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How do you know for sure he is scum? :arch You *don't* that's the problem with your statement right there. It's very possible the mod included and Lie Detector and a Cop, I've done that in games I've modded myself ;) And yet you say you are *sure*. That right there makes me suspicious.

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Lia, I know because he claimed to have view me.

If he was the real Cop, then he wouldn't call me scum. I think he mentioned it, but I am not a Miller.

Did he say he had 100%? Wombat? Mods usually say you have this chance, but they won't tell you each time what you got.

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Not sure which side of this I'm going to come down on yet, but Ed, I find it strange what you say about there probably benig no finder. I've played in a game or two with both finder and lie detector. A lie detector can actually be really limited, so it's perfectly natural to have a finder as well. I would be surprised if there was no finder in this game.

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Does anyone believe my gambit theory?:(


The same one Red, a scumbag (Love you Red :-*) tried to mention? Nice try Wombat.


I brought the gambit up before anyone else so I don't know what you're getting at there.  A lot of people responded to my theory after i had already put it out there.  Are you calling them all scum?


No...just you and her. She tried to instill that thought...then she died.

I don't suspect everyone because as I said, the Gambit is fear mongering on your part. Of course people are going to go along with it. It is the people pushing it.

No one went along with me on my theory until I revealed with my viewing.  Red postured a little bit but in the end she didn't even change her vote.

And Wombat is lying about finder.

I believe I stated that there was a possibility of being no finder since I am the LD. I predicted Lily would do this.

Yeah, you did state that.  You were covering your ass because your plan was about to blow up.  I called you out for it at the time.  The only thing scummier would have been if you claimed miller lie detector.


Not my plan blowing up, yours and Lily's brewing. To win, you have to think like you are on the other team. What you were setting up was obvious (to me anyways).

I find it funny that I was supposed to be the one to look scummy, and Lily be the one to be leading the lynch on me. If that were so, she would have claimed first, then I would have counter-claimed.

It was the other way around.

Either the original claimant or the counter-claimant can look scummy depending on what is said.  You could have pulled off the gambit with either party claiming first.  You were supposed to look scummy, that's why your story is so porous.  Unfortunately for you, you fingered Lily as anti-town before she counterclaimed.  Huge mistake.


I saw this coming when Lily first had you mention a Gambit way back when just to cover her butt. A Gambit has no way to disprove it, and yet it is the easiest to accuse of. You tried to find a way to make sure I was lynched, and you couldn't do it the normal way of spotting real clues...so you resort to fear mongering.


You saw it coming when you realized that in spite of your attempts to make your story look as scummy as possible Lily was going to get lynched instead of you and you were going to get viewed.


*points up and expands on thought*

To make my story look scummy? So, now I was the one who was supposed to die? If I wanted to 'look as scummy as possible', I would have. I play how I play.

Of course you were the one who was supposed to die.  Lily was the one who would view as innocent.  You probably would have gotten yourself lynched too if you hadn't jumped the gun and accused Lily before she counterclaimed.  Sorry to break it to you, but you look pretty damn scummy.  You can't keep your story straight, and once you do settle on something, it's a claim to a ridiculously overpowered role.

Nevermind, I'm not going to use quotes.  I'm just going to say this:


Kivam Gambit

You also take my own story of sending multiple PM's with Rey. Not very original there.

Players send PM's to the mod all the time.  That's like saying I stole your story of having thumbs.


Well, in this case, you had no thumbs to being with (a role to PM about). Sure, maybe you PM-ed him about how to access your QT, but not about no finder role.


Wombat, seeing as I viewed Tigs (She was not lying btw), why would I try and get you?

More proof to me you are scum. Trying to play the 'innocent little townie who is afraid of a mob lynch'.

Seeing as you've gone back on half of the things you've said, why should I take anything you say at face value?


I haven't changed who I was viewing. Check. I got confused about the times and regularity of my ability. I had to figure out how to use those thumbs buddy.

