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Welcome to the Hall of the Tower, if you are here you should be a Sitter either IC with a PC or playing an NSW for another Ajah, an Ajah Head, or Staff. The rules on being Sitter are fairly easy. I will be placing a list of duties and who holds what positions below. Of course Sitters are required to act with some sense of responsibility but that doesn't mean you have to be total stick in the muds. Being a Sitter or Ajah Head can be fun as well.


Staff Structure-

Division Leader: Elgee

Assistant Division Leader (Aes Sedai / Roleplay Coordinating): Rasheta

Assistant Division Leader (Novices and Accepted): Amadine

Bio Checker: WhiteWolf (Owen)

Webmistress: Taei

In Character Amyrlin: Muirenn (character Shevara Edosian)

In Character Keeper: Kara_J (character Raslyn Altearin)


Members of the White Tower:

Members are last rollcall- 38 59

Allisia Sedai, Amadine, Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai, Arath Faringal, Chikara, Christine, claireducky, craftyreader, DarthRand, Elgee, Elliara, Eqwina, Far Dareis Mai, Grimm, Jagen Sedai, Jehaine, Kara_J, Kathleen, Kelitor, keyholder21, Knytiri, Lavinya, Leala Gymorraine, Liitha, Little Miss, lt.nolan0347, Marta Sedai, Maryam, Matalina, minisamus, Miya, Moseley, Muirenn, Myrenna, Myriam Finnash, Mystica, Nyanna al'Meara, Nynaeve, perine, Phelix, poetstorm, Pookie, Questor, Raeyn, Rasheta Ardashir, SerenaMorrigan, Serey, Serick Kerani, Taei, TaiDashan, Taren, Taymist, Tigara, U4ea, Visar Falmaien, Wayward_fool, WhiteWolf, Wintrow, Zhoaya


IC Members of the Hall (main time line):

Amyrlin Seat: Shevara Edosian (currently NSW with permission from Muirenn)

Keeper of the Chronicles: Raslyn Altearin (currently NSW with permission from Kara_J)

Mistress of Novices (main time line): Talina Odile Bolaine (Amadine)

Mistress of Novices (in retro): Valeri Kinaea (Amadine)



Blue Ajah:

Ajah Head: NSW ... (Keyholder21) aka: First Selector





Brown Ajah:

Ajah Head: Carina al'Tara (Mystica) aka: First Chair

Sitter: Carina al'Tara (Mystica)

Sitter: Sada Kuchim (NSW; no specified writer)

Sitter: Sarita Kalian (NSW; no specified writer)


Gray Ajah:

Ajah Head: NSW ... (Jagen Sedai) aka: First Voice

Sitter: Freja Peyrodin (NSW; no specified writer)

Sitter: Pia Tovisen (Lavinya)

Sitter: Ziya Asynawa (NSW)


Green Ajah:

OOC Ajah Head: NSW Amena Linoram (U4ea Loraine aka: Captain General


Sitter: Loraine Kilaine (U4ea)

Sitter: Rasheta Ardashir


Red Ajah:

Ajah Head: Zarinen Rafaliva (Elgee) aka: Highest

Sitter: Jasmyne Ceres (Tigara):

Sitter: Larindhra Reyne (Elgee)

Sitter: Jagen Halin (Jagen)


White Ajah:

Ajah Head: Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (Taei) aka: First Reasoner

Sitter: Taeadra Culthane

Sitter: Thanelle Kelwgar

Sitter: Umeka Marhadi (NSW; no specified writer)


Yellow Ajah:

Ajah Head: Camigwen Klatsang Marivin (Wayward_fool) aka: First Weaver

Sitter: Desandre Casban (NSW; no specified writer)

Sitter: Eqwina al'Caupthn

Sitter: Nynaeve Maryim


The Non-Ajah (Black):

Ajah Head: ... (IC Kathleen) aka: ...




