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Dragonmount Staff Appreciation


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  • Moderator

So it occurred to me this morning, that it would be sort of nice to say thank you to the DM staff in some way, shape or form. These guys work pretty hard, mostly behind the scenes, to keep DM rockin'.  But we don't really take much time to appreciate them when they are doing things right. It's kind of like a chair. You don't notice when it works well, but if someone yanks it out from under you, you better believe you notice then.  Anyways, I thought it might be fun if I collected some anonymous appreciations for the staff, which I will then pass onto them as a sort of non denominational mid-winter holiday/end of year present from all of us.  So if you'd like to contribute, click this link and say your piece. If you'd just like to appreciate everyone in general, just write "All" in the appropriate box. I'll collect these, then repost them here so everyone can see what a great staff we have to keep this community chugging along.





  • Moderator

The board moderators, the Org Leaders, the Division Leaders and the Admins.


Arath Faringal  













Far Dareis Mai



Karana Majin

Kathana Trevalaer

Kevin Dean






Mr. Soy Boyo










The Thin Inn Keeper







Is DreadPirateRoberts not a mod anymore?


He is - Danya no longer is.  I think Kath just confused the two because of their similar bosoms.


Is DreadPirateRoberts not a mod anymore?


He is - Danya no longer is.  I think Kath just confused the two because of their similar bosoms.


Bosom appreciation of Staff of DM? :D

  • Moderator

I can't even list all my coworkers without cheating, and there's less than a dozen of us and I see them every day. Stop making me fail!


I can't even list all my coworkers without cheating, and there's less than a dozen of us and I see them every day. Stop making me fail!



  • Moderator

I'm going to start posting the ones I've received, since I have so many right now. It'll be easier if I do this in batches. So if you haven't sent in yours yet, don't despair. Go ahead and send it.


For All Staff:


Thank you for giving me hours of geeky pleasure...


A priceless gathering point of other followers of the series, especially without other RL friends who are into fantasy. Awsome and thanks.


I just wanted to say that all the work that you guys do is greatly appreciated and I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks for all the work on the links, thanks for the forums, thanks for the podcast, thanks for... you get the picture.

Walk in the Light!


I haven't been on this site for very long but I have spent a tone of time on here.  Every post that I have read has been great, every thread I have visited immaculately kept, and any problems I have had solved immediately. Thank you every one for keep this site in tip top shape!


Thank you, thank you, thank you. DM is a wonderful place for readers.


Dragonmount gives me a much appreciated refuge for my WoT involuntary ticks 11 months a year (it was much more than that until recently), when there isn't a new book for me to obsess over. Thank you guys, I'd might go crazy without you.


1 spider +2 matches = 1 dead spider


Thank you to everyone who makes DM run. I love coming here and participating in the different Orgs. I have met some really awesome people here and it has enriched my life. Thank you so much for keeping the site running, for watching out for us, and for keeping things running as smoothly as possible.

I know that problems arise and sometimes you have to step in and resolve conflicts, fire staff members and deal with stuff that is hard on you. Thank you for being fair and consistent. I am from the Green Ajah just for reference on the Org. side.

I came to this site because of my love for the world RJ created. I stay because you all made it as real as possible for us who love the series. Not only that, but you work your buns off to keep it running and it is just awesome that we have all of you.

Thank you for another year of keeping things running and helping us live a dream and make friends.


I want to say thanks for all you guys do to make Dragonmount a fun place to be.  I have met many wonderful people because of it.  (including some of you)  You put up with alot and are quick to take care of any situation and, from my nearly 4 years of being here, you've done it fairly.  Kath especially has done alot.  Congrats on the success of Jordancon and may it have many many many more years to honor an absolutly wonderful man.


For the Org Leaders


I would like to send my compliments to the Org Staff for all the great and hard work they do in their Orgs, and for their willingness to volunteer so much of their time and for putting so much effort into making the Orgs a place where we want to keep coming and hanging out online. I can't imagine how stressful it can be at times, especially when we all have real lives also that take precedence, but I want you to know that I see your work, and I really appreciate what you do.


For Barmacral


Oh, Barm.  Your little part-time praise-minion has returned for a little while...

You are so sexy, you know.  Just amazingly so.  Every time you're in the room I'm blinded by your sexiness, and everyone else seems horridly ugly in comparison.  And I'd feel bad for them but I usually forget they exist.

You know what's best for everyone, you really do, and you're dang good at your job too!  You really deserve to run the whole world, but the stupidly blind majority of the world's population don't understand that they'd really be happier living their lives in mindless servitude to the Moste Sexy.


For CosmicPanda



Have a good day, love. O.o


For the Debate Moderators


I would like to give a high five to the crazies that mod the D&D. You've got to have balls of steel to hang  out at that board for more than an hour at a time. I salute you!


For Elgee


There are not words that can say how awesome Elgee is! She is dedicated, caring, fiesty, nutty, fun, amazing. I love her to bits!


For Emperor


This person has taken a lot of crap from people, and this person has handled themselves with superb aplomb. I don't think we could have a better Community Admin.


Your hard work does not go unnoticed.  Thanks so much for all you do!!


for Far Dareis Mai


For always managing to make me laugh with her jokes and musings on life.


I just want to say that I think FDM is a bad ass admin, and I find her honesty refreshing. I hope that never has to change, and she keeps on keeping it real, for both Staff and other members.


Far Dareis Mai isn't very shy

and she weilds a hefty banstick.

