the WT. I haven't heard a single word of complaint anywhere else and I've been asking.


We are active. We are pushing the same limits everyone else around here is. From what I can tell that is your problem, the fact that limits are being pushed and there is so much to read to make sure it is all in order that it is stressing you out. Yes the idea might annoy you a bit, but it doesn't deserve the reactions I've seen. Moderators have to give a big commitment to DM and I appreciate all that they do, but they did sign up for it. I remember reading a couple of weeks back that you were thinking of giving it up. If this is that stressful for you that is what I would recommend. It shouldn't be a chore, it should be something you enjoy doing.


It's a Church thread for Limi.  Aren't you SUPPOSED to be doing special things for her?  Like, isn't it expected?

And I personally think it seemed more like she was caught off-guard by the fact that Talmanes is making a website for her.

I haven't read it at ALL until just recently.

It is the epitome of "lame" and also irritating...

They only post in here, flirting with each other and the PG-13 sign and godmoding and going on and on about how Limi is awesome, though you never hear WHY, just that she IS.


You start off telling us in a sarcastic manner that we are suppose to worship Limi yet she is surprised when someone thinks about making a website. I'll tell you this. Limi didn't ask for this church, nor did she create it. The church isn't FOR Limi, it is more for the followers. It is something fun and a place to enjoy yourself with others. As you go through the thread you don't see people going on about the virtues of Limi, no it is just a fun idea and game. It isn't serious. The fact that you and a handful of others look at it in that light is a bit insulting. We are having fun, there aren't any crusades or people going out to try and recruit more followers. People come here because they enjoy it. Much like people do with religion in general. Why do you think so many churchs are becoming giant entertainment sites? *Sigh*


You haven't read it at all until recently yet still you keep going on about all the things we do. If/when you do read it you'll find it isn't nearly that much of a 'cult'.


There is no one in the world that deserves to be raised to this kind of status, legitimately.  And there is no one that has been a member less than 5 years at least that has earned the right to cause, indirectly or directly, such a huge issue across the community side of DM, as well as in Fiddles.


Read the bloody thread and you'll see that your mistaken. I hate the sense of entitlement you feel probably as much as you hate how 'self righteous' I sound. I've been deployed for 6 months and not really allowed to state my opinions. I've done many stupid things and couldn't say anything about it since you do what your told. If I'm coming across with that tone, that is why, but I don't apologize for it. I have talked to many many members around DM and haven't seen this 'huge issue'. I believe it is localized and there is only a handful of you. It hasn't been Limi who has done this but those of us who have followed her.



And mod this stupid thread, and do you know how hard it is to keep up with all the posts that go on in this thread, the fastest-growing in Fiddles?  No, and no one cares, either.  But I still have to do it, it's my job.


Yes, we do care. At least I do. I am greatful for the moderators like I said. But it is a job you signed up to do. Thank you for doing it, but if it is that taxing and stressful to you, why are you still doing it? Thank you for giving us this place. I like coming here to relax and do you know why I can do it? Because there is a Moderator running it. I appreciate your hardwork and commitment, I do hate it though that you act like it is such a burden when you volunteer to do it.



As for what makes Limi so special? She isn't divine your right. She is however a kind hearted individual, who is caring, sweet, mysterious, playful, and charming. She is nice to be around, that is why people started this stupid thing in the first place. And why more people keep coming, they enjoy it. There aren't people out there preaching or anything, people just have fun. I'm sorry you have missed this vital point because that is truly what the 'church of Limi' is about.

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Uhm.. Al.. One point.. Ed started this thread because:

1. We were spamming in the WT wayyyy too much, and he was trying to introduce me to Fiddles where I wouldn't get in trouble (although now I am being scolded)..

and 2. Because we were talking about Limi and I said I liked her, and he said she was a Goddess so everyone should like her, and I didn't understand, and he made this as a joke/explanation..


Why anyone who DOESN'T post on here should give a darn what we do or say is beyond my ability to comprehend, because it is such a ridiculous thought! No wonder activity is down on so much of this site, EVERYONE COMPLAINS ABOUT EACH OTHER! No, not everyone, I've talked to a lot of pleasant people. Just a select few apparently have issues and feel the need to complain rather trying to PM the people who are causing the problems and make it known that they are unhappy, and then maybe they would stop.



Meesh, I respect your opinion, honestly I do, but it doesn't mean I agree with it. And, while I can be quite frank sometimes, it took me off guard when you came in here all tyrannical and started flipping out in my opinion. Thus, I was mildly upset by the random spurt of anger that I saw. That being said..




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A few things.


First of all, wow, Al Jenn, what was the point of PMing me AND posting the exact same thing in the thread.  I'm sorry, but I wasn't going to run away after posting something so inflammatory when I knew EXACTLY what kind of reactions I'd get.  PM's are supposed to be for things you don't want posted publicly; the only conclusion I can draw from that is you just wanted an excuse to chew me out twice.


Secondly, having said that and yes, that did irritate me having to see that twice, you guys are right, it's my problem not yours.  I meant what I said, though, and I was sick and tired of pretending I wasn't sick to high heaven of what I canNOT get away from no matter where I go in the Org-side.  I wouldn't have posted it, or said it in quite that fashion, however, if I hadn't already made the decision to leave DM, or all but.  It's been a long time coming on my side, and for my sanity and for your..pleasure, comfort, whatever, leaving is the best thing.


You won't have to deal with me, I won't have to deal with you, we'll all be happy.


So as soon as I find a replacement for myself so Kivam doesn't have to, I'll be out of your hair.


And I am serious, too.  I am not being dramatic or trying to get people to beg me to stay; DM has been great but it's caused a lot of problems for me IRL too, and it's time I start growing up and moving on with my life.

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*shrugs* I really don't feel the need to defend myself since I haven't done any thing wrong over this. I agree with what's been said pretty much. ^^


"Limi" was created by people who wanted something to keep them together it grew from there. :) And the spam boards were the only place for that so I don't really feel all that bad that we are on here. I'm sorry you feel stressed. But you are the one who volunteered to mod the spam heaven. On the other hand I'm sorry this spilled over into RL for you.


I hope you feel better soon.


*tackles Adella* ^^ I don't expect any groveling fyi :p I am at my sister's house and got distracted by a certain some one :p

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