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You know, I'm getting really sick of getting called out in this game for not participating enough.  I've posted every real life day that this game has been open with the exception of the day I took my kid for his eye appointment (a 6 hour trip for us).  I did log into DM that day, but was spending my focus on the game I was going to be lynched in.  This game has generated 670+ posts in 4 days and that's a lot to read through and try and figure out, particularly for someone who doesn't have all day to sit in front of the computer and do it.  We're remodeling a house, so my time is limited to evenings when we'd be breaking noise ordinances if we kept working or during the day when my kids will let me have a minute.  I'm currently in other games where being able to log on once or twice a day and participate is a perfectly fine level of activity and I had no way of knowing that this would be a game where I'd have to be glued to my computer or be considered inactive.


As far as Ed vs Lily, I don't know.  I'm leaning towards believing Ed, but I'm wary of killing people who have role claimed.  I know that false claims happen and that the likelihood of having two lie detectors in the game is probably fairly slim, but because of Talya's role and what it did to night actions, we'd be lynching Lily before she could even try to send in a name, since she says hers is night only.  Maybe it's just me being oversensitive because I was just lynched in another game where I was telling the truth about my role and no one believed me.  :P

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In reply to the first post on this page:




My fault! :D


Also....you guys. She needs two more votes. If you want to wait sure, do that. But either way, you have to pick between me and her.

If you kill her, she proven to be lying.

If you kill me, you get a scum tomorrow (unless she reall,y really, dupes you; I would be surprised).

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Okay...sorry guys, when I got back from my LOA it started me out on page 11...not to mention the other games (DPR's is crazy).  Anyway here is what I have to say, [glow=red,2,300]Lily[/glow]


If she is innocent, ed, I will string you up myself.  Also, I will say this I am not mafia, I am innocent, I am town, I am not cult, I am not a solo win...I think that covers everything without me having to say the line that everyone else has had to say...just in case.


If I left anything out in my list of stuff for the lie detector then let me know and I will put it all into one post so that it won't waste two views to get all of mine through!  ;)

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Guest dragonsworn1991

[glow=red,2,300]Unvote[/glow] I believe Lily is mafia but I would like to hear from her before she is hammered, and being at l-1 is to big a temptation

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Glad you agree, because she conveniently left that oout of her post, and that was the only thing I could see her missing.


I actually find a jester, with its particular win condition, to be pretty dangerous if not taken out and allowed to win or be nightkilled early.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Expanding on that thought:


What better way to get oneself lynched then to possibly help in taking out the lie detector

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Guest dragonsworn1991

It maybe, but then it could not depending on mod dicretion.


And Ed can only view one statement per viewing I think, and if so he will have to gamble on who to chose.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

She refuses, I think that is what the whole zipping of the lip signifies.  :-\


The above comment may sound snippish but it isn't intended to.

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