Not on WHO I viewed.

It's probably pretty easy to remember who you want to implicate and who you want to clear.  You screwed up pretty much everything else.


My guess is if we stay, we get a clue now instead of another kill.



Pookie, I have said before, all I need is one or two people to say the phrase each phase if there is a recruitment. I don't need everyone to say it again and again.


I believe Pookie and Wombat are scum. They have acted closely together for awhile, and I thought they might be on Lily's team. If Wombat succeeds in this blatant lie, you know where to look.


I haven't been working closely with anyone.  Why do you think I had to browbeat people into voting for Lily?  I worked harder at it than you did, which is kind of odd given that you were supposed to be the lie detector.


You pestered people to vote. You didn't do much of anything.

You know why you pestered them? Because this plan was made early on. Lily gave you the go ahead to encourage the lynch on her.

That right there is half of a small Gambit itself Wombat.

Early on?  Like when?

EDIT: Pookie, your plan is to lynch the Lie Detector. I highly doubt there is a Finder in this game.

The mafia won't NK Wombat because you are all too many people down.

I mentioned there not being a Finder before Wombat falsely revealed, how could I be planning against Wombat and me surviving the Day then? Before I even knew for sure he was scum?



Stop being obtuse.  You weren't planning on me coming out and exposing you, you were planning on whoever was the finder doing it.  Unfortunately, I got so wrapped up in your gambit that I fell into your little side-scheme of getting the finder to out himself.

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TEN PAGES!!! That's what I woke to. *facepalms*




Jerann... my friend... who voted me on first day on general principles... *sad* You will be missed* And dang it, who's gonna fix my shoes from now on.


And RED WAS SCUM!? Dang it.


And Wombat's the FINDER!~?!




I'm running out of exclamation marks here. What's one night's sleep compared to these shocking revelations!? Crap. I vote we [glow=blue,2,300]stay here[/glow] we need clues. Who's keeping track of things? And what's with this ROLE CHANGING AND ALIGNMENT CHANGING THING!?!?!? *cries* Didn't we just lose someone to the mafia recruitment??? HOW MANY MORE OF YOU WILL BETRAY US!??!?! *wrinkles nose*


Ok, that's all I have to say for now. I'm still partial to believing ed. But now I'm not sure. Not sure at all.

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Wombat... ask Pete about not being able to keep your story straight and yet being innocent.


And why view me night one? I'm incredibly curious about this.  As Day one was when Ed claimed to be lie detector and Lily was already adamantly against it and asking for someone to view one or the other of them.. that you'd chose me.  I'd have viewed Ed simply to be sure of another potentially very helpful power role. 


Congrats.. you just shot up on my suspicion list. :-*

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Wombat... ask Pete about not being able to keep your story straight and yet being innocent.




I'm trying to remember if you did anything suspicious Day 1, Nae. That is a good point you make about him viewing you.


Oh, and I think I forgot before...I vote [glow=blue,2,300]stay here[/glow]. Sounds like we may be able to get some clues or something.

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Not sure which side of this I'm going to come down on yet, but Ed, I find it strange what you say about there probably benig no finder. I've played in a game or two with both finder and lie detector. A lie detector can actually be really limited, so it's perfectly natural to have a finder as well. I would be surprised if there was no finder in this game.


I have never played a game with the Detector before now. so, I don't know how things balance out.


No one went along with me on my theory until I revealed with my viewing.  Red postured a little bit but in the end she didn't even change her vote.

Exactly. Fear mongering thrown in with a false reveal. Good tactic.

At first, everyone just mulled it over; I saw the fake reveal coming and that is why I stated it.

Either the original claimant or the counter-claimant can look scummy depending on what is said.  You could have pulled off the gambit with either party claiming first.  You were supposed to look scummy, that's why your story is so porous.  Unfortunately for you, you fingered Lily as anti-town before she counterclaimed.  Huge mistake.

