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Any idea where that is?

Absolutely not.


Could be TAR. Perrin goes into Lanfear's 'lair' in TAR once, and she throws him out - the specifics of which I've never completely understood. Being the Daughter of the Night, it seems likely that she'd live there - in TAR.


Who is Ameresu? I found the name in the thread which questioned whether the Dragon necessarily is male, but I couldn't find any reference as to who this person really is or where the name origins from, neither via the search function nor via google.


Amaresu I believe is the right spelling, which might help in the search for information. All I recall about her is that she appears with the Heroes of the Horn when Mat blows it at Falme, so obviously she is someone special. I think she had a named weapon or some such?


Amaresu I believe is the right spelling, which might help in the search for information. All I recall about her is that she appears with the Heroes of the Horn when Mat blows it at Falme, so obviously she is someone special. I think she had a named weapon or some such?

Take off on the sun goddess of Japan I think. That name would be closer to Ameterasu.


Hello, not sure I should post this on the end of here, rather than make a new thread, but here goes anyway :)




I have been wondering for the last few books (about 200 pages into ToM now, but won't mention any of that here) as to who knows about Rands bond to his 3 Women, I suppose only the 'main' characters. I have got a little confused by this overall. Nynaeve seems to know, but I don't ever recall this being discussed (I would assume the only real chance of this happening would be talking to Min). Cadusune has worked it out (as of CoT). Birgitte I assume also knows via the bond to Elayne. I guess she would keep this a secret, or perhaps tell the wise ones know also. The main point in this though is Nynaeve's knowing, I know she knows but don't recall her ever been told, and wonder if there was a missed announcment or similar. If anyone knows that would be a great help, saving my sanity and the endless web searches (and then I can get on with finishing ToM) :)




One of the Wise Ones, Monaelle, apparently knows:

CoT, ch. 14

“Men cause trouble even when they are elsewhere,” Aviendha said softly.


“They do,” Elayne agreed.


Monaelle smiled at the exchange. She was among the few who knew about the bonding of Rand, and who the father of Elayne’s baby was.

Apart from her, it's only Birgitte who knows about it IIRC.


Oh, I forgot that. If Monaelle knows, likely the other WO present when Aviendha adopted Elayne know as well. That includes Amys. Will she tell other Dreamwalkers and/or Rhuarc?


EDIT: And something more disturbing. If she's DF, will she tell the Shadow?


Shaidar Haran first appears in LoC. Demandred meets him at SG and then the two Gars have a pleasant chat with him.

An earlier beta version has a conversation with Carridin in TGH.

Lots of discussion of him, and his strange powers, and his rather unusual sense of humour.


Hey all i am new to these forums so please be gentle :rolleyes:


I thought that Shaidar Haran was first introduced in TGH somewhere near the begining of the book. Although he was not mentioned by name there was an odd fade that was all smiley and all with a kind of messed up sense of humour.


Am i wrong or am i feeling the effects or saidin pre cleansing in that i am making things up?


As Sharaman said in the post you quoted, that Fade was a trial version for SH.



Ah yes, i should have read that a bit more carefully! Apologies :laugh:


Ok this seemed the best place to get this clear. i am doing another re-read and I have come to the point with Thom and the Fade at Whitebridge in the first book. First I think this is part is written a bit different then the first copy I had but as i have lost/loaned that copy I am not sure if it is that or just memory. Second has the "Blue Light" ever been adequately explained? I am reading a New Hard back version. Thanks


RJ said two things that I'm aware of. First, the sparks began before Thom reached the Fade. Second, that Thom's best pair of knives is very special indeed. In fact, TEotW originally said that Thom lost his best pair at SL, but that was later fixed to accommodate this scene.


So no, no conclusive answer. It does seem likely that Thom's knives were Power-wrought. Or perhaps, this is another instance of Fades fighting Fades.


My guess is Thom threw his best knives--which in this theory were power-wrought--which the Myrdraal swiped aside with his swords resulting in the blue tinge. A similar event occurs between Mat and a Myrdraal in tSR.


But yes, we don't know for sure.


I have a totaly random question lol.

What does the different colors on dragons in the posts/threads mean? (red dragon, brown dragon and semi-invisible dragon?)


Just re-reading from the start and saw something in tGH that confused me - when first talking to Moiraine, Siuan says that she's the fifth Amyrlin raised from the Blue in a row, and that she's been Amyrlin for 10 years...