List of Duties

Heads of Ajahs or Sitters


1. Report to the Report Board once a month, the RP's your members are actively rping in and further information (see here). (Either)

2. Archiving all Ajah-Related Topics and threads that you feel are important. (Either)

3. Letting the DL or ADL in charge of Aes Sedai know when someone aspires to your Ajah. (Head)

To add members to your usergroups
(either new AS, or a Sitter), please send an email to

Give the following details:

Group to be added to (WTDR [ajah name] Ajah / WTDR [ajah name] Sitters)

Full DM Username of the person

Link to their profile

Full character name

4. Make sure you are available for anyone who may have questions about your Ajah. (Both)

5. Keep up to date on your Ajah Page on website, letting ADL or DL know of any changes that need made. (Head)

6. Inform DL or ADL of changes to Sitters so he/she can add new members to Hall and remove old. Also so they can change the website info for you and this sticky. (Head)

7. Hold elections when you have enough members to do so. (Head)


Roleplay planning (internal)

1. Main Plotline roleplays for the White Tower. (Both)

2. Tower wide roleplays (Both)

3. Ajah roleplays (mainly duty of Ajah Heads and Sitters)

* Tower vs Ajah

* Ajah vs Ajah

* Sister vs Ajah

4. Individual roleplays for members (Both)

Sister vs Sister

Tower vs Sister

5. Roleplays with Novices and Accepted (Both)


Social activities

1.Creating community spirit in the Division overall and within your Ajah. (Both)

*Start discussions in the OOC boards (Either)

*Forging relationships with members (aka chatting with WTers you didn't know yet) (Either)

*Maintaining relationships with members (aka chatting with WTers you know) (Either)

*Keep a contact list of all Ajah Members, including Birthdays

*Stickys Must be in your name, with new and complete, rules, link to website, contact information for Ajah Head, and list of

members, as well as link to RP report board. (Head)

*Keep track of any aspies you may have (Head)


As your DL this is what I expect of you:

1. Be Actively involved in both the RP and OOC side of the White Tower.

2. Actively develop RolePlays in and out of your Ajah

3. Maintain a relationship with all Ajah Sisters within your Ajah

4. Maintain a relationship with your Sisters of the Tower, ie other Ajahs.

5. Encourage roleplay Ideas!! I love rps, I don't care if they are big or small, and I usually approve most everything that comes across my desk. If I don't notice your email or PM, poke me again. I get busy sometimes and forget.

6. Ajah Pride! We all love our Ajahs, show it, this helps bring Aspies into your Ajah. You don't need to look down on other Ajahs but you can make your Ajah active and fun without making the other Ajahs looks bad.

7. RP! If you can not RP you can not be HoA. This rule applies to WT Staff as well.

8. Have Fun. If it's not fun than how can you make it fun for your Ajah?


Important Links:

White Tower Website

Archive Boards

White Tower Sticky

White Tower Timeline

White Tower Bio Wiki

Old WT Forums

Old White Tower Website


Read and understood Elgee :)


5. Keep up to date on your Ajah Page on website, letting ADL or DL know of any changes that need made. (Head)


Shouldn't that be "Keep up to date on your Ajah page on website, letting ADL or DL know any changes that needto bemade?


It sounds a bit weird how it is now. *ggls*


  • 8 months later...

I need to update the above, but here's something I don't find anywhere:


To add members to your usergroups (either new AS, or a Sitter), please send an email to dmwhitetowerstaff@gmail.com

Give the following details:

Group to be added to (WTDR [ajah name] Ajah / WTDR [ajah name] Sitters)

Full DM Username of the person

Link to their profile (until that is fixed, link to a post by them)

Full character name

  • 1 month later...

Could all Ajah Heads / Sitters please check here that your Ajah's info is correct, and if not, give me the correct info?


Please check the whole site for info on your Ajah, while you're at it :wub:


Posted (edited)

OK, we need to edit the list for the Greens VERY BADLY, as most of those people aren't around, anymore. :(


Are we talking characters or users on that list? I'd like very much to make the Captain-General an NPC, but it might get confusing with contact info listed there. I need to get updated contact info for my group, anyway, so I'll use this as an opportunity. :)


Ajah Head- ?

Sitter- Loraine Kilaine (loraine.kilaine@gmail.com)

Sitter- Rasheta Ardashir (kaileenasedai@live.com )

Sister- Kathleen Vanidar (need e-mail)

Sister- Kabria Delondre-(need e-mail)

Sister- Cemarillinin Adoa (need to double check that e-mail)




I'll update this list as I get info/decisions are made about Ajah Heads, etc. Elgee, if you'd like to put your two cents in on the discussion, there's a thread in the Greens. :) THANKS!



I'll also make myself a note this weekend to make a spin around threads to check for my contact info in the Head spot. Wow, I gotta lot a work to do...

Edited by Rasheta Ardashir
  • 2 weeks later...

There's a lot that needs changed for the Yellows as well. And while we're on the topic, does anyone know who has access to the page listed there? http://yellowajah.wordpress.com/


Otherwise I'll just get a new one done up.