This makes no sense. In a Gambit, both sides go after each other as scum. I fingered her as scum *watches for PG-13 sign* because I detected her lie. My story isn't porous...once again, I got confused on the times, not the ability.

The huge mistake is being made by you.

Of course you were the one who was supposed to die.  Lily was the one who would view as innocent.  You probably would have gotten yourself lynched too if you hadn't jumped the gun and accused Lily before she counterclaimed.  Sorry to break it to you, but you look pretty damn scummy.  You can't keep your story straight, and once you do settle on something, it's a claim to a ridiculously overpowered role.

Once again here, if I am scum, and I am supposed to have just pulled off a Gambit, I would have been in contact with Lily over PM or on a QT. I wouldn't 'jump the gun' if we were putting this plan together. Lie Detector is as close to Finder as I can think of, so you are claiming a ridiculously overpowered role too.


It's probably pretty easy to remember who you want to implicate and who you want to clear.  You screwed up pretty much everything else.

Fearmongering again. "He is looking for people to lead a lynch; stop him!"

Really...that is all that says to me.


Early on?  Like when?

Look up. The quote is there, with you saying it.


Stop being obtuse.  You weren't planning on me coming out and exposing you, you were planning on whoever was the finder doing it.  Unfortunately, I got so wrapped up in your gambit that I fell into your little side-scheme of getting the finder to out himself.


I was planning on you coming out and false claiming, yes. So, I already knew what you would do. i just didn't know it would be YOU.


Which is a more likely role for Rey to have included.  An overpowered lie detector that gets day and night viewings, or a normal finder.

Go back and read. I already said that a cycle is phase to Rey. When he told me each phase, to me that meant Day and Night.

I would have came back with Tigs' in the Night. It is each cycle.

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Yeah. Ummm.


*hangs head* I'm so confused. Would we be able to find clues on which of them is lying?! Like, now!? Before dealine is up? IF SO LET'S GET TO LOOKING!!


*starts digging up random things*


*finds an amphora* AH HAH! A CLUE!


Or really good wine. *sits down and begins drinking*


Seriously tho, how are we supposed to look for clues? Kinda like:


>> Look for clues?

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Lol were you in that game too Alanna? ;D


The funny thing is, I believed him the whole time. In hindsight, I'm not sure why ;D


I was going to say something else. Can't remember. Oh yeah! About the lie detector, Ed. There was one in Nae's Princess Bride game, and there was also a finder in that game. The thing is, most lie detectors don't do what you did (at least I don't think they do) - reveal early and force everyone to say that phrase. So, they're stuck kind of sifting around, trying to find places where people have claimed innocence and such. Which actually doesn't happen that often. So, you have made your role like a finder, forcing everyone to say that, but a lie detector probably wouldn't normally do that.

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Yea....I died that first day! :D

All I remember was that Tigs was the Finder.

After I died...I sort of stopped following it because of the Jester.


I don't follow rules too well. :D I wasn't planning on revealing, but I was really suspicious of MCS, and I wanted him to say it. So yea....:-\

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Thing is, Ed doesn't play roles like normal people do. And that's what makes him special.


So while there are subtle lie detectors who sit around sifting through what people say, and mafia who act really under-the-shadows and kills from below the radar, ed isn't.


Which is why I am more inclined to believe ed than Wombat. And ed, if you turn out to be scum, I'm likely to be the next to be lynched. AND I WOULD NOT LIKE THAT. So I pray you're telling the truth.


Look me in the eyes, and tell me you aren't lying to me.

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Wombat... ask Pete about not being able to keep your story straight and yet being innocent.


And why view me night one? I'm incredibly curious about this.  As Day one was when Ed claimed to be lie detector and Lily was already adamantly against it and asking for someone to view one or the other of them.. that you'd chose me.  I'd have viewed Ed simply to be sure of another potentially very helpful power role. 