"But do not deny," I hear you all cry,

"that she is a very cool chick!"


And quite right, too.


Fiddlesticks Mods


I would like to extend my appreciation for all of the mods who have to deal with the headache that Fiddles most likely is. I don't actually participate there, because I hate SPAM, but I have to give respect where it is due! Good job, folks!




I would like to appreciate Haxorsist, for not technically still being a member of Dragonmount Staff, since his Discussion Group is getting shut down, but still rocking it out silently anyway! *highfives*


For Kathana


You're badass, but cuddly. What more could you want in an Admin?


For Kivam


Kivam treats everyone with kindness and respect, applies his modly powers wisely and all in all makes the board a better place.  Go Kivam! You set the standard for the rest of us. Bonus points for endurance.


For Luckers


Always looking out for the hot topic and even the little ones.  We all know he's Demandred but he ain't so bad a guy.  He always starts good threads and steps in with pertinent information if something is being hotly discussed.  Luckers Rules the Borderlanders...yeah we know thats where you are posting from, don't try to deny it!


For Meesh


more awesome than any simple maiden!


Meesh, now what can I say about her?  She's clearly the most amazing person in the whole wide world.

I love you, Meesh, and would gladly obey every crazy stupid rule you lay down on us in Fiddles, or anywhere really, simply because you are the most awesome Sith Squirrel out there.  No one can compare in pure coolness, or likability.

You're the best mod, too.  Can I lick your feet?  No, no, that's too presumptuous...  Can I maybe talk to you sometime, you know, directly?  That would be amazing..


For Claire


MotherDucker is so supportive of everyone. She takes the time to get to know as many people as she can, which makes them feel special. She's totally awesome, and very loved by her Tower.


For Nynaeve


Nyna Nyna Nyna you rock my socks off so much!!!  You are fantastically wonderfully awesomely amazing!!!  Keep being great, love ya! *snogs*


For Talya


Talya, despite the harsh things some people said when you took over the Black Tower as Org Leader, I am impressed with the changes you have affected to the Org. You've done some great work there, and you should be proud of it.


I'd stand beside you any day, without hesitation. Great work.


-name redacted



The PSW Staff


It has been my pleasure to work with some of the best people ever to be nominted to the PSW Staff. Firstly my Assistant Admin Taymist. A most trusting and wonderful person, it has been a pleasure to work with her.


Secondly to the Division Leaders. Without your selflessness and commitment the PSW would not run one tenth as well as it does with you. Long may you continue to do so.


Thirldy the Assistant DL's. Never let it be said that i do not appreciate your contributions. Without you guys, the DL's would never be able to operate in the fashion they do, it is appreciated.


Thank you all for an excellent 2009, here's hoping you are all around to hear this again next year.


Name redacted (but I think you can guess who anyways.)




*snugglehugs Lor*

Lor, you're fantastic!  You do a heckuva lot around DM, and deserve muchly praise and adoration!  I shall sing your praises!


Lor is teh awesomest gal

She is my favorite pal

Working hard from dawn till dark

I hope she's never bitten by a shark!


For Meesh, CosmicPanda, Talya and Kivam


Darth Squirrely is teh shizzle.

Talya is my lady love and sexily seductive OL

Kivam.............you suck...........but dam you play a good game of mafia.

Pandy, Pandy, Pandy.......you run a tight ship, and it makes your games all the more better you drunken panda



For Barmacral, claireducky, Kivam, Emperor, Kathana, Jason, Elgee, Raena, Taymist, Zashara 


I'd like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of the staff members who are nice to me, even though I repeatedly tick them off.


For Kathana, Jason and Ben Gaidin (who moderates our Yahoo group)


Keeping my updated on JordanCon and WoT FAQ, and treating me like a person at all!


And for taking care of us on on the WotDM Yahoo group :)


For Kivam, Emperor and FDM


I just want to give a great big hug to the Community admins for their hard work and positive attitudes. I think that they have really helped keep the community thriving and are always helping out where they can! Great job guys!




Barm rocks.

Ducky quacks!!!

Emp rules.

Far Dareis Mai wins.

Jason owns this place.


Keep em coming.

For Barmacral



Oh, Barm.  Your little part-time praise-minion has returned for a little while...

You are so sexy, you know.  Just amazingly so.  Every time you're in the room I'm blinded by your sexiness, and everyone else seems horridly ugly in comparison.  And I'd feel bad for them but I usually forget they exist.

You know what's best for everyone, you really do, and you're dang good at your job too!  You really deserve to run the whole world, but the stupidly blind majority of the world's population don't understand that they'd really be happier living their lives in mindless servitude to the Moste Sexy.


And the winner of the most amusing appreciation post is...


*snugglehugs back* I hope I'm not eaten by a shark, too. Perhaps that's why I don't venture further into the ocean than my ankles... *smiles*


Thanks for the luvin'!!! :D


For Barmacral



Oh, Barm.  Your little part-time praise-minion has returned for a little while...

You are so sexy, you know.  Just amazingly so.  Every time you're in the room I'm blinded by your sexiness, and everyone else seems horridly ugly in comparison.  And I'd feel bad for them but I usually forget they exist.

You know what's best for everyone, you really do, and you're dang good at your job too!  You really deserve to run the whole world, but the stupidly blind majority of the world's population don't understand that they'd really be happier living their lives in mindless servitude to the Moste Sexy.


And the winner of the most amusing appreciation post is...



Who else thinks Barm submitted this one himself?


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