I'll get a full list of Yellow asap. I'm just psyched coz we've got quite a few Yellows turning up. *grins* Making me a very happy First Weaver.


No clue, Boopsie, but as I told you before, I really REALLY want to gather all the information in one place, ie the WT Site. It gets utterly messy and confusing when each Ajah has their own site, then that information there has to be repeated at the official WT site, and brought onto DM as well - it's a lot of wasted time and effort.


Once Taei gets back from her LoA, I'll ask her to liaise with you about incorporating the info you have in that site, onto the Yellow Ajah page at the WT site.


Lor I've fixed a bit of the Green Ajah stuff. I'll track Kat's e-mail down and put that up as well. :)




Actually... same here. I really didn't wanna have to work with a separate site, but I would like to have someone to work with to get the necessary information up on the WT one. However, I would also like to not have restrictions about how much information about the Yellow I can put up. And the format it goes up in, which I would assume the WT site would have. So... yeah. Just wondering if there's someone I can work with. I can have everything on the WT site, but I don't want to be told, "Sorry, that's too much." or "No, you can't do that because we are trying to make it uniform and your Ajah is just TOO AWESOME." and stuff.


I'm just saying. *shrugs*

  • 2 months later...

Could all Ajah Heads / Sitters please check here that your Ajah's info is correct, and if not, give me the correct info?


Please check the whole site for info on your Ajah, while you're at it :wub:


I need the correct info to update the site.


Example of what I need re handle / character detail:


Head of the Ajah: Character name + bio link (DM Handle + profile link using PC / NSW): email address


Sitter: Character name + bio link (DM Handle + profile link / NSW)

Sitter: Character name + bio link (DM Handle + profile link / NSW)

Sitter: Character name + bio link (DM Handle + profile link / NSW)

Aes Sedai: Character name + bio link (DM Handle + profile link / NSW)


We should have most of these bio links, if they're currently active PCs.


I am not asking for the email addresses of anyone other than the Heads, as some people prefer to keep that private.


For any other info that needs to be updated, please specify exactly WHAT you want to replace WITH what.


Once either Taei, Rashi, Amadine or I have update the info at the Site and/or in this thread, your post will be deleted.


Black Ajah


Head of the Ajah: Character name + bio link (Kathleen + profile link using PC / NSW): kat.alcorma@gmail.com


Council Member: Raeyn Priya Saethyr Sedai + bio link (Raeyn + profile link)

Council Member: Cemarillinin Adoa Sedai + bio link (Liitha + profile link)

Council Member: Alicatia Sunoma Sedai +bio link (Matalina + profile link)

Council Member: Iriana Tenialle Sedai+bio link (Muirenn + profile link)



Aes Sedai: Jasmyne Ceres Sedai + bio link (Tigara + profile link)

Aes Sedai: Eqwina al'Caupthn Sedai + bio link (Eqwina + profile link)

Aes Sedai: Seheria Mori Sedai + bio link (Kathleen + profile link)


Characters who are MiA:

Aes Sedai: Faerzyne Grigory Sedai + bio link (DM Handle Unknown + profile link / NSW)

Aes Sedai: Vera Cadsanome Sedai + bio link (Ashara + profile link)

  • 1 month later...

So, Here's Phelix with the Gray Ajah info...


Head of the Ajah "Head Clerk"/Sitter: Themis do'Modron a'Rhiannon (NSW played by Phelix)

Sitter: Ziya Asunawa (NSW played by Quisalas Selene): quisalasrah[a]gmail.com <~~~ not sure if Quisalas is active anymore.

Sitter: Freja Peyrodin (NSW)

Sister: Alicatia Sunoma: matalina[a]gmail.com <~~~Active?

Sister: Cetaile din Lenaara: clairesedai[a]yahoo.com <~~~ Active?

Sister: Lavinya Morganen: lavinyasedai[a]gmail.com<~~~Active?


Sister:: Ophelia Altair: tigara[a]look.ca <~~~Active?



It looks like I'll be doing a lot of emailing to see if these folks still want to play. If anyone has any information about people who are entirely done with RP, I don't want to harass them.


I'm going with the trend that the HoA is also a Sitter, unless there's objection to that.


I'm also planning on setting up an email address that is just for the Gray Ajah Head, that way it doesn't need to go to my personal address. When I move on, I'll be able to pass along the email account information to the new Head Clerk. That will leave them with a full record of anything/everything I did.






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