Congrats.. you just shot up on my suspicion list. :-*


Your delicate pulling of votes off of MCS and onto Lily is what first caught my eye.  Then Ed named you as innocent and Lily as anti-town.  Then Lily pushed for the finder to get involved.  This made me suspicious of a gambit.  Lily seemed eager for one of her and Ed to be viewed so I thought that maybe one was the godfather.  I was suspicious of all three of you but I figured Lily would get lynched, so the coroner would settle that.  I figured that Ed might be the godfather so I didn't necessarily want to trust to viewing him.  I figured viewing you had the highest possible reward.  If I got a guilty result from viewing you, I would have known that you were scum and that Ed was an LLL and therefore scum.  I would have caught two scum with one viewing.  If I had viewed Ed or Lily, I would have found a maximum of one scum, and I might have let the godfather slip through my fingers.  Also, if I got an innocent viewing on you, that wouldn't be so bad because I would know I could trust to some degree one of the better players in the game.  Also, people were expecting me to view Ed.  I thought there was a small but not insignificant chance the mafia had a watcher or something and was trying to covertly find a power role.  I figured I could always view Ed night two and that it was both less risky and potentially more rewarding to view you.  I probably would have viewed you again night two but you didn't act very suspiciously day two whereas Ed was acting very suspiciously.  I was fairly convinced of a gambit between Ed and Lily but I was no longer sure about you.

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I am not lying. This is the first game I have such a role, and I like it. The Lie Detector is a powerful role, and I didn't really think I would do much good shifting through crap.

I would probably have revealed on Day 2 or 3 now that I know how this played out, because I like the role and it is great. I guess I have turned it into another finder role basically.


*looks Boopsy in the eye*

I am not lying.


Am I supposed to give you a kiss too? :D


EDIT: Wombat..you are cracking me up bud.

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I'm not liking this "normal lie detectors wouldn't reveal, wouldn't ask people to say phrases, etc".  This is one of my biggest peeves in mafia. (check movie madness and choose your role) Just because you would do something one way doesn't mean someone else would.  I've seen the lie detector role a few times... it's a role often used over on myndjack.  More than once the ole.. "please say this phrase" thing comes up.  Min revealed early on with that role too.  She didn't have time to suggest saying the phrase though.


To me it would make sense to reveal this role because then you CAN do the "please say I am not anti-town so I can check it."  That's just me though.. and that may not be what Alanna or Pookie or Pete would do.


I also, in my reread, noted that Lily said that exact thing...

page 23...


quote from Lily:

A REAL lie detector would not reveal.
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I think wombat is more suspicious of the two right now.


Additionally, I think that if they are doing a gambit two mafia, one being the godfather is a horrible trade on their part for our finder.


Ed you have viewed Nae, Lily, and who else? It is the 5th phase...

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You figured during night one that Lily would be lynched the next day?  Why?  She had two votes at end of day 1.  Me and Talya.  She said the phrase.  I was still suspicious of her (rightly so it seems) but everyone else had pulled their vote.  That, in the words of Lanth, is weak sauce.  It's like you are the one that is actually on her team and you were planning the false reveal gunning after Ed knowing she'd be at risk of getting lynched.  I didn't act as suspiciously day two?.. I don't think I acted suspiciously day one.  Pete was going after MCS pretty harshly and Lily at first harped on MCS but she herself didn't even say the phrase.. that's why I went for her.  Had nothing to do with MCS.  Had he not said the phrase my vote would have stayed on him.  I know if I were scum I'd be hesitant to say the phrase.  If you will read back... I was the first one to say ANY phrase.



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Al, I got Tigs, and she wasn't lying. I said it in one of the posts with the long quotes.

I also mentioned that a phase=cycle to Rey. So, it is the day or Night combo.

Which, I am pretty sure means I have another one, but I am not sure. I will PM Rey and ask (thumbsies! :D).

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Honestly with as much as Pete and I are actually agreeing in this game that sends up warning flags for me. Hiya Pete. :-*


It is the mafia apocalypse but it is a well catered event.


Nae showed no love to my comment

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