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Avatar - Movie


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jus seen the 3d version here in aus. wow, amazing. just the way everything looks. and those dog looking things were close to what I imagined darkhounds to look like except much bigger. And though I know and imagined raken and toraken to be ugly, the scenes where they fly on those colorful beasts in the movie reminded me of the seanchan. Even the golden eyes of the indigenous species of Pandora made me think of Perrin. Was also trying to figure out if those bows they use probably fit the description of a two rivers bow.


jus thought ill share my thoughts on the movie since it reminded me of a lotta different things from wot from the way I had imagined it would be. And it simply looks fantastic.


is the actual story any good? or just a vessel for empty special effects.


yea id say its decent. i just saw it yesterday (release day). it was a fun ride. i personally dont think the 3d adds much to it so i wanna see it without 3d next time.


yeah, a pretty simple straightforward story and nothing new but it is fair enough. the visuals just make up for almost everything else.


avoid soft drinks......... its a little longer than most movies. throw in a extra cold theater....  :P


When i think of the movie i only think of the flying things as raken, it is crazy i have no idea what they are called in the movie that just what they are to me.  And when they start ripping people out of the helicopters it takes the attack in the last book to a whole new level with what might be happening.


I saw it as well in 3D, the story line was pretty solid. Im just kinda annoyed at the whole "HUMANS ARE WAYS EVILS!!!" thing they were going for. But the effects were amazing. Its definitely a movie you would like to see if you like sci-fi/fantasy movies


It was very good, and I've seen it in 3D and non.  Honestly I'd say not go for 3D.


Story was good, not excellent, and of course the special effects were great but then most of that movie was special effects.


I will admit the first time I saw it, I thought it was Avatar: The Last AirBender, before I got into the theatre, so I was originally disappointed, but the movie made up for it.


Well, I just saw it tonight, and I found it to have a bit too much Hollywood cheese drizzle to make for a solid believe-able story.  Some of the core fundamentals of the movie were never really properly explained, such as how they managed to make these avatars, though maybe they thought that un-important.  Yes, the special effects were killer and immersive.  The rest felt like it was trying to be a cross between the Matrix and Dances with Wolves, but I preferred both the Matrix and Dances with Wolves to this movie.  What can I say?. It was decent.. but just sort of did not deliver in a believable sense as far as story goes, imo..


It had that rushed feel that a lot of new movies seem to have..  Packed together, not enough simple silence to add needed weight to potentially deep subjects.  The end result was a potentially good story hindered by it's shallow foundation.  A story that a shallow minded might call deep, but was far from a tear jerker from my perspective, though the two gals that were with us in the theater both left with wet eyes... mine were rolling.. If the main character had initially had some depth to justify his special-ness, would have helped as well.  Instead, he was more like a comic figure, and once you tasted that impression, it was hard to be rid of it when he finally came around to something in the end. I dunno, it was sort of like the new star wars movies.. skipping from scene to scene without any gravity to take it down out of the air..  The kids will luv it I am sure, until they hit the ripe old age of 14-15..


I wouldn't call almost 3 hours rushed, I was able to sit through this one it kept me entertained, which is what a movie should do. I shouldn't grow bored watching one, whether it be from intrigue or action doesn't matter.


Anything that can hold my attention, I give kudos for, and this move does deserve Kudos. :)


The human tech was so weak! 200 years in the future and no laser weapons!


It was so pretty though, my garden looks fugly now.


actually it was more around 150 years :)


Just saw the movie in 3D...you don't need to. There is not much of things flying out at you. I thought there would have been. But, it still looked a little bit better than regular.


Also, I don't think it left anything out really. They didn't go explain the history really, but you can figure it out yourself by watching.


I really like the latina girl though (forgot her name) and I like when she helped the good avatar guys. ;D She died though... :(


Anyways, the 'raken' things were cool. :D

And so was the whole planetary upload system thing...


I just need to grow a long braid, and attach fiber optic cords to my brain. :D


In 2154 acc to Wikipedia


yup, it said on the bottom of the screen when the main character was doing video logs.


I will go see it with my friends next week, we were wondering if it was worth to see it on 3D (ticket cost is almost the double vs. normal).


We saw Avatar last night, and really liked it.  I just wish we had gotten there earlier so I dint have to sit in the 2d row.


My question is, did anyone else have a "Ferngully" moment?


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