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Y'all are being unreasonable with Tigs imo.


Yes, and why switch votes to a new person?  We've got a claim and counter-claim where apparently 1 of them is lying.  Why wouldn't you want to resolve that before moving on to someone new?

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How about this?


Tigraine is not anti-town.


it wont work becaue tigs isn't the one saying it.  in your opinion you could believe she isn't anti-town and then the sentence would run a true.


tigs is the only one who has out right refused to say the anti-town phrase, even lily posted it, and if tigs is a jester then she can do alot more damage to us than a false role claim. atleast that has been my experience.


[glow=green,2,300]unvote[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]vote tigs[/glow]


i still believe ed over lily, but i dont see a problem with letting the cop have a chance at sorting this fiasco out; after all had the princess not died we'd mostlikely already have our answer.


*mumbles under her breath abotu false role claims*

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I hadn't voted yet because I wasn't entirely sure who to believe between Ed and Lily, though I was leaning towards Ed.  Him calling her liar and scum every time she posted made my decision harder, since it really feels rude to me.  I think the idea of letting the finder sort them out has merit, since it seems odd to me to risk an important role just because Ed says so.  I do think Tigs is trying to dodge saying the "magic phrase" and to me that say's she's not good for the town.

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I don't understand why everyone is acting like me not saying this sentence is a big deal!  It wasn't even my idea in the first place that asking us to say this could possibly be some kind of solo win situation but if it makes everybody happy then I am not anti-town!


If it's possible that this gives somebody some recruiting power or anything like that then I hope everyone remembers that I tried!

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Everybody was making a big deal about me not wanting to say it so it's said.  Now, I still want to know what everybody has to say about the stuff that I said in the first place. Pete was pretty quick to jump up and vote for me after this...why?


Okay, here's what I think...


Ed- I think it's kinda weird that Pete knows more about your role than you do and I think it's fishy that you want everyone to say the same exact sentence when in any other game people are happy if everyone just flat out says "I'm innocent" I also find it convenient that everytime something new comes up, you go and read your PM again and oh well I didn't realize this in the first place.


Pete- I think you are trying awfully hard to put suspicion on me just because I don't want to say the one sentence that you thought of to make it easier for the lie detector.


Wayward_fool- Why does it make me scum or insane that I refuse to say what everyone thought in the first place was something related to a solo win.


I have an innocent town role what more needs to be said?

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Lia and Pookie: I say it because

1.) It is true, and

2.) Because I love Lily.


Tigs: I don't check my old PM's, I send new ones. Pete doesn't know about my role (except the basics that everyone knows). It is not my fault if I need clarification.


Pete and whoever else is swinging votes to Tigs are all starting to look really suspicious.

I have already said that if she flips innocent (which she won't), then you will all obviously kill me tomorrow.

With those odds, the town is still in good favor for winning.


I have been thinking that since I have so many phrases to turn it (one each phase), there may not be a finder. Lily's friends will claim finder and view me as scum, then claim it is not 100% accurate.


There may still be a finder, but I doubt it atm.

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ed a flase role claim as cop is suicide for the mafia.  especially with the healer still in the game, now it just sounds like your being paranoid or your scared to be veiwed.


first you claim, if she veiws innocent she's probaly the god father last night.  now your saying someone will false claim finder and say they veiwed you as scum.


you throw suspicion against anyone who voted for you.  and you turn around and dig in on lily every chance you get.


this is why i want the finder to solve this problem.  you may not see the lie detector as a useful role but i do, especially since you get to veiw someone during the day.  it will help us nock out scum alot faster.




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No....it was a thought I had. I can detect lies in each phase. With a regular finder....it might be unbalanced (this is not taking in all the other roles). Go ahead and view me whoever.


You know one of us is lying. If there does turn out to be no finder (it is just a chance), I can assure you someone will have 'viewed' me and claim me scum.

If that is the case, I will die and you will have lost the lie detector.

Then, you will have to lynch Lily, unless she dupes you all even more. She is succeeding so far.


But, if you want, I will wait. Let the dice fall where they may. Of course, I will not take my vote off of her, as I know she is lying.

I might have thought she somehow got around it because of some weird role that would say she was lying, but when she counter-claimed, I was sure she was not some weird convoluted town role.

I like how Lia (and maybe a few people, not sure) say that they don't see where I tore her lies up, yet they go along with her and say she has wonderful arguments.


Anyways...sorry for the long post...just want to get my thoughts out because this could turn any other way, and I want them on record. ;D I think of every possibility out there, and try to see how it will all turn out. :-\


I don't see that as a suicide for mafia. They could effectively pull it off (100% is harder than others though), and in fact other people have pulled it off.

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And now Ed is covering his ass in case the finder views him.  Scummy.  I think both Ed and Lily are scum.  Ed might still be innocent but I think his ass-covering points to him as scum.  I think it's highly unlikely that Lily is innocent.  What are the odds of Ed false claiming lie detector when he doesn't know if there is one in the game and then happening to pick the real lie detector to check.  MINISCULE.  What are the odds of there being two lie detectors?  VERY LOW.


The odds are extremely high that Lily is scum.


Now, Lily has been repeatedly asking for the finder to view either her or Ed.  If she were scum why would she do this?  she could be scum trying to appear innocent by requesting a finding.  She could also be a desperate godfather and she taking the chance the finder will view her.  Finally, it may be because she is the godfather and she knows that either way, the viewing works out in her favor.  If Ed is a goon and Lily is the godfather, no matter who gets viewed, Ed gets lynched tomorrow, Lily is vindicated and is now an assumed townie.


Lily is most definitely scum.  Ed might be innocent, but I personally think that he is also scum.  His story is extremely thin, and he has been covering his ass in case the finder comes out and says he is guilty.  I say we lynch Lily and the finder views Ed tonight as Lily is more likely to be scum.  I think the outcome will be that Lily flips godfather and the gets a guilty result from Ed.  I think at the very least, Lily will flip scum.


Edit for Red:  Claiming cop is not suicide for the scum if they get the real cop to reveal by doing it.

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Alanna...I don't mean to call any of you dumb. I consider her being able to trick anyone duping. It is hard from my viewpoint watching it.

Sorry, and I will try and take an outside view more often.


I am thinking of all possibilities Wombat. I could care less if there was a real finder, because I would be proven innocent.

If there is a fake finder, then I die, and you know you have two scum to take down.



I think the outcome will be that Lily flips godfather and the gets a guilty result from Ed.

Wombat, could you explain this?

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not really ed.  wombat brings up a good point, and i hadn't really considered this before.  thanks wombat :)  


i mean between the role thats being claimed, since it's not all that much used, and lily's experience, plus how your always changing what you can and can't do.  :-\  and now you cast doubt on the finder incase you show as mafia.


it kinda does make sense, especailly how you are going after her.  my vote stays, besides i have a bad taste in my mouth about the jester, sorry tigs no offense to you.  if there is a lie detector in this game, i don't want to lynch the wrong person because i'm relying on my gut. right now my gut seems to be off  :(


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I haven't changed how it works, just when I can use it and that is my fault. I got confused after Rey told me I had two the first day, and I think I confused myself PMing him.

I already sent one in, and I should be getting one when he gets on. I hope.


I really don't care if a finder shows me as scum, because then if you lynch me, you only have another player to look at.


I go after people when I am sure Red. You know this. :P


Also..to what you said earlier...of course I am paranoid. :D

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