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I am now wondering. Is there a role which wins when everyone posts "I am not anti town"?


*eyes ed* Some kinda solo win thing. Coz even after someone posted "I am not mafia" you weren't happy and needed that person to say "I am not anti town".


This is the post that sent me into a panic last night, Ed.


Nae, I wish you could remember. You were the only other person here who was part of that conversation. I don't remember much, just that I agreed we could nk him and rid everyone of the possible threat. Something about the more people who said his phrase the more powerful he might get. Rats! I hate my memory!




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I remember that. It cracked me up. Especially since Pete came up with the phrase, so if I was a solo win, he wouldn't know.


Nae wasn't in that convo. And at the time, she couldn't have been recruited, as it didn't happen until today.

I like how since you know you are going to die, you said NK to try and get her.

You will remember, I cleared her.

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Yeah I remember that now.  We were also about the only active mafia team playing. :P


I did ask him though and he said "the ability I got with my role changed depending on how many people said Small Furde"

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LOL I dreamed about this game last night, too. I dreamed I came up with a way to know for sure who was telling the truth between Lily and Ed :P Seriously. Before you get excited, I don't remember it, and besides, since it was a dream, I'm sure the rules of the game had changed. Craziness.

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Ed, my thinking last night was that different mods do different things, and maybe you had the task of getting everyone to say one phrase. Maybe you could use any phrase. It was lame, but sometimes those "outside the box" things actually work. My excuse is that I was tired. Really tired. Based on what Nae just said, maybe you all can see where I jumped to that idea.


Nae and I are talking about another game. I don't think she's mafia in this one. If she is, she's very good at it.


I'm in a lot of dreams.  ;) (not usually female ones, though. That's a bit new for me.)


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I got so busy answering that I forgot the main reason I had to post. Yesterday, I said I couldn't sit here on the computer all day, but that's exactly what I did. Today, I have things I have to go out and do. For some reason, the kids want food in the house, and the car has to go to the shop for a new belt. It's also my visitation weekend with my son who lives with dad. So, I have to go pick him up. I'll be scarce most of today. Not to mention, I'm a sitter, and I'm neglecting my Ajah. And I'd like to get some sewing done in between all those things. Please don't kill me while I'm busy with RL and stuff. I think Rey is letting us go to the deadline, not ending with a hammer vote, but just in case....



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Haha. It's weird dreaming about people you've only met online, too. Because you don't really know what they look like, so...you don't really see them in the dream. They're just sort of...formless entities. Or something :D

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Haha. It's weird dreaming about people you've only met online, too. Because you don't really know what they look like, so...you don't really see them in the dream. They're just sort of...formless entities. Or something :D


I laughed at this one rather hard  ;D  :-*


Ok, I'm feeling the mud layer is getting a tad too thick. So here's a helpful point.


The recruitment and enhancement were direct consequences of you guys choosing the baths. Otherwise things would have happened differently. The recruitment was thus ONE TIME ONLY.




Vote Count - Day Two


Lily (8.) : Pete, Red, Ed, Al, Wombat, Jeran, MCS, Nae

Ed (3): Liathiana, Lily, dapianoplay3r

Pete (1): Pale

Boopsy (1): Boopsy


Day Ends Sunday at 9pm GMT.


With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

ok well do with that as you will...


Dont lead a witch hunt till you have checked it and im back on monday

I want to defend myself if need be. (If your mafia and lie about me)

I gtg

Have fun bye


You just gave me a bad idea lol. And I am not sure if Ed has filled the proper paper work to do that.



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Please don't kill me while I'm busy with RL and stuff. I think Rey is letting us go to the deadline, not ending with a hammer vote, but just in case....


Sorry Lily, but if the hammer vote falls, then day ends.


Whichever comes first, 10 votes or the deadline.  :)



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