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Moody Kin-folk...come on in.


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Just in case I've been more than normal in my grumpiness...sorry. Today started off grumpy and I haven't had a good reason not to be all day.


I have a host of things that've ticked me off that I won't bother boring you with.


What's your excuse?

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Ok, ya'll want the list I omitted before? Let's see...


1- dead rodent smell. *gags* I really hate dead rodents, especially when they crawl under my house and die. This is the only reason I haven't been screaming about how cold it's been. cold keeps the smell down, so sayeth Anita Blake.


2- My husband decided to be a bum and not go to work and not go race.


3- I have been avoiding my house for the last three nights, therefore I am lost with all these threads.


4- People spammed my "DO NOT SPAM THIS THREAD" threads. *growls*


5- I am still exhausted from dancing all day yesterday.


6- My sinuses staged a revolt in spite of the allegra I'm taking and I couldn't breathe when I woke up.


7- Did I mention my husband?


8- It's cold inside this house because it's 57 degrees outside and we don't have the heater on and haven't had the heater on since Thursday night. (See #1 for the reason why) Nothing makes me madder, more irritable, harder to get along with, and just generally miserable than being cold.


9- The little space heater I plugged in in my office to warm it up...popped the breaker. so, no source of heat besides me and this poor CPU in here. :(


10- Payday is Friday and I want my $$ today. *sighs*


I'm sure there's more and I'll update as it comes to me. *laughs* It's been a day, I said, and you thought I was kidding!


Lor LMAO girl - you nail the toppic again.. I saw it and HAD to come and post!




1. The main reason I'm sooooo ticked is its almost too embarassing to write on here - so I won't; so its just gonna look like I'm spaming on here instead of joining in the conversation!


2. The guy who rides to school with me is a stoner (yes I used to be one, but grew the hell up) and he read a VERY personal letter that I accidently left on the seat.. made me totally embarassed - if you haven't been to Mother's lately, I don't want to be at school this next week!! ((Ok, so I wrote it - its just no details :D *growls deeply*))


3. I've been too busy on msn and DM to take care of my MoN duties, that I totally love doing!! because of all the spaming - and I can't keep up with everything any more.


4. Can't keep up with my other rp sites because too busy with DM and msn.


5. I am about to take a HUGE LoA from DM so I can take care of other business that I can't ignore any longer. (yes, I am angry about the LoA, only cause I love DM and I'm addicted to it.)


6. And I'm pissed off cause ....I'm pissed off! Being pissed off gets on my nerves more then ANYTHING - only cuase it takes a HUGE amount to get me agrivated.


*smiles at Lor* I am the exact same way you are about the cold - being cold just makes my moods that much more intense! Its not a good thing. ....us southeran women - I was born in Houston, I need my heat!!


7.I haven't got mod rights eigther for my Ajah, which I have asked J about *sighs*.


8. And just to join in with everyone - I won't have any money until I am OUT of school (which won't be until at least June) and begin working.


oh.. and how could I forget


to top this week off - here is the worst of it!


a best friend, who I love and have known for 6years called me this morning on the phone and told me he is getting deployed to Iraq for duty *heart aces*. :( ..the Light give him strength!


*walks off*


when have you bounced me on your knee? *shakes head*


nevermind...whew thats a relief..thought the bond was overworking..*shudders* hate to find myself joining SG...


*narrows eyes* very clever distracction technique...


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