But in NS the Amyrlin raised after Tamra died was from the Grey (and from Moiraine's perspective she should've been a Red) - so is this a mistake, or were there really suddenly 4 new Amyrlins raised in the 10 years between the Grey Amylin (name escapes me) and Siuan...?


I have a totaly random question lol.

What does the different colors on dragons in the posts/threads mean? (red dragon, brown dragon and semi-invisible dragon?)


There's a legend for the symbols at the bottom of the forum page that shows what most of them mean.


Just re-reading from the start and saw something in tGH that confused me - when first talking to Moiraine, Siuan says that she's the fifth Amyrlin raised from the Blue in a row, and that she's been Amyrlin for 10 years...

She wasn't. See here. Hmm, I wonder what could've possessed RJ to say so.


Just re-reading from the start and saw something in tGH that confused me - when first talking to Moiraine, Siuan says that she's the fifth Amyrlin raised from the Blue in a row, and that she's been Amyrlin for 10 years...

She wasn't. See here. Hmm, I wonder what could've possessed RJ to say so.


Hrm...possibly a simple mistake, or maybe RJ changed his mind by the time he wrote NS and made Sierin Vayu a Gray/Red instead to add some antagonism against Moiraine - since if she were Blue then what Siuan said in tGH would've been correct as Sierin has 2 Blue Amyrlins either side of her in the list.


When Alanna and Verin are in the two rivers Alanna sometimes goes somewhere... to do something...

Verin tells Perrin about that when she tells him he shouldn't trust Alanna.


Also when someone was injured (think it was Perrin) Alanna wasn't around for a wile.


Any clue what she's doing?




Later when Elayne and Nyn are in Salidar they use the need-trick in the world of dreams to find the bowl of winds.

But before they do they go to one of the store rooms of the white tower.

What Terangreal is in the store room? Would it also be something to fix the weather?


On your first thing, no idea, and I'd wondered the same thing about the need trip to the tower for Nynaeve and Elayne. Given the number of TA that the AS have no idea what they do, it's possible there is another weather TA in the tower collection that would have been sufficient. That their need focus was a bit different and it took them where there were things to help them beat the black ajah, like the fluted rod. I've thought about this at random intervals but never come up with anything conclusive.

When Alanna and Verin are in the two rivers Alanna sometimes goes somewhere... to do something...

Verin tells Perrin about that when she tells him he shouldn't trust Alanna.


Verin knows Alanna was considering bonding Perrin--Faile ultimately headed that off by threatening Alanna, but for a time Alanna considered it. Verin thinks about this shortly after Alanna bonded Rand.


Later when Elayne and Nyn are in Salidar they use the need-trick in the world of dreams to find the bowl of winds.

But before they do they go to one of the store rooms of the white tower.

What Terangreal is in the store room? Would it also be something to fix the weather?


Possibly--they were actually searching for something to help Rand, and help tie the Aes Sedai to Rand. The Bowl served that purpose, but that doesn't mean that a non-weather ter'angreal couldn't have done much the same.

Posted (edited)

So WoT wiki says


"Interestingly, Ogier stedding are inaccessible from Tel'aran'rhiod, and Robert Jordan has said that Ogier themselves cannot be Dreamwalkers (Notes from DragonCon-2005). "


I noticed the Wolfkin here (RP div) live in a stedding, but are able to enter TAR from it. My question is, would that statement by RJ be meant to include that a dreamwalker within a stedding wouldn't be able to enter the dream at all, or simply that once in the dream they wouldn't be able to go where their body was in the Waking world?


If you think that the second option is correct, then how could one leave TAR to re-enter their body, if they can't move from TAR into a stedding? Would they be in essence, locked out of their own bodies?




Also, recently in the book, we notice as the LB draws near, the skys are constantly over-cast, it doesn't rain, and crops are failing. Why not use the Bowl of Winds again, to fix the weather?

Edited by Amore

If you think that the second option is correct, then how could one leave TAR to re-enter their body, if they can't move from TAR into a stedding? Would they be in essence, locked out of their own bodies?

I do, but I don't see the problem. You don't need to be where your body is in order to leave tel'aran'rhiod. Access to that specific location shouldn't restrict you too much. Perhaps someone here could help me with this: did we actually see Perrin leaving the Dream when his tents were in the area affected by the Dreamspike? It seems reasonable that we did, but I can't distinctly remember.


Also, recently in the book, we notice as the LB draws near, the skys are constantly over-cast, it doesn't rain, and crops are failing. Why not use the Bowl of Winds again, to fix the weather?

Hmm. I'm not sure that the overcast skies are actually weather patterns so much as the DO's (direct) influence.

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