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Scene's missed we want to see.

Angel of Death

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I was wondering if anything has happended in the books offstage that you want to see.


Me I want to see Elayne's accepted test.


There are a few other examples I can think off like this;


Ingtars last stand

Suian's Aes Sedai test


Sorry can't think of many more right now.


Just say what you think.


I agree with Kaznan. I wanna know who Semi fought with.


Also the other lives of Mat and Perrin. And Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne during the battle of Tear with the Trollocs...


Tam and Abel when they went to the Tower to find out where Rand and Mat was. I'd like to hear what they thought about everything that had happened up to that point.


oh oh! and I wish we had more Tam-POV's. I wanna know what he thinks about Rand being the Dragon Reborn..


wow, no one's called this one yet? ok I'll be the first:


I want to know the PoV's of Graendal, Lanfear, Moriaine, Moridin, and Slayer while Asmodean was being killed.


I also REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want a PoV from Taim. We still haven't gotten one, and I want to know what's going on in his freaking head!

Tam and Abel when they went to the Tower to find out where Rand and Mat was. I'd like to hear what they thought about everything that had happened up to that point.


oh oh! and I wish we had more Tam-POV's. I wanna know what he thinks about Rand being the Dragon Reborn..

I second all of that! I hope we do see more of Tam's POV in AMoL. It would be really interesting to see Rand from the POV of someone who last knew him as a sweet, naive farm boy. Who better than Tam? :P


How about Mat killing Couladin? We heard a bit after the fact, but that would have been sweet.


I also want more Taim, or even some with Logain's POV. I don't recall that in the series.

How about Mat killing Couladin? We heard a bit after the fact' date=' but that would have been sweet.


I also want more Taim, or even some with Logain's POV. I don't recall that in the series.[/quote']


This is what I was thinking of also, but the Tam and Abel White Tower adventure would be cool too.


I'd like to know what questions and what answers Moraine asked and recieved when she went into the Ter Angreal and what she is doing as of now since Lanfeer has been pulled out to be Moridin's pet.


I wouldnt mind reading what actually happened to the half man Fain butchers in TGH as Ingtar and Rand are chasing the horn. In the weird villiage where Rand is caught in that trap where he watches the flies and the family eat dinner.


A cool POV for Taim or Logain would be the moment that Rand removes the taint from the OP. To see their reaction and how they handle what must have been one of the greatest shocks of their life would be interesting to say the least.


I want to know whats going on between Moridin and Shaidar Haran. Weve had PoVs from both, none of which mention the other, but Im sure they are linked in some way OR that Shaidar Haran is a disguise Moridin weaves using the True Power to intimidate other bad guys. Remember when Osangar first came about and Shaidar picked him up & charged at the wall, and when Osangar opened his eyes Shaidar was gone but Moridin was there? What does everyone think? Please dont just say "RJ has confirmed that its wrong" without putting a link on here coz am positive Shaidar is moridin in disguise

Guest Majsju

The one SH charges towards a wall only to end up wioth Moridin is Moghedien, not Osan'gar. SL held her captive in a vacuole, when he charged her at the wall he threw her back into the real world, to be Moridin's plaything.


RJ has made several comments that proves SH is not Moridin, I don't have time to dig up more than one right now.


"Week 23 Question: Was the Fade who visited Jaichim Carridin in the Prologue of The Dragon Reborn an early version of Shaidar Haran? Its response that it likes to keep an eye on 'all who serve me' and its apparent sense of humour are behaviour atypical of a Fade.


Robert Jordan Answers: I was wondering who would spot that. Shadar Haran Version 0.5! The Dark One doesn't get it spot on the first time every time."




There's also a quote where RJ says that while SH is not the DO's avatar, the DO has put some of his powers into SH.


I would like to see Taims POV when Rand cleanses the source. I think that would be great.

Are we going to get to know what happened to Asmodean?


I'd take any Asha'man's POV when the taint was cleansed. I'm guessing the power would've been fluctuating like crazy at the time.


A Be'lal POV during TDR would be nice. All we really know of him is that he was Demandred V0.1 in personality.


Sheriam POV in Knife of Dreams just so we can know what the hell is going on with her.


An Aginor POV when he was masquerading as Dashiva. It'd be interesting to see what he thought of Rand and what he was actually doing.


Old Skool said:

Oh oh! In TDR, we dont read how Rand meets the Aiel, and gets the to help him storm the stone of tear. That would of been a really sick couple of scenes.


I don't think that they did meet before the storming of the Stone. I believe that Rand's plan was to sneak in and try to take the sword by himself. The Aiel were there because that is where the Wise Ones sent them. If it had been a coordinated attack, don't you think they would have gone in at the same time?


How Tam won his Heron Mark sword.


Also, I think there would be mileage in a 'New Spring' type of book covering Tam's story in the Aiel War and his discovery of Rand / bringing home Kari.I'd buy it!!


I wish that there could have been a scene where Faile walks into perrins tent and sees berelain trying to kiss him, and then they duke it out and then faile totally owns berelain, but with actuall fighting moves insted of just hair pulling.


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