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"Even this foul creature may be of use. To. Me."


"and he gave the child a cruel name; Al Jenn Mael. Meaning half formed"




haha. :D


*is still :D at this*



lol David. Chocolate ice cream, nonetheless

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Guest BaLefireP

Limi's Current Worshippers:

Eddie - Head Priest: In charge of the Church and Official Whip Test Subject <3

Adella - Head Priestess: In charge of Maintenance and Cuteness (Sister)

Led - Head of Disciplinary Actions & Measures over all but the Heads of the Church and is the Master of Foot Massage

Player - Angel Of Music & Poetry: Master Musician and Bard

Pete - The Charming Inquisitor: The Charming and Talented Strong Arm

Talmanes - Head of Disciples: Self Explanatory

MCS - Chief Librarian and Accountant

Millon - Disciple

Questy - Disciple

StrangeCreation - Disciple


*Consort of the Goddess* Al Jenn Mael


*Honorable Position* Charis - Partner in Crime to Limi <3

*Honorary Postion* Marta - PR manager to Limi


The Bonds of Limi:

1. .:Ko'Di Far Souvras:. ~ Souv'ra ~ Charis Sedai [WT]

2. .:Rahien Far Jenn Sou'vras:. ~ Souv'ra ~ Adella [WT]

3. It begins ~ Al Jenn Mael [Church]

4. This is it ~ Al Jenn Mael [bT]

5. ..::Concion Far Cuebiyar::..  ~ Warder ~ Al Jenn Mael [WT]

6. Aman e mai a'ashan ~ Souv'ra ~ dragonsworn1991 [WT]

7. The Xbox Affair ~ dragonsworn1991 [Church]


The Songs of Limi:

1. Into the Night



Eddie's Song:



The Commandements of Limi:

1. Thou shall be Loyal to Limi

2. Thou shall be Honest to All

3. Ed deserves every bit of punishment he gets (punishment must be approved by Limi or The Head Priestess; that means back off Pete. :P)



Rules of the Church

1. No serious discussions. EVER! :D

2. No talking about feet. (Hobbitses get mad)



Praise Limi, who art in Fiddles, thou name be Fluffy Fun Sized Chocolately Deliciousness Tasting Goddess Who Uses Big Words

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LOL, no prob. We just have three rehearsals until show time. We got mics yesterday.... which I'm still sticky from (dang tape!) and the set is pretty much done, all lines memorized, but we get costumes Monday, we're still waiting for shirts and... this is gonna be a looong week for everyone. But I'm excited for the show, just wish it was opening on a different day from an AP Econ test and evil Trig test that shouldn't be as important as it is, but it may give me an A in my class. *gr*

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